Bay Area wobbling again!

A 4.0 is a sneeze for you guys, but I hope everyone is alright just the same. :scared:
There's been a lot of activity in the SFGTP4 thread lately....
Do you think it's connected? 💡
Spookier things have happened!
I didn't feel anything... I guess it was when I was driving home from work. I'm usually really on top of this since I think about earthquakes just as much as I think about bOObies. :dopey:
Oh no! Now who's going to ban me? :D
On a more serious thought, do you guys really get that many earthquakes? The news makes it seem like you get one every month.
^nah, it's not THAT often but we do like to blow them out of proportion... that's for sure.

:lol: I was wondering how that was gonna go over but, seriously... I think of it THAT much because we are "overdue" and I keep thinkin like those stupid Hollywood movie kind of earthquakes. :scared:

It's not cool and it might be a sign that I've lived here wayyyyyyyyy too long. Although, I'd much rather live here than in Tornado alley... those guys need to get their heads checked.
^nah, it's not THAT often but we do like to blow them out of proportion... that's for sure.

:lol: I was wondering how that was gonna go over but, seriously... I think of it THAT much because we are "overdue" and I keep thinkin like those stupid Hollywood movie kind of earthquakes. :scared:

It's not cool and it might be a sign that I've lived here wayyyyyyyyy too long. Although, I'd much rather live here than in Tornado alley... those guys need to get their heads checked.

Yeah, I can't fathom experiencing an earthquake or a tornado. We just have hurricanes.

Good thing about hurricane = plenty of warning and time to anticipate it.
Bad thing about hurricane = non-stop warning and anticipation. The media is ridiculous with them.
Well it's the idea that pretty much every YEAR you have to wonder if you'll have a house... I mean why bother after a while? :odd:

Yeah, canes too.
That's part of the unnerving thing about the earthquake....
You never know when it's going to happen, and if the bit that you're feeling is the main shock, or just the prelude to something a little more severe.
Tonights shock was one big jolt, and a few little after-tremors, all over in about 5 - 9 seconds, which barely registers on the panic-ometer before it's over and done with.
The 5.6 we had after SFGTP2 lasted about 30s, which is enough time to register, escalate and then hit the "Now what the 🤬 hell are we supposed to do?" stage! :D

Still, the abundance of "little ones" means the "big one" hasn't had chance to build up, right?????!!!! :nervous:
Thanks for makin me extra paranoid now... Sometimes I'll find myself thinking the ground just moved when it didn't or when I go to my friends 3 floor apartment and a truck goes by... :banghead:

It's like... 💡 wait for it... wait for it... now... umm... Now... no... NOW. ugh... I give up.
^nah, it's not THAT often but we do like to blow them out of proportion... that's for sure
What??! It registered a 15 on the scale and now half the earth no longer exists?? Holy cow!!

*has been to Academy of Overacting*
Sadly I've just been on the phone to Hollywood....

There's no parts going for overacting Yaaawkshire folk.
Sean Bean has all of those covered already. ;)
Nothing felt over here either... BTW I'll take an earthquake over hurricanes and tornadoes. But maybe that's because i'm getting numb to them.
Every time I drive over the Bay Bridge, I think of earthquakes. :nervous:

It's a very long bridge...
I felt a wee bit shoogly last night, but that was probably just the cider...
Still, the abundance of "little ones" means the "big one" hasn't had chance to build up, right?????!!!! :nervous:
That's actually true. The problem is if you're not having enough earthquakes to offset the tremendous building of force along the fault lines. We're in the same boat up here. Since our earthquakes are not particularly frequent, the Olympic Peninsula may become part of Japan someday :lol:. They say the Space Needle is one of the safest places to be when the Big One hits...
I didn't feel it :(

Damn it I always miss all the fun. Next time can I get a invite?

I'm still waiting for the huge quake to hit so I can grab my bored and hit the beach! :D
Something I notice is that I tend to hear about it via Twitter long before the news ever talks about it. Still, good thing it was a "small one." Kevin Rose mentioned that he didn't even realize anything occurred that afternoon...
I suppose it's not the best idea I've had but I'm currently watching "Ultimate Earthquakes". I guess earthquakes are like spiders for me, they scare the hell out of me but I'm also interested in them... from a safe distance.

They are talking about the Chilian Earthquake in 1960... Wow... :scared:
I recall about 7 years ago or so when Seattle got hit by a good quake, I felt it all the way down in Monmouth, OR (near Salem) and a friend of mine (who was in his car at the time) SWEARS it wasn't my lamp started swaying, I thought someone was shaking my chair side to side and then when I go outside to see if anyone else felt it, there were other people in the dorms doing the same thing, HAH! I know what I felt. But I'll be more impressed when I actually experience one of these quakes while AT an SFGTP :) Especially if I'm in last place :lol:


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