B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
If you guys could please add me on PSN and race my drivers, if I reach the amount of money I want for my drivers, I will pay you in return:

e.x: Cars,Paints, ect.
My PSN is: Hamooda-X Good day lad's.
If you guys could please add me on PSN and race my drivers, if I reach the amount of money I want for my drivers, I will pay you in return:

e.x: Cars,Paints, ect.
My PSN is: Hamooda-X Good day lad's.

Hey guys,

I'd appreciate if you added me and we race each others drivers.

My PSN: Sage2k2

I'll add you guys, since I have a lot of slots for remote racing left.
I'm running them 24h a week almost, so that's over 40 races on Cape Ring.

Also encouraging everyone else to add me, since I usually reciprocate (if you race me i'll race you)
I'll add you guys, since I have a lot of slots for remote racing left.
I'm running them 24h a week almost, so that's over 40 races on Cape Ring.

Also encouraging everyone else to add me, since I usually reciprocate (if you race me i'll race you)

So are you racing them now?
So are you racing them now?

Oh wow I've been so caught up in stuff I forgot to add you, added the other guy though.

I'll add you right away after my race finishes, and yes, I'm racing them now.
Planning to do over a hundred races by the end of next week.
Alright let me put my drivers on share, how much money do you usually get out of this by next week?

Added you right now. Dunno to be quite honest, forgot how much payout Cape Ring has (although it's been said it has the highest one).
It's like 20k a race or something? I don't know really, but I'll guess we'll soon find out 8D

edit: Speaking of which, started a remote race just now, the b-spec grinder needs a bit of time to find newly added friends so it'll probably start working for you in the next hour or so.
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Hi, I just recently started playing GT5, but I love it and play everyday. I'm looking for friends to share my drivers with. I have three of them right now, all level 8-9, but gaining experience rapidly. I will try to host games as soon as I have figured out how it works. :)
My PSN: Touro73
Going to run grinder. If you want A driver in PM me for RR PSN!

I'll gladly do remote races, especially since I've been looking into this "B-Spec Widget".
Looking for GT Friends in general.

PSN: Vahn_Magnus

Please do not add me if you're already Lv.40 B-spec.

I'll gladly do remote races, especially since I've been looking into this "B-Spec Widget".
Looking for GT Friends in general.

PSN: Vahn_Magnus

Please do not add me if you're already Lv.40 B-spec.

I've hit the B-spec 40 rank yesterday, is it okay if I add you anyway, since I needa level up my drivers, and it couldn't hurt for me to level yours up too?

psn: stekimafijas

@Scottish GT5 pm'd you
Guys! If you need someone to race add me my PSN is " Hamooda-X " i'll be waiting to accept a FR.

/edit: THANK YOU ALL. I got 5mill credit's atm from this BSPEC remote race and lev 36-40 in just collecting, all I need is some more money and all my driver's level 40. Again thank you all :).
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I've just cleared my friends list of slackers and need some replacements. I race nearly 24 hours a day over the weekend, and some if I can swing it during the week. I use the widget. PSN str8jakett
whoever wants me to use their b-spec drivers in remote race just add me with message saying that's what you want me to do
psn: etpredz
New to the community. Would love to do some remote races; Since I will be working in a chem lab this summer (with a lot of downtime) I should be able to host lobbies regularly as well.

Add me: Dudeflux

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