Beav and Ameer’s Joyride Crew [CLOSED]

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Maybe the "Last Hurrah" means its supposed to be the last crew ride of the year? Could be wrong. Some part of me Is hoping no one reads this, because I love conspiracy theories. :lol:
On the bright side, steam sale for GTA 5 so..... Joyride on GTA?
Well...i think most of members over this club don't like GTA...

And sadly, my PC is too 🤬 to run it so i never bought it...(i do have the PS3 and PS4 versions however even thought the government "banned" the game).

Like could i run it with something like...
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3337U
CPU: 1.80GHz
Video Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
Hello all. Get comfortable, because you'll be reading this for a while. As much as you probably don't want to read this long post, I suggest you actually read it instead of just skimming through it.

This club has been around since August of 2014. Some of you have been here since the day it was created, others have been here for less. All of you that were a part of previous clubs, try to remember them for a second. They were sort of like this club that we are all part of today. One day, those clubs shut down. When the most recent club before this one ended, there was a gap in the cruise community to be filled. So, we decided to get legit again and created this club.

We learned many things - some good and some bad. I myself made a lot of friends and met a lot of new people. I have to say, it was definitely a lot of fun. It was awesome to be honest. It was for sure the most fun I ever had on GT6.

I always said that I would stay with this club until the end. Well folks, this is the end. I’ve had this message prepared about three weeks ago. You all knew this day was coming sooner or later. I never, ever wanted to let this club go, but just look at the state of things. As you can probably tell by now, Gran Turismo 6 is mostly dead. I know I've probably let every single one of you down today, but I'd rather leave the club on this note rather than let it go completely inactive. I'm sorry I had to do this, but it's for the better of everyone.
Look at who we are today. Back in the old days, most of us were what? Middle schoolers? High schoolers? Whatever. The point is that times have changed and a lot of us are entering the next phase of our lives. Many of us simply do not have the time on our hands to boot up the PlayStation as we much as we used to. We’ve grown up. We’re big kids now.

It is not a time to be saddened though, my friends. Just recall all the things we have been through together. We faced tough challenges and overcame them. We innovated new ideas of playing the game. We all made our marks and left a trace that we, the people of this club, were there, that we did it!

You’re probably wondering what’s going to happen to me. Do not fret, this isn't the last time you'll see me as I will still remain on this great ‘planet. Now is the time to make way for the next generation of cruising. Do I know what this ‘next generation’ holds? Nope. But what I do know is that nothing would have been possible without you guys. Thank you everyone for writing history and being a part of the Crew.

Beav and Ameer’s Joyride Crew - 8/11/14 - 12/31/15



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I knew it was the end of the line. GT6 is dead, old gen is dead, new sims look like crap, etc, etc.

What does the next gen hold? For me, the new gen holds a load of bull:censored: in terms of sim games.

I'll be in Medici.
I will miss the club and everything and everyone else in it. :nervous:

There were many fun times here, from Transit Authority (and the crack team of mechanics) and, I think in @Beav 's first club, someone was a realtor? I can't fully remember who, but I got my first house at Sarthe on GT5. :lol:

and there were 3 Transit Authority drivers btw :sly:
Nothing lasts forever...

I knew since couple months that it will die, I'm glad that I have joined before the club's death but I wished if I have done it before...

But what we gonna blame?

GT6 is bad...

PS3 is outdated

Everyone busy with University's, school's, Jobs...etc

Online is filled with problems especially with my 🤬 connections...(dad...why are you still using a new router but with 10 year old connection package?)

Everyone moved on to something else and lost interest in GT6...

...etc etc etc

But man, I feel this is one of the more friendly places in GT6...or even GT5.
I met players...and had enjoyable moments...

It made me forget that depressed feeling for a moment... a moment of enjoyment and overall fun.

It's amazing we still been playing GT nowadays, others would probably move on in 1-2 months or even less...

Hopefully something like that could come back in GT Sport or other games...

Well it's time to say goodbye...

Thanks for all the fine I had in this club...

6th February 2015 - 22nd December 2015

Well...Like they say...The sun is going down and makes everything darker with every seconds passing by. Than One day, the light from the sun is gone and everything goes black. Everything around it seems to be frozen in time, but some people knew that it would get to that point...

