Batman Begins

Saw it last night, and being one of the biggest Batman fanatics around, I was actually not that excited to see it, though I don't know why. After watching it, however, I really enjoyed it.

The film, touted by producers as not being a prequel but a "new beginning" for the series, takes the Batman franchise in a whole new direction. Since Christian Bale has signed a contract to do three Batman movies, we can expect to see a lot more of this new version of Batman in the future.

Gotham City is no longer the dark metropolis we saw in Batman and Batman Returns; it now resembles any major North American city. The villains are real this time; Scarecrow is truly frightening, and doesn't make you chuckle with one-liners; those are left to the hero and the mild comedy sidekicks.

Morgan Freeman is great as usual. Katie Holmes should not be allowed to act in anything beyond Dawson's Creek TV movie adaptions, but even she cannot ruin this movie. Michael Caine is easily the best Alfred ever, though he is a bit different, which brings me to the star of the movie, Christian Bale. He naturally resembles Bruce Wayne, so playing that side of Batman is no great task for the Welsh actor. And he takes some interesting turns as the Dark Knight; Bale's Batman is full of rage, struggling to find a balance between his anger and his fear. In this movie he trains under Ra's Al-Ghoul to master his childhood fear of bats and use it against his enemies, but he must also fight to retain what little humanity, mercy and compassion he has left for the criminal underworld.

I won't ruin it for you, but suffice it to say that the stunts and action sequences are spot-on, the story is actually engrossing and at times you find yourself on the edge of your seat, and though the "Tumbler," aka the first Batmobile, looks somewhat ridiculous in the trailers, it absolutely kicks ass in the movie.

See it!
Cool, I've been wanting to watch this despite the crappyness of the last couple of films. I should get a chance over the weekend.
I saw the trailer to this before Episode 3 and it look great. It didn't look like a Batman film at first, which i guess as live4speed says, considering the most recent ones that's a good thing!

Def gonna go and see it very soon.
Morgan Freeman!? Michael Caine!? 👍 My favorite Batman movie is the first one, with Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker. Bale's an excellent actor. I'm sure this one will be very good.

Anderton: Was "Begins" better than the first?
No, I don't think Batman Begins is better than the first (or my favourite, the second) films; I am a die-hard Tim Burton fan. This new one is good for different reasons; it has its own style and contributes to the overall Batman legend in its own way. It also bridges the gap and brings the series into the new millenium successfully.
:rolleyes: Let... It... Die...
:lol: This movie might surprise you. Looks like they made few changes for this new Batman flick. New Gotham City sounds pretty exciting, from the way Anderton Prime describes it. The new cast is pretty exciting as well. :)
i saw the movie it was decent but less than i hoped for. was that kid that played the scarecrow the same kid that was the lead charactor in 28 days later? he looked kinda like him but im not sure.
i saw the movie it was decent but less than i hoped for. was that kid that played the scarecrow the same kid that was the lead charactor in 28 days later? he looked kinda like him but im not sure.
Yup, it's Cillian Murphy. I really liked him in 28 days later, but hadn't seen him in anything else, so I guess it's another incentive for me to see this movie. :)
This was a really good movie, two thumbs up! Great acting from everyone involved, only downer was that Katie Holmes was in it but as Anderton said, even she can't bring this movie down.

Yup, it's Cillian Murphy. I really liked him in 28 days later, but hadn't seen him in anything else, so I guess it's another incentive for me to see this movie. :)

Holy crap, that's where the guy was from! It's been bugging me because I couldn't remember who the Scarecrow was.
The scenes with the Scarecrow in them were the first times that I have been genuinely freaked out by something that isn't a horror movie, I can't wait to see if he returns in the (inevitable) sequel.
Let... It... Die...

I'm glad they didn't listen to you. I watched it this weekend and thought it was great. Right up there with the first batman.

It was interesting though that they didn't try to tie it in with any of the previous batman movies - in fact, they went out of their way to point out differences. It's as though they're trying to separate this one from any of the others and start a separate series of batman movies.
I just saw it earlier tonight, I enjoyed it a lot. Can't say I prefer it over the original with Michael Keaton though but as everyone is saying they are very different movies. Bale has been signed to do at least two more movies as Batman, and in response to danoff, yes thery are planning to re-create the franchise and pretty much disregard the other four films. So expect to see The Joker again and other faces that weve seen in the others re-done Nolan style, he won't over use already used charaters though, but how can he resist The Joker.
Thank god, there really is justice in the world! I'm so sick and tired of those corny batman movies with the cartoony villians. When you think about the dark knight you shouldn't have to imagine him fighting some guy in a metal suit with a heavy as* accent and a freezy deezy gun. Omg that ice skating fight pissed me off so badly.
Like Anderton Prime, i love Tim Burton, and the original Batman, but i also love Christian Bale, and cant stand Katie Holmes. Ive been waiting for this film since i saw the trailer last year. So as soon as i can i will go and watch this one. AP wat do you think of the charlie and the chocolate factory re-make that Tim Burton has done with Johnny Depp? I think that this will be very good and weird in that special Tim Burton way. movie trailer here
Like Anderton Prime, i love Tim Burton, and the original Batman, but i also love Christian Bale, and cant stand Katie Holmes. Ive been waiting for this film since i saw the trailer last year. So as soon as i can i will go and watch this one. AP wat do you think of the charlie and the chocolate factory re-make that Tim Burton has done with Johnny Depp? I think that this will be very good and weird in that special Tim Burton way. movie trailer here
Was Katie Holmes in the "Phone Booth"? If she was, that's the only flick I've seen her in, and she wasn't very good. Sounds like she's ruining this movie for everybody.

Willy Wonka remake looks really creepy and really good. It's got Johnny Depp, which makes it automatically watchable. :)
I think too many people over exaggerate when an actress like Katie Holms doesn't do a great Job, no she didn't but she didn't make the movie unenjoyable, Batman was great, so was phonebooth.
God, the best part of the whole movie was the joker card. I almost crapped my pants when I saw that.

The Joker is, without a doubt, THE most evil sadistic bastard to ever grace villainy. If you've read some of the comics, the stuff he does is just downright disturbing. I can't wait to see the next one and how he'll turn out.
Well eventually got round to seeing Batman Begins, and from the outset i thought that this film was going to be a good action romp, and i wanst disapointed, even with Katie Holmes in it didnt spoil what was a good film, the action and whatnot was second to none, and acting from Christian Bale and the rest of the supporting actors was good, the only one who was c*ap was Katie H.

In the end tho, i wasnt sat thinking about the film or talking about how good it was, infact it left me a little empty, usually when i watch an action movie i find myself recreating the action sequences while walking home from the cinema, but this time i wasnt. i will rent this film when it becomes availble but i wont be buying it.
I thought this was easily the best Batman film but I am a Christopher Nolan fan, I liked the fact they expanded Batman's character and spent time on the reasons why he became the dark knight, I liked the functionality of the suit too and Liam Neeson was great
Ok, I just saw this movie and it is by far the best comic book movie of all time. I haven't seen punisher yet or fantastic four, but I'm guessing they won't stand up to this beauty. Micheal Caine played Alfred perfectly. Christain Bale is Batman without a doubt. And I am so happy they got rid of the stupid antics of the villians that made them look pathetic as comic book villians. The only problem I had with the movie was with Katie Holmes, and I find myself at a lost for words. There is only one way I can think of her....I hate her...I hope to got she quits show biz and stays at home with tom never to be seen on the silver screen again. But I doubt that. I give this movie 5 happy aliens.