B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
I am wondering if the widget will pick a driver even if it's the last one someone has... I read a few posts about people complaining when their last driver is picked... I have one driver not shared so that I can always have one if I want to... I mean the extra cr and xp that the 1 driver might gain you is worth risking so that I can ensure I always have a driver at my requests.
The "Free Up" preference allows you to specify how many drivers should be left free for your friends. By default, the preference is set to leave at least 1 driver free, but that doesn't stop manual racers from taking that driver, or from people who have it set to leave none of your friends' drivers free.
I am wondering if the widget will pick a driver even if it's the last one someone has... I read a few posts about people complaining when their last driver is picked... I have one driver not shared so that I can always have one if I want to... I mean the extra cr and xp that the 1 driver might gain you is worth risking so that I can ensure I always have a driver at my requests.
I think the issue is not with picking the last Bob available. It's more about picking all Bobs for a 20-minute race. I don't mind waiting 5 minutes to get my Bob back to host other people. I do mind waiting 20 minutes.
Love it, I've been running it for the last two hour without a problem.
Just watched one of my drivers roll an RUF at Trail Mountain. LOL.
Is it necessarily bad if all your Bobs are in use? It just means that the Widget can't start a race of its own, right? Or is there some earnings shortfall if you're not running a race of your own?

I could make it so that if it detects that all your Bobs are in use, it can at least refresh the credits and experience display...
02/26/11 18:04:26.941: Data was as follows:
URL: https://us.gran-turismo.com/us/api/gt5/remoterace/
POST Data: job=7&replay_save=0&_=
Response: ----------------------------------
Could not load URL with POST
02/26/11 18:09:27.476: Command hasn't gone through. Try it again.
02/26/11 18:09:39.784: All your drivers are in other races!
02/26/11 18:09:53.481: All your drivers are in other races!
02/26/11 18:11:15.958: Race has started.
Is it necessarily bad if all your Bobs are in use? It just means that the Widget can't start a race of its own, right? Or is there some earnings shortfall if you're not running a race of your own?

I could make it so that if it detects that all your Bobs are in use, it can at least refresh the credits and experience display...

I feel it's bad in the sense you cant start a race and have 15 friends's BOBs getting action. When ya have a friends list of close to 100.....
I feel it's bad in the sense you cant start a race and have 15 friends's BOBs getting action. When ya have a friends list of close to 100.....
Got it. In keeping with the original philosophy that this Widget is supposed to help your friends, I'm taking out the option to leave no slots open.
I think the issue is not with picking the last Bob available. It's more about picking all Bobs for a 20-minute race. I don't mind waiting 5 minutes to get my Bob back to host other people. I do mind waiting 20 minutes.

Yeah that makes sense to me... I just leave one offline so I don't have to worry about it...
Got it. In keeping with the original philosophy that this Widget is supposed to help your friends, I'm taking out the option to leave no slots open.

First and foremost Yonis thank you for all of the hard work you have put into this widget so far. I ask please don't take out that option.

If the idea of this tool is to grind all of your Bobs without having to put in any work all you need to do is run your races with a second account and invite all of your main account drivers to those races. I don't want to have to "friend" random strangers just to insure all of my Bobs are seeing constant track time.

If you want to race your friends for the camaraderie aspect wouldn't you want to take control and go through the motions of actually setting up the races and not use the widget?
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I ask please don't take out that option.

If the idea of this tool is to grind all of your Bobs without having to put in any work all you need to do is run your races with a second account and invite all of your main account drivers to those races. I don't want to have to "friend" random strangers just to insure all of my Bobs are seeing constant track time.

Seconded. I've been running my bob's against my other accounts bobs, as well as friends, so I want it to use all my drivers. If I'm running only my own bobs, it's good to have the option to use all drivers. When running friends bob's, I can choose to leave one free. So it's a good option to have. :)

Thanks from me too Yonis, been running close to 30 races so far, and it's been running smooth, no major problems. (Using Mac.) 👍
Thanks for all your work on this yonis. Your speedy response to queries and requests has been amazing.

Looking further ahead, are you considering transferring what you've learned into an Android app? I, for one, would definitely pay for a smooth running mobile version.
Looking further ahead, are you considering transferring what you've learned into an Android app? I, for one, would definitely pay for a smooth running mobile version.
Not sure about porting this project specifically — it doesn't have the blessing of Sony, and I think the most I could do is trigger and check the status of races since backgrounding this stuff would just drain battery life — however I have wanted to get into smartphone development for a couple of years now. :)
Not sure about porting this project specifically — it doesn't have the blessing of Sony, and I think the most I could do is trigger and check the status of races since backgrounding this stuff would just drain battery life — however I have wanted to get into smartphone development for a couple of years now. :)

Playstation Phone coming soon.. start development now. 👍
I'm impressed. Took me longer to get to the remote serve mode then to DL and install this. Time to let this bad boy run all night and see how it performs.
Not sure about porting this project specifically — it doesn't have the blessing of Sony, and I think the most I could do is trigger and check the status of races since backgrounding this stuff would just drain battery life — however I have wanted to get into smartphone development for a couple of years now. :)

You probably know all this already but I'm gonna try and encourage you, lol!

1) Android is easy to develop for (apparently).

2) You don't need the app to be Google approved to get into the marketplace. Or Apple approved for that matter ;)

3) I use plenty of apps that hammer battery life, if they're good/useful enough. I've become used to carrying a charger around with me.

4) Every Android user in this thread (and probably many others) will forevermore seek to repay your awesomeness in ways you can only begin to imagine. Errrr.... no, no - not that one. The other one was good tho :P