Quick question: Do you receive B-spec experience points on remote races? If so I'm down for it. I need to get to level 35 for that X1. 👍
offer me a carWhat car would you like from me?
yes you doQuick question: Do you receive B-spec experience points on remote races? If so I'm down for it. I need to get to level 35 for that X1. 👍
I'm not on right now but will be later.
I can send whatever sets of gear you have missing. To 100% completion.
OR you could pick a few cars from my garage. 👍
yes you do
Well tonight's trade got bumped forward on a later date so I can trade after reset for any ticket/car in m possession for some races. 👍
Take a look at my signature for all cars and tickets. I do have 0/0 list in there as well.
I really want Nissan 370Z Tuned Car (GT Academy Version) '08
It's 0/0 and in white pearl (3P). How many races do you think I can get for it?
Any tradeable car in my garage is on offer. Most of the good ones are tuned too, with the road cars tuned to sport with sport softs.
30 since it is really rare.
Sure so how does this work? Do you do 30 races for one bob or do you 30 races for all of them?
for all of them
That sounds promising. Alright if you can send me an FR to: Cypher_Zephyr
I'll send the 370Z academy after reset and leave my PS3 on standby server mode for the whole night. Thanks.
jay. I don't know if this would be allowed but I want to gameshare the xj13 chrome line off you please i'll give you 50 races for it.
I don't think the chromelines can be shared. Sorry mate.
Thanks but I'd rather not. Anything else in my garage is up though.
I have two.
One black with gold stripes, I think the other is burgundy of some sort. Both with a few miles on and tuned.
Cool. I'll send it as soon as I can, without checking I think my next trade slot is Sunday.
gearningaPerti78 hope you see this but I received the 4 sets 4 more to go.
For everyone that is interested I will be racing your drivers as soon as I see your name on the list on gran-turismo.com
Good thats 25, will continue sending the other 4 for 25 more. My bobs are online and ready.