Base PS4 limitations

  • Thread starter philipPF
This thread to discuss and point limitations of the base PS4 console, regarding the PS4 pro and PS5. If someone having both consoles is able to do comparison on these points, it would be great, most of youtube videos I found does not show a lot of differences and focus on replays, etc...

An example : I notice some really obvious clipping on opponent's car, especially on the exhaust pipes : they tend to appear on the last level of detail (when you're closer), and as they are often silver/light color on dark background, you really see them pop when they appear.

Honeslty I don't remember this kind of graphic issues on GT Sport, seems like a downgrade regarding the power needed to run dynamic time & weather, etc... ?
A lot of my experience with the base PS4 is the odd freeze every so often and some slow loading times.

The lines on track seem to have a low draw distance
There's definitely a compromise on certain visual details to allow for the extra oomph needed to run some technical features.

And I'm fine with it.

Still haven't got the chance to check if saved replays run at full graphical potential though....
Just noticed a significant frame rate drop on ps4 with a custom race. About 15 cars on screen. No rain or tyre smoke... Hmm