balance left and right channel in PS5 Pulse headset

  • Thread starter zjn


Hi all, I have a problem with my left hear, which is not 100% working.

As a result, if I put an headset on with a defult 50-50 left-right balance, I get the impression that most of the sound comes from the right.
Are you aware of configuration to unbalance the channels to, let's say, 60-40, so than the overall result will be again 50-50 for me?

It looks to be quite a basic feature, which I use in android and windows, but cannot find in PS5.

I dont think there is a balance option in the PS5 for headsets

Weak or no sound in one driver can be issues with the amplifier board or wiring to the driver itself.
If the headset is USB or B/T there will be an amplification board inside.

This board takes the digital signal and converts it to an analog one then amplifies the audio for the drivers.

Does the headset act the same way under windows or on your phone?
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Weak or no sound in one driver can be issues with the amplifier board or wiring to the driver itself.

Does the headset act the same way under windows or on your phone?
Seriously, did you even read the question? The balance needs to be changed because of a hearing issue, not because there's something mechanically wrong with the headset.

But to answer the question, unfortunately not. Some people are saying to go to Settings > Sound > Audio Output > Adjust Audio Balance, but there's no such an option at least on my PS5. Not sure if it depends on the audio hardware being used.
Seriously, did you even read the question? The balance needs to be changed because of a hearing issue, not because there's something mechanically wrong with the headset.

But to answer the question, unfortunately not. Some people are saying to go to Settings > Sound > Audio Output > Adjust Audio Balance, but there's no such an option at least on my PS5. Not sure if it depends on the audio hardware being used.
Misunderstood thought he was talking about the left speaker.

Sadly the PS5 does not have that option, side effect of close source customizing.
The native sound server of BSD would have it be it ALSA or Pulse Audio, sony removed it or hid the functionality.
Settings > Sound > Audio Output > Adjust Audio Balance, but there's no such an option at least on my PS5.
That's only for adjusting the balance between chat and game audio levels. Unfortunately there's not a LR audio balance. You'd think there would be one since they have a selection of other accessibility options.

It's not ideal @zjn, but would it be possible to deaden the sound from the headphones in your good ear to get it more 50-50, say with perhaps a layer of cotton wool, and then increase the overall volume to compensate.
Until Sony implement this feature themselves (they won't) then I think your only course of action is to find a wired headset with LR controls built into the hardware. An alternative is to find a pre-amp device for wired headphones that has balance controls built in.

The setup would be PS5 controller > 3.5mm cable > pre-amp > wired headphones.
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