B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
I have 5 or six bobs online (one is level 21 i think) so use add me and level up my bobs so i can do the vettel challenge hahaha or win the x2010. I will also put a few cars online..

PSN: maukoo
Looking for more people to race! Add LilMcGinley

I added you on PSN, I have 6 Bobs ready for racing, not all are high levels.. :s

I'm also looking for someone to do my drivers, I'm somewhat busy with projects in school, I'll be sure to do the same with your driver(s).

PSN: Spartan0189
Hello all,

I am just getting b spec going and was hoping people can help me out i have 3 drivers shared

i have 1 friend with GT5 so it is sad lol

Please add oranje1 just mention b spec please

it would be great help i will do remote races as much as i can

Got the B-Spec grinder installed on my laptop. Will try to keep it running as much as I can work and wife notwithstanding...

And of course a couple hours of A-Spec R&R after work :D

PSN: captgoodvibes
Always room for more I race all levels every day .
also for newer players high credit cars or seasonal cars are online to use .
both are used since trades got stopped.
I'm tired of racing my own drivers so add me: jimihemmy17 and me (again) gtp_jimihemmy

I have 6 shared on each account.

I will be sure to race yours too!

All friend requests will be accepted tonight (before 8pm EST) since I am at work now.....

Thanks and happy b-specing!
add me up guys: carlvincent

looking for more bspec drivers. i run remote racing during the day, everyday while im at work. unless someone from my house turns off the ps3. lol.

my psn: angelowaslike
i have 6 drivers online
i help you you help me :) simple as that.
i remote race about 35 hours a week its like having a second job lol
Have added a load of people from somewhere early on in this thread. Is anyone keeping an easily printable list of remote race friends somewhere we can get the whole lot?

Anyway, I'm happy to be on everyone's lists too - PSN is:
I'm looking to get into remote racing. I've never tried it yet. I have lots of free time so I can run races and get others some $ if we can all share and stuff doing races for each other.

My psn is

Feel free to send a friend req letting me know it's for remote racing.
Thanks and I look forward to this. Should be fun.
I've been hosting remote races 3 or 4 days a week ( from my iPhone while at work) but I've only got a couple friends returning the favor. Would love to add a couple 'remote friends'. My psn is the same as u see here, please put "remote" in your friend request so I can keep track. Happy grinding!