Beav and Ameer’s Joyride Crew [CLOSED]

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Good evening members.

It's time for me to let you all know about something I've been holding in for way too long. I'm afraid that my leadership with Ameer and this club cannot continue. I have just simply not been active enough. It's not fair to you guys and Ameer for me to be a leader when I don't even do anything. I've just become way too busy to have time to run the club anymore, or even join lobbies. It has nothing to do with motivation. I just don't have the time. So I think it's best if I part ways with the club. I still want to join and be a part of the club, but I don't think it would be applicable for me at this particular time. I may pop in every once in a while. I'm sure you guys will still see me around occasionally.

I've definitely had a pretty good run with this club, though. Kudos to everyone here. Kudos to Ameer. Most importantly, kudos to the future of this club. I would appreciate it (as I'm sure Ameer would) if you guys would not blow up the thread with your goodbye posts to me. You don't even really need to type something like that because I'll still be around. Who knows what the future holds. I may come back as a member when I have more time down the road. Thank you for helping to create one of the best clubs I have ever been a part of. It makes me really sad that I'm not able to be a part of it anymore. Words can't describe the enjoyment this club has brought to me. Once again, thank you. I'll see you guys around.
Have you ever served on the GTPD before?: Nope. New to the club.
What is the fine limit of an offender's vehicle?: $500 as posted on Page 1.
What would you like your unit number to be?: #23
Do you plan on joining training sessions when they are held?: If I'm told in advance when they're held and if I can make it, sure thing.
Anything else you would like to share?: Street (touge) racing and circuit racing background.
Have you ever served on the GTPD before?: Nope. New to the club.
What is the fine limit of an offender's vehicle?: $500 as posted on Page 1.
What would you like your unit number to be?: #23
Do you plan on joining training sessions when they are held?: If I'm told in advance when they're held and if I can make it, sure thing.
Anything else you would like to share?: Street (touge) racing and circuit racing background.

You have to be a club member in the first place to sign up for the GTPD.
You have to be a club member in the first place to sign up for the GTPD.
Whoops, my bad. A lot of reading that was haha.

1. PSN ID: Shinkasei-Zero
2. Age: 18
3. First name (optional):
4. Time zone: UTC -5:00 (EST)
5. What is the fine for speeding?: $50
6. Do you drive a car in real life?: Yes
7. Are you interested in being a cop, racer, and/or a civilian?: Cop or racer (more so cop for this club)
8. Have you been in any other cruise club(s)?: No.
9. How often do you plan on joining lobbies?: Whenever I'm free and they happen to be up.
10. How did you end up on this thread?: Perusing through the GT6 Clubs & Leagues.
11. Anything else you would like to share?: Not really.