massive thanks to the people who have helped so far include
thanks to the guys above , and still have more room for anybody who would like to join
all the names above b=spec for me and i return the favour and try to put at least 1 driver from each person in a race to share the money
so if you use the guys above plz returen the favour and add me also this list will help as lots put there name down and dont b=spec at all
when more people host i will add here so everybody knows they do host
ALL HAVE BEEN HOSTED AND HOSTED THEMSELF always remember to host races for the people who host races for you together we can make alot of money for bobs
sorry for the long post but it helps rid of free loadin b-specers
Thanks for the guys adding me
I'm currently running lots of remote races thanks to the widget, if you wanna get some money, then add me please. FullSpe3d98. I'll also be running them during school time, so lots of money for you peeps!
Thanks again to those who have added my PSN: BrandonG1989... I have been hosting all day and it's becoming overwhelming trying to balance races between all my new friends lol. I'm working to spread the wealth, but I'm sorry if I haven't been able to run your drivers enough (or as much as you would have liked).
hey all, I'm in the same boat the_greeze. I'm looking for b-spec widget friends. I play gt5 some evenings, but otherwise can host most days & nites. psn = shinronin47
I'm running the widget all day when I'm at work and/or home with my laptop on. Next week I'm out of town on business and plan on running all day every day unless they decide to push an update and lock out the servers like last week.
I'd prefer people that run the widget, but if you don't that's cool... I do remove people that don't race my bobs more than once a week or so. fair is fair I figure.
all 5 drivers are shared too... lvl 24-35
PSN: therockyroad
New to remote racing, but I have 6 drivers. Level 25 and 19 the rest are 0. I will try to host as often as possible. Please add me so we can level up and make some money.
I have 4 40s, and some rotating lowbies. I b'spec remote, but in batches of 5, so the used car lot doesn't scroll past a car I still need. In any case, the handle is a funnyone to have entered in the race.
add "soakthecork" to friends if you would like to share some remote race options.
Thanks to everyone who has added me. I've still got room for a handful more though. I cant promise to be remote racing constantly but I try to do at least 4 or 5 races a day and often do more. If you're doing similar amounts then feel free to add me.
PSN: Razz_316
Please state why you're adding me as I wont accept blank friend requests.
i have room for a couple friends who use the widget on my mike_esf2 psn I run the widget most weekends and daily from 8pm to 5am, I only have a few friends but could use a couple more who grind a bit I have 5 bobs but should have six after today