Hey guys I just started the b spec 9hour endurance I'm quarter of the way through level 34 and I was wondering if this will get me to level 35?
Not allways, it depends on what your Login bonus is. 200% yes you could go up as your prize will be 1.9Mill Exp but at 110% no you won't... it will require another race...Hey guys I just started the b spec 9hour endurance I'm quarter of the way through level 34 and I was wondering if this will get me to level 35?
Usually I Hit the right Qoute button dont know why it was your 2 line reply, was not there when I went looking for the link and photo.Hence, the use of the word "usually."
most of my bobs have hit lvl 36/37 & they seem to have stopped earning xp, their own personal xp has not moved neither their career paths?