I guess we can wait...We may be waiting for a while but after that wait...It's going to be worth it.
5/7 would play again - IGN
See you guys next year I guess.

1. PSN ID: alexlam24
2. Age: old enough to buy illegal drugs
3. First name (optional): John
4. Time zone: EST +5
5. What is the fine for speeding?: Butt spankings
6. Do you drive a car in real life?: Yes
7. Are you interested in being a cop, racer, and/or a civilian?: Yes
8. Have you been in any other cruise club(s)?: Your moms
9. How often do you plan on joining lobbies?: Whenever your Mom isn't at my house
10. How did you end up on this thread?: Cena
11. Anything else you would like to share?: Who is Champ?
Hello all. Get comfortable, because you'll be reading this for a while. As much as you probably don't want to read this long post, I suggest you actually read it instead of just skimming through it.

This club has been around since August of 2014. Some of you have been here since the day it was created, others have been here for less. All of you that were a part of previous clubs, try to remember them for a second. They were sort of like this club that we are all part of today. One day, those clubs shut down. When the most recent club before this one ended, there was a gap in the cruise community to be filled. So, we decided to get legit again and created this club.

We learned many things - some good and some bad. I myself made a lot of friends and met a lot of new people. I have to say, it was definitely a lot of fun. It was awesome to be honest. It was for sure the most fun I ever had on GT6.

I always said that I would stay with this club until the end. Well folks, this is the end. I’ve had this message prepared about three weeks ago. You all knew this day was coming sooner or later. I never, ever wanted to let this club go, but just look at the state of things. As you can probably tell by now, Gran Turismo 6 is mostly dead. I know I've probably let every single one of you down today, but I'd rather leave the club on this note rather than let it go completely inactive. I'm sorry I had to do this, but it's for the better of everyone.
Look at who we are today. Back in the old days, most of us were what? Middle schoolers? High schoolers? Whatever. The point is that times have changed and a lot of us are entering the next phase of our lives. Many of us simply do not have the time on our hands to boot up the PlayStation as we much as we used to. We’ve grown up. We’re big kids now.

It is not a time to be saddened though, my friends. Just recall all the things we have been through together. We faced tough challenges and overcame them. We innovated new ideas of playing the game. We all made our marks and left a trace that we, the people of this club, were there, that we did it!

You’re probably wondering what’s going to happen to me. Do not fret, this isn't the last time you'll see me as I will still remain on this great ‘planet. Now is the time to make way for the next generation of cruising. Do I know what this ‘next generation’ holds? Nope. But what I do know is that nothing would have been possible without you guys. Thank you everyone for writing history and being a part of the Crew.

Beav and Ameer’s Joyride Crew - 8/11/14 - 12/31/15


I knew this was bound to happen. Just the sudden drop of activity right around when school restarted back only triggered me to know that this was gonna be it. It wasn't a surprise; GT6 lived a shorter attention span compared to GT5 and I don't even have to say the reasons why. It's already been stated by others several times and truth be told, you only had to play it for about a month or two and you're already on the same opinion as the rest of GTP.

Which is a total shame because it spawned one of the better clubs on this website. I've had my fair share of fun times with the people who I've grown up with since my arrival to GTP. Had multiple giggles along the way. (Can anyone say "Kudos to the Club"? ) But, I've suddenly gotten tired of GT6 and the lack of constant evolution. Same old track. Same old patterns. Same old limitations of cars and customization. Limited communication by PD. And, as some of you should know about me, I don't like to linger around the same old for very long.

But alas, it's the end of the club right at the end of 2015. It is not the end for us to be together later on no matter where life takes us. We all might mature (well... I hope for some of those in here. Let's get those shots fired. Might as well) and we might barely remember each other, but we all can share of piece of memory just by this club. All thanks to @Ameer67 (and @Beav to a certain degree).

Out with this year, on to the next year. Happy new years, guys. On to 2016!

**Oh and Ameer. The most commonly used getaway car was Aki's Nissan Skyline R32 GTR because someone was salty enough to use the Aventador. Aka, you. Ya can't touch this.