b spec symbol question....

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Ok folks, ive done quite a bit of searching and cant find any thing on this. In b spec mode there are several symbols that appear in the race director screen. A "P" beside the car during a pit stop, one of those slippery when wet signs when someone spins, and a little orange/yellow/red triangle that shows up at the bottom near the distance between cars. What the heck is that?
The triangle at the bottom of the screen means that your driver was quicker in the last sector than the car in front (i.e. you're gaining on the person in front of you). This has been answered before, try searching when you have a question in the future, please...
The triangle shows that the car behind has had a faster sector time than the car in front.
Amp, did you read my first post? I searched every combination of "b-spec", "symbol", "icon", etcetc. for awhile and found nothing. Just needed a simple answer to a simple question. It is just as hard to tell someone to go and do a search as to type the answer. By the way, thanks for the fast replies!
I searched for B-Spec and arrow. I got four threads, two called "What is the Arrow in B-Spec for" and "Explaining the arrow in B-Spec"... :D


The search function really is terribly useful, and I appreciate that you did use it before posting your thread - thank you. It's just a case of knowing what you're asking, I guess. If you'd known it was an arrow, you'd have got exactly what you wanted, but as you didn't, you didn't. C'est la vie.

But yes... P = Pitstop, the slippery sign = car gone off, the arrow = car behind has gained 0.5s or more on the car in front in the last sector.
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