Backup and Manager replay to local/LAN/off the PS5 storage?

  • Thread starter xDriver69x

How important is game storage limits to only restrict by actual physical space/able to be backed up?

  • Only the future matters, review replays to improve is lost on me

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  • I despise improvements

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  • I'm a rebel who wants to see it all get worse

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United States
way ahead of you, leaving you in the pixie dust
Is there any way at all to get the replay files from Gran Turismo 7 backed up and stored locally to a USB or NAS or anything to protect against the inevitable crash/failure/corruption that at some point happens?

Also I just started playing Gran Turismo in March after a couple decade break, and having saved all my races, so far the past couple months, and all the great Nations Cup Qualifying action I have been loving, I ran into the artificial limited replay/scape/pic storage put in place by Polyphony for Gran Turismo 7 specifically. Despite having enormous free space I was intending to use for GT7, as it is the only reason I bought a PS5 and will only use it for, It's quite unacceptable this limit is imposed for no good reason.

Then to top it off, there is NO WAY that I have found to be able to make sure these buckets of bits in the files can be protected against loss and saved anywhere offline. I signed up for premium plus just to race online for Nations Cup and this feels like the ultimate slap in the face, I can't even use the cloud storage I pay for from Sony to have unlimited or even 100x the storage for my replays.

Can I not download my game save from the cloud even to be able to pull out the replay files so I can keep them to show my great grand children?

Loving GT7, and the very minor quirks occasionally are jarring it is so detailed and well done, and then this was just like, How could they?!?
I mean, you can share your replays online through PS+ and even if your PS5 dies and you get a new one, they'll be available for viewing.

Or, you can use a capture card to save the replay as it plays and put what is captured on your computer. But it'll only be what the TV sees and you won't be able to jump around cars, pause, etc. This is what I do.

But as far as taking the replay file and putting it on a USB stick or something, so that on a computer you can interface with it like you do within the game... doesn't work that way.
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I ran into the artificial limited replay/scape/pic storage put in place by Polyphony for Gran Turismo 7 specifically. Despite having enormous free space I was intending to use for GT7, as it is the only reason I bought a PS5 and will only use it for, It's quite unacceptable this limit is imposed for no good reason.
It's set by Sony. PlayStation 4 and 5 have a maximum local gamesave storage allowance of 2GB.

And no.
I stream to multiple platforms, which requires local recording, which I do in full 5.1 DTS audio and VRR up to 120hz at 1440p of the HDMI signal along with 4 cameras of me, over my shoulder, and my pedal work.

But not being able to have the replay file to go back for analysis is extremely limiting. And if there is some game save limit, there still should be a way to extract the replays. I am sharing every one now as a precaution, but still leaves folks in the lurch if something like a hard program crash happens. Which just happened with the latest patch and had to go through the report and upload process. So even the the ability to share it failed.

Plus the wasted time of having to manage these files and you can't even sort them by date, or track, or event, or anything. It really is poorly done and made worse with this limit and lack of management capabilities. Polyphony Digital can do better, and should. This is not near what they should be allowing.

But the only way to make it better it is to raise it up and expect more, not settle for mediocrity and a mid pack mediocre phone it in performance.

I mean, you can share your replays online through PS+ and even if your PS5 dies and you get a new one, they'll be available for viewing.

Or, you can use a capture card to save the replay as it plays and put what is captured on your computer. But it'll only be what the TV sees and you won't be able to jump around cars, pause, etc. This is what I do.

But as far as taking the replay file and putting it on a USB stick or something, so that on a computer you can interface with it like you do within the game... doesn't work that way.
I guess settling for scraps isn't in my blood. I'm not designed that way. I expect to take pole and win. And I suspect GT7 is about winners too. Being able to backup the replays and restore as needed to stay within a 2GB gamesave Sony limit or to another console for replay usage in GT7 is doable and the winners way - or even a cloud service if they so choose to offer a Pro monthly subscription.

Can a game only have 1 gamesave? Can they not just keep making multiple gamesave files so you can keep making more 2GB replay game save files?

Sony's official site says you can move gamesaves to extended USB, but must be on local storage for usage/play. Hopefully I can avoid "moving" it and just back it up there. Then worst case hacky method can erase local replays on my "main local storage" so the backup has replays and will have to do this every month since I can't use Playstation Plus backup to mark one's to keep, as it seems that just keeps a latest backup/copy.

PS5 games
Move games you've already finished or games you haven't played in a while to USB extended storage. PlayStation®5 games can't be played directly from USB extended storage, so make sure to copy PS5® game data back to your console storage when you want to play the game again.
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What you can do with a formatted USB extended storage drive:
Games, everything the game needs to be started and run.
Does not include savegame files aka progress of the player, nor any change to configurations like resolution, sound, input.

The PS+ Cloud on the other hand is
only savegame files, some games will only include progress, some other will have additional different stuff, like configurations, cosmetics.

Replays of GT7 are neither, strictly speaking they are serverbased files related to your login credentials.
GT7 progress is handled the same way, as do many other "always online" games for the very simple reason that your progress needs to be on the server anyway.

Can a game only have 1 gamesave? Can they not just keep making multiple gamesave files so you can keep making more 2GB replay game save files?
Depends on the game, but no matter how many savegame slots are presented in the game, this doesnt necesarilly reflect to the amount of savegame files on the outside of the game.
Some games will allow more than 1 savegame slot in the game, but handle it as 1 savegame file on the outside of the game.
Other games will allow more than 1 savegame slot in the game, and each of them is a seperate savegame file on the outside of the game which can be uploaded, downloaded or deleted individually.

GT7 (and many always online games) dont store any progress on your console, so deleting whatever is on the console will not delete any progress at all.
Either there is an option in the game (delete character for example), or like GT7 there is no option at all.
Wait, so they are taking it to the next level to ensure nothing is ours or owned, we're just perpetual rental serfs? I guess I need to hurry up , complete all trophies, wrap up 100% and that leaves ACC and iracing. It's been a fun few weeks, was even considering heading to Montreal in a few weeks for the Nations Cup races. Really not feeling it if this is where things are at and appears to only be headed in a worse direction with acceptance/tolerance of it.