B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
This project has been going for a month and a half now, and I don't think they've taken any action to stop it. And as long as they continue to support Remote Race for browsers, it is going to be awfully difficult for them to shut out the Widget permanently.

I would venture to guess they will come to Sony bragging because of the number of races hosted worldwide. I'm sure were racing more than expected.
A solid tip for the newer guys like myself is.

Low thread count, high driver delay (to get all 6 of my drivers into the same race by my mule account) and most importantly ... start a race manually with all your drivers like you would a normal remote race but check the small box on the left hand side to instantly go into server idle remote mode (or whatever) after the race is over ... then start the widget ... it should run smoother for the night then.

Something I have noticed at least.
Welcome to Yahoo! Widgets 4.5.2x10A50 on 03/30/11 05:12:23.053

Type '/help' for help.
Loaded Widget 'B-Spec Grinder' from /Users/Joe/Documents/Widgets/B-Spec Grinder.widget
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out of memory (Status.js: Line 296)
out of memory (Display.js: Line 101)
out of memory (Status.js: Line 296)
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If you're trying to run only La Sarthe, you not only need to input (in your case, paste) the relative Singapore server Le Sarthe code into the debug window, but you also need to log into the Singapore GT.com web site or the race codes will not match. http://www.gran-turismo.com/sg/
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]preferences.preferredRace.value = [B]11611;[/B][/SIZE]

thanks. except i cant hit enter, i can only paste. so i cant do anything with it. plus now i get out of memory error constantly in the grinder. never had that before 2.0.
Your current race will finish but no others will start (you will not host). Your Bob's will continue to be raced by your friends who host though.

OK, thanks for answering :)

I had to try and change it to work the way I want, so I unpacked the widget, made a few (very ugly) changes and repacked it. Now it keeps retrying every minute if the PS3 goes away.

So now I can leave the widget running, and disable server mode when I want to drive online (or play other games) , and then restart the bspec server mode on the ps3 when I'm done.

The widget will then be racing again within minutes, and I can leave that old laptop on my shelf and I don't have to "click to reconnect" to get it going again :)

Any chance of making an option to "keep retrying if server goes away" in the bspec widget?

I'd be happy with setting preferences via the debug window, I don't need this in the GUI.
small issue, still having the same issue after the latest version on the OP

when connecting it goes through the motions and then gets to 'Connecting to PS3' (pic below) and stays on it for about 5 minutes and disconnects


any ideas as what to be causing this? i've changed the server from Ireland to other ones and tried again and no results, its prob something simple i've missed thats causing it. but after noticing Shibby's post i'll try what he said tonight
small issue, still having the same issue after the latest version on the OP

when connecting it goes through the motions and then gets to 'Connecting to PS3' (pic below) and stays on it for about 5 minutes and disconnects


any ideas as what to be causing this? i've changed the server from Ireland to other ones and tried again and no results, its prob something simple i've missed thats causing it. but after noticing Shibby's post i'll try what he said tonight

I was getting this a lot yesterday until I realised that even though the PS3 said it was signed into the PSN, it wasn't. I signed out, then back in, re-ran the grinder and all was well. Shame it took 3 or 4 hours for me to notice.
I've been having issues ever since 2.0 was released by yonis, with my grinder account only selecting one friend at a time's racers. No amount of thread change or delay change would help. Then I saw a post a couple pages back about Singapore/3 threads/3 sec delay.

Set it on that, and it's been good for the past couple of races now, after no success what so ever on US with more than 1 friend's drivers.

Approx 45s to 1 min goes by between races, it just started the second full grid race.

Singapore/3/3 is a winner for me :D

Thanks Yonis! Donation incoming!

I made a list of country/race event codes, let me know if you miss one.

Yonis, feel free to add link in your initial post!
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I've been having issues ever since 2.0 was released by yonis, with my grinder account only selecting one friend at a time's racers. No amount of thread change or delay change would help. Then I saw a post a couple pages back about Singapore/3 threads/3 sec delay.

Set it on that, and it's been good for the past couple of races now, after no success what so ever on US with more than 1 friend's drivers.

Approx 45s to 1 min goes by between races, it just started the second full grid race.

Singapore/3/3 is a winner for me :D

Thanks Yonis! Donation incoming!


I'll try this, I have been having connection issues myself lately. You are US though according to your location right?
got mine working for now it goes past the Connecting to PS3 screen :) thanks for the help guys, just hopefully it continues to work like that now
it already keeps retrying. i take my ps3 offline and race and back to server mode and grinder starts a race a couple minutes later.

