Banned Books

  • Thread starter TexRex
A Texas school has banned a book co-written by the person the school is literally named after!

The George Dawson Middle School in Texas banned (until further notice and discussion) the life story of George Dawson, a book he co-authored!


"A group called the Jamestown Conservatives passed out fliers saying the library peddled 'LGBTQ CONTENT' and 'PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIALS.' Up went yard signs against approving tax dollars to 'GROOM our kids.'"

I suppose @LeMansAid takes exception to them calling themselves conservatives.

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Lol. I can't wait until they do this with gay pornography.

"Yeah, uh, we're going around buying up all the gay porn, dildos and strap-ons so that nobody has access to this filth. Of course we're not looking at them, I only pick them up with gloves on and my eyes closed while thinking pure cleansing thoughts of the baby Jesus. That pile in the corner of my bedroom is just coincidental, we ran out of storage space. Why are you looking at me like that? I'M NOT GAY DAMMIT!"
Lol. I can't wait until they do this with gay pornography.

"Yeah, uh, we're going around buying up all the gay porn, dildos and strap-ons so that nobody has access to this filth. Of course we're not looking at them, I only pick them up with gloves on and my eyes closed while thinking pure cleansing thoughts of the baby Jesus. That pile in the corner of my bedroom is just coincidental, we ran out of storage space. Why are you looking at me like that? I'M NOT GAY DAMMIT!"
Anti-Gay Politicians.jpg
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More surprised they are banning "The Handmaid's Tale" as that's where the GOP desperately wants to go.
I guess they want to remove the warning signs. It was a popular TV show though so maybe that'd be locking the door after the horse had bolted.

In truth it's a cautionary tale written by a staunch feminist so easy pickings for the 451°F mob.
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Lol. I can't wait until they do this with gay pornography.

"Yeah, uh, we're going around buying up all the gay porn, dildos and strap-ons so that nobody has access to this filth. Of course we're not looking at them, I only pick them up with gloves on and my eyes closed while thinking pure cleansing thoughts of the baby Jesus. That pile in the corner of my bedroom is just coincidental, we ran out of storage space. Why are you looking at me like that? I'M NOT GAY DAMMIT!"
Some of these books are probably easy pickings, but stuff like "girls who code" I'm not sure what got them there. Maybe it should be "Girls Who Cook". I saw that there was a bit of a controversy with the group, because they partnered with Raytheon.
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Some of these books are probably easy pickings, but stuff like "girls who code" I'm not sure what got them there. Maybe it should be "Girls Who Code".
What's the difference? :confused:
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Southlake doesn’t surprise me. Bunch of rich, snooty white folks live there that look down on the rest of DFW.





A logical interpretation of statutory definitions:

Per the language to be added to the NDCC by this proposal, any photograph of any individual is deemed "explicit sexual material," as even one clothed and groomed conventionally--satisfying any supposed moral standard--according to their sex at birth is displaying gender identity.

Explicit sexual material:


Sheer lunacy.

Modern American conservatism is mental illness.[/B][/COLOR]
Didn't you have a widely shown sitcom over there with three lodgers, a man and two women where the guy had to pretend to be gay to beat the landlord's boarding regulations? I wonder whether this bill would outlaw Three's Company.
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Didn't you have a widely shown sitcom over there with three lodgers, a man and two women where the guy had to pretend to be gay to beat the landlord's boarding regulations? I wonder whether this bill would outlaw Three's Company.
Probably would. Could also stretch it to ban any books that display any tendencies of gay using archaic definitions. Would probably eliminate a lot of books.
I really wish they would just cut to the chase and say the only allowable books are the Bible and those written by Tom Clancy.
The National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC), an alliance of 59 national literary, artistic, religious, educational, professional, labor, and civil liberties groups, is alarmed by the introduction of two bills in the North Dakota legislature that would make it a crime for booksellers to display a wide range of books and ban libraries from offering LGBTQ content–all speech that is protected by the First Amendment.

North Dakota currently prohibits the display of books and magazines that have nudity on their covers in any place where a minor might see them. But Senate Bill 2123 expands this ban to any book containing a written description of nudity or a nude image that “exploits sex.” If passed, booksellers could be sent to jail for 30 days and face a $1,500 fine for violating the law.

S.B. 2123 law would impose on booksellers the impossible task of searching thousands of books in their inventories to determine which ones contain written descriptions or a single image of nudity: art books, romance novels, sexual health material, historical fiction and action and spy thrillers, even memoirs. If they carried even one book with a description of nudity or nude image, they would have to segregate the prohibited material in a place that adults can only access. The only options would be to stop carrying the books altogether or prohibit minors from entering their bookstores.

S.B. 2123 also removes from current law an exemption designed to ensure that schools, colleges, universities, museums, public libraries, and art galleries are not prosecuted, creating a chilling effect on free speech. It could cause school officials to purge many titles that have significant educational value for young people. Art galleries, museums, colleges, and universities might remove artistic works with nudity or bar minors from entering their buildings.

House Bill 1205 is another blatant violation of the First Amendment. It prohibits libraries from carrying “explicit” visual depictions of “sexual preferences,” “sex-based classifications,” “sexual identity,” and “gender identity.” Since these terms are not defined in the bill, they could apply to a wide range of LGBTQ content, including the bestselling children’s book, And Tango Makes Three, the true story of two male penguins who parented a baby penguin in the Central Park Zoo.

NCAC urges the citizens of North Dakota to defend their First Amendment rights by demanding that their elected representatives reject these repressive and unconstitutional bills.
The ND General Assembly obviously isn't likely to be moved by the condemnation given that the legislation is founded upon moral panic and conservative grievance, but it's a nice gesture just the same.