B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
Great idea. I'll be freeloading for a couple of weeks because I've lent my copy to my brother, but I'll be running races when I get it back.

PSN: absolutelynails 👍
I'm a little late to the party, but feel free to add me anyway.
PSN to the left, and please write a comment when adding me, to avoid confusion.
hi all, can you please add me sharing 1 low level bob, will do some remote racing on weekends.

psn slave_ghost1986


Edit - my psn name was wrong
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I typically do 3 or 4, sometimes more remote races a day unless i'm gone or busy, and i switch up the list so you will most likely be on at least 1 of my hosted races a day, more if you use my bobs

Add me: Roush_fan_99

I believe this is the 3400th post on this thread, just sayin for the heck of it
I would like some Widget users who are in the eurozone
My Bobs race all day then they stay awake after midnight here in North America waiting to race!
Pls if you run your bobs all night?
send me a friend request and mention Late Night racing :)

EDIT: my online ID is not whats shown on the side please send your grinder request to dsentcom

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I would like some Widget users who are in the eurozone
My Bobs race all day then they stay awake after midnight here in North America waiting to race!
Pls if you run your bobs all night?
send me a friend request and mention Late Night racing :)


I'm opposite. My euro night racing buddies are awesome but I need more daytime grinders! (8am-5pm CST grinder)

PSN chump
This goes out to those who need racing: I'll happily do it as I have a lot of studying to do. So I just let the remote races run in the background. But as always, that's not for free, I expect my bobs to get to race as well :).

PSN: Adrien_DC

Put "GTP Remote Racing" in the subject and it's on!
I just got this yesterday after getting a new PS3 after my 60 gig yellow lighted last summer. So ya, starting fresh and just wanting to try out every single feature this game has, as well as having fun! :P I'll try to host races whenever I can, but only if you guys can use my bobs? Need to get the hang of it.

- PSN: EuroSubstance (or all lower cased?)
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Hey wanted to say thx to all the remote race friends I have got over the last few months. I running the widget 24/7 except when we want do a Bluray movie on that TV so I'm running lots of races. I have like 70 + GT friends but I'm open to help anyone who wants to get started remote in B-Spec. Just add me but to let you know ahead of it, I'm running the widget set on reciprocate, so that means if you race me, I'll automatically race you back. I do need all the outfits etc... but the gifts are def. not necessary. I'm just here to have fun and help out where I can. And btw- no attitudes here at all. It's all good.. just have fun
PSN: gearloos
please add me n help me get to lvl 40 bspec. i remote race a few times most days, also up for a few trades here n there, just msg me. weekly online lobbies, where all are welcome. add me n race me. psn - kieest1987
Primary Account: MikonX (six Bobs, Level 33-35+, usually at least 2 if not all six shared)
Other Accounts: MikonX_J, MikonX_E (both have six Level 0 =Bobs, almost always shared)
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I'm sorry but I won't be grinding during the summer because I'm going away. I'll make it up to you next (school-)year. This week I'll grind though.