B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
I am starting a new game, I could use some remote racing friends to help me earn some cash. I also run remote races a fair bit
Since racing some of your bobs remotely, I'm finding my racers are twiddling their thumbs a little and haven't been behind the wheel for a while :(

Please race my bobs when you can, I'll return the favour of course :)
Keep adding me...now have use of a grinder...dbh2009

Also have all leman cars and cars over 10 million if anyone wants to borrow

Keep adding plz but people please also host races sometimes i noticed my earnings have been cut vastly...from pretty much 5m a day to 500k a day now
Added many of you since yesterday. A lot of requests still pending. I will be doing a LOT of remote racing and will include as many of you as I can. thanks again!
Keep adding plz but people please also host races sometimes i noticed my earnings have been cut vastly...from pretty much 5m a day to 500k a day now

Dbh, sorry I can't host that often these days but i can't get online these days due to work! :)
Add me PSN: Adventuruss.

I leave my remote race on while I sleep. :D I would appreciate it people could return the favor.

Edit: Post 5101-5110 friend requests sent.
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Add me, i'm new to ps3 and stuff, but i have a few drivers shared and will use your Bobs aswell! thanks a bunch. i'm on a lot so feel free to add!
Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to PSN The_Man_Spirit and ejk15 for running remote races and helping my Bobs. Thanks guys!
I'd like to create a new Bob and offer it to grinders, as I'm unable to run this widget under Linux (sadly, when I use Wine it stalls my machine). I don't expect anything, but if anyone is willing to help (i.e. add me), thank you in advance.

PSN ID: F_A_infinity
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Right chaps, the widget seems to be working on VirtualBox XP. I'm still waiting for the gran-turismo.com site to update but in the meantime, feel free to add me. I shall add some of you folks when I'm 100% sure it works flawlessly.

Main PSN ID: F_A_infinity
Grinding PSN ID: B-spec_Farmer (optional - I guess I'll be mostly using my main account)