B Spec names.

  • Thread starter chippy1000
Since my last thread was close without a definite answer, I'll try to ask the question more directly this time.

Do the names cycle?

I skipped a 2 drivers that I really want in my team, E. Ferrari and K. Tsuchiya and I want to know if they will ever come back around, I estimate I have been through around 10 thousand names so far and none of my current drivers names have come up twice nor have any memorable names I have seen been through a second time.
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It's completely random. There's a chance they will come back around but it will probably take forever.
When I first started playing B spec I saw many names repeated countless times.
E. Ferrari was very common.
You have to spend a lot of time cycling through names but a lot of names in racing would repeat themselves.
It took me at least 3 hrs to find Ayrton Senna.
I tried to get some cool names but I got tired of cycling through names for 5 minutes. When I retire a driver I will try again to get a famous name.
I missed getting H.Durr, but I managed to get him after another 10 minutes of cycling. So I guess it is completely randomised.
I got S.Irwin and I stuck him in a stingray :L

Aussie Aussie Aussie OUCH OUCH OUCH!

I have seen all of my driver names repeated a lot of times, to answer the question. However, not in a cycle like you are hoping. I've seen the same name twice in a row IE. F.Ferrera x2 followed straight after with L.Ferrera.

Only have 5 drivers at the moment... got sick of looking for one more name to match the rest.
S.Ferrari, S.Vettel, P.Gallardo, M.Bentley and A.Suzuki.
After getting into a rythem of hitting x i missed heaps of good ones llike M.Webber and the rest. :(
^^ I know what you mean I have skipped past two that I really wanted, now I only need one driver to fill my team and I will be happy.

Current drivers:

F. Massa
T. Sato
V. Petrov
S. Loeb
V. Rossi

I feel like the finding the last one is the hardest, I must have cycled for at least 4 hours this week looking for him...:crazy::crazy::crazy:
I was kinda angry because I wanted my distinctive team. Ended up with this.

Brazil: M. Montoya (High Red) - Flaming passions and whatnot.
Germany: R. Butler (Mid) - Typical neither hothead nor robot.
Finland: V. Kiiskinen ( Low Blue) - Finnish...cool as a cucumber.

Might make a British or Aussie driver. Still training Kiiskinen for Enduro races.
B. Lee

Passes up Hamilton and Vettel few times. I'm going to retire Montoya and Lee as I'm aiming for a champ only stable.
As my real last name is Peters, I found my self two bobs, called:
- V. Peters
- D. Peters
Now whats really funny is that my first name happens to be Dennis :-)
I think i'm going to collect all the Peters' in the game!
For myself I have:

H.Barnes and J.Gordon

I'm a sports buff, so H. Barnes was selected because of Harrison Barnes, the player on the UNC Tar Heels Men's Basketball team. I got J.Gordon today as my second driver, and well, that's Jeff Gordon. Not a racer I so much like, but his name is realistic so I signed him up.
I can't believe I passed up on O.Kok, and pictured him being James May's alter-ego. Had to settle for J.Cash who is a Man in Black and drives like a ring of fire.
I currently have

S. Schumacher (very first driver)
E. Ferrari
T. Woods

I used to have

Although the first initials were wrong.

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