Bad Moderating

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I hope the Mods don't take these kind of posts seriously, I'm sure they do not remotely represent the rest of the members views.
Pro Tip: If you want civil discussion with a site's staff, don't throw insults at them as an opening gambit 👍

I am not looking to sling mud at everyone here. My comments are only intended to apply to the one individual I had come banging on the door to threads I started as he is the only one I have a problem with.

Bottom Line
I felt like he railroaded me as a noob here instead of attempting to offer some kind of constructive advice on how to get the most out of the site etc. And I still don't agree that the content and tone of my thread has been duplicated elsewhere but whatever. He did act like all of the Things/names I used in reference to him. I understand that it is probably challenging to deal with a lot of BS on Forums. It's the way that you deal with said BS that makes you a moderator or a dick-tator. Cheers
Someone spell check that for me
Think I will look for a new place for My GT5 info if I keep running into this Clown.
Tip for you : Guest traffic on this site = Ad Revenue
Your hear to help people get comfortable with the site and lead by example... not act like a deusche because someone gave you keys to the forum.

I personally like the Dutch and see no reason to involve racist comments to describe someone. :grumpy:

Just my .02 though.
One more question. Hopefully I get a constructive answer.

Is this a place I can open a thread and talk about what's on my mind about the game.
I was currently feeling bored and a little down on the prospect of having to possibly pay for DLC to continue to enjoy the game and new experiences. I was hoping to connect with others and discuss a wide gamut of things related to GT5 which it appears is not allowed or something. Digging up old info in old threads not my thing. Im in to current events and discussion. Maybe a general unmoderated section would help people looking for a little room to breathe or do you already have something like that.
What I find disturbing is how my thread was closed in less than 5 minutes and was reopen the day after by the mod in question only to post and re-closed it again. It would of save me so much time if he would of just edit his post from the original thread in question and problem would had been solved.

How can this still be alive, when mine was closed in a blink of an eye.
Moderators can post in closed threads. I was the one who closed it, largely because I didn't want things to get out of hand. This thread, however, was created when I was fast asleep. But you are right - things have gone far enough. Anybody who wishes to continue this discussion should do so via private message.
Ban me now please. Or stay away from me. EITHER one is fine.
You agreed to follow the Acceptable Use Policy when you joined the forums. You cannot join without agreeing. If something you do violates the AUP, then the moderators are well within their rights to issue warnings or infractions. You cannot simply have the moderators "stay away" from you. If you break the rules, we're obligated to follow up on it.
Moderators can post in closed threads.

As I'm about to...

I am not looking to sling mud at everyone here. My comments are only intended to apply to the one individual I had come banging on the door to threads I started as he is the only one I have a problem with.

Two points here. Firstly, no moderator acts as an individual - we are a staff. Thus if you insult one of us, you insult all of us. Right up to the top.


You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.

He did act like all of the Things/names I used in reference to him.

You'd struggle to justify clown and as for Gestapo... you're still in your own home and alive, I imagine? If he sucked at being a moderator, he wouldn't be one, so that's out of the window too. As for police... yeah, probably. But, you know, that's the job of the moderator.
I guess I was just asking for a little guidance instead of "Moderators here are GOD and we close threads" which is painfully clear. So good luck with that
Think I will look for a more chill Forum where discussion is actually encouraged.

Discussion is encouraged. Pointless or off-topic meandering is not encouraged, particularly not if it is in rant form.

I suspect that you don't really have a grasp of the scale of this place and how much effort it takes to moderate it, which is probably why you expect each new user to be taken gently in hand and politely taught all the fine points of this forum and how to get along... all of which they could figure out if they spent a little time getting used to the way this forum works (both from a user-driven standpoint and from a moderation standpoint).

The staff here has to deal with anywhere from 800-1500 active users at any particular moment we happen to come online here. We typically have to review and process something like 200-300 new-user replies, and probably 100-150 new-user threads, in any given 24 hour period. That's a normal day. If PD or Sony happens to so something that pisses off or overjoys every gamer in the wide world of GT, those numbers can easily double.

Some fraction of those users are going to become contributing, worthwhile members. Some of that fraction will start out that way and some will figure it out after a little. But the majority just want to come here, be spoon-fed their particular answer of the moment with minimal effort on their part, and will never be seen again when their short attention spans drag them off elsewhere.

With our user count approaching 170,000, we're probably in the top 500 largest forums on any subject on the entire internet. We have a large staff and some have only been promoted in the last few months to help handle the onslaught. However, none of us do this as a full-time job, and none of us is paid by anything other than our own satisfaction.

So look at it from our side and understand that we need to do our best here, but we need to balance the amount of time spent carefully, politely guiding new users against the efficiency and speed with which we can process their first posts. Would you prefer that each new post gets a detailed, friendly editorial response from the staff, if it meant that new posts might show up days after they were made?

We do enjoy volunteering here, but we also have jobs, families, and real lives. Those come first and always will. If that disgruntles a few easily-disgruntled people, that's honestly the breaks. It's just not worth it to invest too much time in any random user in order to nurture each to loving fullness, since that will mean hundreds of other posts sit for longer and longer, and the bulk of the newbs aren't really going to stay long or add much anyway.

That may sound brutal, but it is the fundamental nature of the situation. Honestly, if any particular user is A) a problem, and B) instantly offended by getting a thread closed, then they probably are not going to be a good long-term citizen here. How much effort is worth wasting, if it could be put to better use elsewhere?

Give up. If you don't like it take it up with the mod. If you don't like and won't accept his answer go to a different forum.

Anybody is welcome to take issue with the moderation, as long as they do it at least semi-politely and in a reasonable manner (not really the case here). If the mod in question doesn't respond satisfactorily when addressed reasonably, then contact an administrator. He has 2 out of the 3 of us looking at this thread, so I would say he has our attention, even though he didn't make much effort to approach us about his issue before teeing off. If contacting the admins still is not satisfying, PM Jordan. He will follow up... but he also has a life and other duties keeping this place open for you to use, enjoy, or complain about.
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