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I have about 60% of the game completed now and i have done it all with a-spec. I have pretty much no idea about how to do b-spec. I threw my book away when I first got the game so if it was in there, oops. Of what i can tell it is letting the computer drive your car for you and telling it to pass and stuff. It kinda sounds like cheating to me, but if you are ranked doing it then i guess i should learn how. Personelly i think it is pretty dumb. To much like final fantasy (i hate final fantasy). The fun is in driving the car, not letting the computer drive it. I think it would be good for testing purposes like seeing what the best possible time you can get on a course but thats about it. Is someone with higher b-spec and a-spec ratings better than someone with a high a-spec rating and low b-spec rating?