Barack Obama - African loyalist?

  • Thread starter Duke


Keep 'em separated
Staff Emeritus
United States
Midlantic Area
You know, I never was very impressed with Boondocks, but I really got disgusted with it when he gave Cosby all that crap about not being black enough, after Cosby dared to criticize black people for some of their choices.

Being able to dish it out but unable to take it has never really impressed me much.
The Boondocks is really good in my opinion although the cartoon has taken a more mainstream approach as opposed to being more of a political cartoon. Huey kicks ass as well.
I don't see much of worry, I think the editorial is making a big deal over very little... The same way people often capitalize on George Bush's many failures in life...
Obama lost the California vote when he said, "We people need to stick together!" in front of a black only crowd.

In a very segregated state like California, you don't want to say things like that.
I've always found the issue between Obama and the black/latino vote to be very interesting. As I recall from the CNN polls they were reading this morning, Obama fared much better with white voters in some areas, which strikes me as somewhat odd.

I think either way, no matter which candidate the Democrats choose, its their race to lose. I don't think McCain has enough to topple it, personally, so its more or less a race to see who can appeal to more Americans; And I think Obama will do a better job with that. Simply put, Hillary is too polarizing, and is too much of a risk for the Democrats to nominate.

Either way, it will be an interesting election period, and I'm looking forward to it very much!
I've always found the issue between Obama and the black/latino vote to be very interesting. As I recall from the CNN polls they were reading this morning, Obama fared much better with white voters in some areas, which strikes me as somewhat odd.
Not I. Mexicans and black people don't get along. At least not in this state. It was no surprise to me Hitlery won in this state by such a large margin (thanks to the Latino vote).
Geez, I thought the Obama's Church thing is a bit blown out of proportion.

Especially when his mother's an atheist and dad's a follower of Islam, according to his autobiography.