B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
Hello Everyone,

I would love to be apart of the remote B-Spec racing, if anyone needs someone else to B-Spec with, I will be adding my "B-Spec Driver" Online.

I will be setting up as many B-Spec races as I can daily, so anyone that would like to share the wealth are all welcome. I don't have any friends that play GT5 on my friends list atm, expect one friend who doesn't seem to play when am on..

One quick question, does it matter the level of my driver? My online driver is almost 19, trying to get him up to 20.

No friends requests will be denied, everyone is welcome.

PSN: DaRipp3r_76
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Looking for widget friends to run my bobs. I run widget maybe 25-30 hours a week. Dont run on weekends. Bunch of my friends arent running my bobs so need a bit of help here.

Thanks to everyone who has run my bobs, I have finally got the widget to work and is ready to start hosting. Too bad all the cash just disappeared when I happened to turn off the power when I was racing. :dunce:

1.5+ millions gone. :grumpy:
Today I've let the witget run from 11am to 11pm local time XD tons of money for me and my friends I guess!

If you want add me, some spots on my friend list are still availables. PM me on PSN If I'll reach the limit and I'll make some room.

Keep in mind that I use the "reciprocate" option......

PSN ID = Felcio

remember to put some infos on the Friend R. so I'll know why you're adding me!
PSN ID = SN33KY-007

Ok my drivers can use a little lvl-ing. i'm new to this forums and saw this great way of lvl-ing. If you added me i can add you to. PM me your PSN id.

I have B-spec grinder installed!

Many Thanks!!!!
I'm running widget for at least 4 hours sessions everyday; more when I'm around for longer. I'm on reciprocate mode, and I manually start to jump-start reciprocation and check logs every so often to remove people just wasting space. I also have 4 lv0 bobs.

PSN: OrangeBerry97
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I'd like to earn a bit of cash of remote racing myself but I'll be honest, I don't use the widget for hours every day however but I will be hosting a few races every other day (4-5). That said hopefully I can offer extra benefit via car borrowing as I generally have something for every occasion, A Spec and B Spec main races that is. Currently have the MINOLTA, #43 NASCAR and Formula GT up to borrow, will add the X2010 (prototype) when not in use also and I'll take requests (Toyota 7 with mods might be useful to some).

PSN: Dragonistic

P.S. Include a message with the friend request so I know what you're looking for.
Remember to take into account that some people have busy lives, so may not get a chance to play GT5 more than once a week, if that.
Run the widget all day while I'm at work/school.

Constantly monitoring it, as looking at the widget is more enjoyable than studying poli sci.

PSN: johnny_blazee

Let me grind yo bobs.
Use the widget for remote racing most of the time, but don't have access to my computer till Monday and I don't know if the widget will be on there since when I went on holiday it was still getting a virus removed from by someone else. I can still do normal remote racing from Monday though, so please add me on PSN: V16T91
I'll accept any friend requests.

I use widget on reciprocate so it chooses those who let my drivers race over anyone else.

add me!
Not a widget user but I am a very active GT5 player and race nearly every day. run my bobs and I'll run yours. :-) psn wills1959 and my second psn is wills402.