Basic Tuning Guidlines

Psycho Turtle

United States
I got GT5 about 6 weeks ago and I am familiar enough with a few tracks to try online racing. However, I seem have at least a 25pp disadvantage in car performance. I know the others drivers can out drive me, and I will get better with time, but their cars are so much faster than mine even with a pp limited race. I assume it has something to do with tuning. My question is what are some basic guidelines to get me started tuning.

As a general rule should I

1) lower my cars

2) add camber

3) high horse power and high weight

4) low horse power and low weight

5) change settings on the LSD

6) horsepower instead of down force

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I am fairly new here but can offer some help. A few things that helped me:

1) pick a few cars to focus on. I started with RM Vette, a 599 and a Lotus Elise.

2) Go to the tuning forum. Find some recommended tunes.

3) The biggest thing will be practice....for hours. You need to learn how the car handles.

4) You need to practice on the tracks you intend to race on. Takes me anywhere from 60 to 100 laps to get decent at it...yes, I'm slow.

5) Do all the license tests. Fast guys usually have them done.

6) Keep it fun!

PM me with more details and I'll see what I can dig up for you. What cars do you like to race? What is the pp level? What level tires? Do you use a wheel? These things will impact how you will set up the car.
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First figure out what the car is doing that you don't like. Once you know what's broken you can work on fixing it.

+1 on practice.
First figure out what the car is doing that you don't like. Once you know what's broken you can work on fixing it.

+1 on practice.

My biggest tuning problem is the rear pitching out when braking into a corner. The biggest problem I have in pp racing online is cars that accelerate significantly faster than mine. Unfortunately, no amount of practice will change the power to weight ratio of my car.