Yes, but at some point you will get the "Click to reconnect" message. That's the part I changed to just continue trying instead of pausing and waiting for the user to click.
Hi, I have a problem, check the window in the screenshot 1 , is never shown, only I get the main window and so remains, as shown in Figure screenshot 2, my PSN account is USA, any help? try on 2 computers and both the result is the same, both with Windows XP

screenshot 1

screenshot 2

sorry for my bad English, I only speak Spanish
check the window in the screenshot 1 , is never shown, only I get the main window and so remains

That was just done for demonstration purposes in the video. There's no way for me to get a live video feed like that.
yonis thank you so much for taking the time to make this application, I will be sending you a donation for your time and effort it's much appreciated.

I have one question thou, sometimes my widget takes a while to start up another race once one has completed, in the order of 20-30 minuets. This usualy happens once it's been running an hour or two. (I flush the GT5 internet temp regularly) any way to get it going quicker ?
I've been getting this error a lot with v2.0:
Reserving a friend's driver. PSN: *** Name: V.Austin
Reserving a friend's driver. PSN: *** Name: B.Roman
Reserving a friend's driver. PSN: *** Name: A.Newman
Reserving a friend's driver. PSN: *** Name: S.Combs
Reserving a friend's driver. PSN: *** Name: U.Van Damme
Reserving a friend's driver. PSN: *** Name: A.Hunter
Server refused to reserve *** driver even though it said it was free.
Server refused to reserve *** driver even though it said it was free.
Server refused to reserve *** driver even though it said it was free.
Server refused to reserve *** driver even though it said it was free.
Server refused to reserve *** driver even though it said it was free.
I'm connecting through Singapore with 3 threads and a 5 second delay. Any suggestions to remedy this?
Watched the vid, its great. Gonna have to share it with friends when they ask about the widget.

One thing I've noticed. When I have the widget set to balance driver experience, it will pick the driver once and then not pick a new driver for the next race. All last night it raced a driver who was the lowest until he was nearly the highest level when I stopped the widget the next morning. Small bug, not super important.

I've also increased my belief that the number of threads is tied to the # of unique PSN's that the widget pulls from. When I use 1 thread, I may have 2-3 different drivers and not even half the grid. When I use 4, I get a much wider spread of drivers and a full grid.

I've been getting this error a lot with v2.0:

I'm connecting through Singapore with 3 threads and a 5 second delay. Any suggestions to remedy this?
Probably not much you can do aside from use a server that is closer to you and your friends location though I would imagine that would only make the reservation process more accurate in knowing who is already in use and not actually get more successful reservations.
I have one question thou, sometimes my widget takes a while to start up another race once one has completed, in the order of 20-30 minuets. This usualy happens once it's been running an hour or two. (I flush the GT5 internet temp regularly) any way to get it going quicker ?
Wow, 20-30 minutes? I'm sorry to hear that. How's your bandwidth (test it)? What about your connection's quality (test it)?

You also get much more stable results if both your computer and PS3 are connected to the network via an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi. The tutorial video I made shows exactly how fast it is on my cable Internet connection with wired networking.
I've been getting this error a lot with v2.0:

I'm connecting through Singapore with 3 threads and a 5 second delay. Any suggestions to remedy this?

It's a non-critical error. I have workarounds built into the Widget so that it automatically tries to find another driver. Not much I can do if the server says the driver is free when it isn't free.

This problem was in version 1.1.3 too, but I just didn't print anything to the debug window when it happened. But people started wondering why not all of their friends' drivers were being reserved, so I added it back in.
It's a non-critical error. *snip*
Figures. As soon as I said something about it, the problem went away and it's been running perfectly since. I should have mentioned it hours ago. :P
Just received this error asking me to post in this forum, having left it running all night for the first time...


The Logging In window was showing, no idea how many races had been run.
Had Advanced Prefs set to 3 concurrent threads and 5 sec delay reserving drivers. Widget was closed on clicking I Understand due to an illegal violation. On relaunch I got the Temporary Server Issue message at Race Starting.
Note: In widget settings, you can set it to save race logs on your computer!

Thanks, yes I've turned that on... now!

And I should say a big thanks to Yonis, this was working great throughout the day yesterday.

The Mac version seems to run a bit faster than the Windows one which was sluggish to start and go through all the logging in etc.
Need some advice pls yonis. I set up my driver wish list to "always use", drag my friends in order of preference and then save but it doesn't seem to follow format. I go back into the driver set up screen and it reverts back to alphabetical order so its not using my set up. Any clues as to why or what i need to do ?
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