GT_Fanatic69Aussie driver? Hot head - Drunk and driving the wrong way around the track? Haha.
I've seen quite a few names cycle, the most memorable for me being T.Woods twice.
I currently have 3/5 slots taken up with:
I've seen a *.May as an opponent so he's next on the list but I've never seen a *.Clarkson yet either as an opponent or in the generator. Can anyone else confirm he's in there?
Also had one race as C.Norris and there was another C.Norris as an opponent. Incredibly my game didn't crash and my PS3 didn't explode either :S
I got S.Irwin and I stuck him in a stingray :L
Moderators love when this happens.
^^ I know what you mean I have skipped past two that I really wanted, now I only need one driver to fill my team and I will be happy.
Current drivers:
F. Massa
T. Sato
V. Petrov
S. Loeb
V. Rossi
I feel like the finding the last one is the hardest, I must have cycled for at least 4 hours this week looking for him...
I was kinda angry because I wanted my distinctive team. Ended up with this.
Brazil: M. Montoya (High Red) - Flaming passions and whatnot.
Germany: R. Butler (Mid) - Typical neither hothead nor robot.
Finland: V. Kiiskinen ( Low Blue) - as a cucumber.
Might make a British or Aussie driver. Still training Kiiskinen for Enduro races.