Because Some People Like Looking Good While Going Fast...

  • Thread starter Keef


United States
Dayton, OH
GTP Keef
Wouldn't it be sweet if some future Gran Turismo game incorporated...paint deterioration? In real life it's usually the very old and/or inexpensive cars that don't get taken care of. People with little time or little income aren't as likely to spend the time and money using or buying good paint care products, so its those cheap cars that end up looking like hell. Your typical Ferrari owner keeps his nice and pretty for decades, however.

So, I propose GT incorporate a system that uses time and usage to calculate paint deterioration on cars equally across the board. But what would make it a little more realistic would be to offer a lifetime car detailing "package" right when you purchase the car. Instead of washing your car once in a while, after every single race you get an automatic fancy-pants detail jobby. You'd never have to wash the car again, and it would always look great, but obviously that would cost a lot more than a beginner in his faded-out 240SX is willing to pay. So at the beginning of the game most people would forgo that option instead opting for tuning parts and whatnot. But as the game progresses, you make more money, and have access to higher-end cars you'd be more likely to spring for that detail job. That would leave most people with their early-on, cheap cars looking like crap after 5 or so in-game years, and all their high-end cars, which get detailed regularly, looking shiny as a whistle for the rest of their in-game lives.

This could have an impact on everything from resale price to aerodynamic efficiency. You could even have the tuning option of repainting a car with any car color available in the game--and a custom palette, of course--which would satisfy the guy who wants to bring his now-pink 240 back to its original strawberry luster.

I think the math part of this thing would be easy to implement, but deciding how to model realistic paint fade might take some work, and a few more complicated algorithms.

Lately I've been interested in paint detailing, but it seems like it's just gone too far this time...:lol:
I like it, detailing and maintaining the finish and exterior of the car (not just mechanical) falls well within KY's dream of 'car lifestyle' so I don't see why this wouldn't be a option 👍
Philosophy of "Car Maintenance" was always a strong part of GT games (car wash, oil change, mileage count, car wear - recycle..) , so option like this is something that we're could easily see in forthcoming iterations of the game.
i wouldn't mind the idea being implemented, but i don't know if PD would be keen, because of the emphasis they place on meticulous graphics.
If theres a couple of GT5 videos on Youtube showing slightly faded cars as a representation of the game, PD might not be too happy.
My one buddy got real obsessed with detailing, everything he's got sparkles now year round haha. Would be a cool idea for GT but I expect giving your car a paint job to become common practice - new or used, so I wouldn't expect that feature in addition to the car getting dirty.
I would, however like the cars to get dirtier - like mud/crap up the side after going off into grass, etc. And really look dirty after only a few races. (and of course hopefully scuffmarks etc, but if you're getting damage fixed you'll get a car wash too I would hope.)
I can see things mentioned in this thread being added, they are nice touches and many were in the game before, so I don't see why they will be removed. A word of warning Fredzy, the moderators won't like that double post, only 3 minutes apart too and you should remove the offensive word, it's not necessary to your post and it could get you a warning.
I can see things mentioned in this thread being added, they are nice touches and many were in the game before, so I don't see why they will be removed. A word of warning Fredzy, the moderators won't like that double post, only 3 minutes apart too and you should remove the offensive word, it's not necessary to your post and it could get you a warning.

I see what you mean about double post, but I figured it was a somewhat different point so a new post wasn't a big deal.. seemed silly to edit, I don't know. As for the offensive word - if the word in question is c**p then that's big news to me. Maybe it has a much stronger connotation in England, but that's about as offensive as saying 'poo poo' in the states so... sorry if you were offended.
Fredzy, I am not offended at all, I just think someone might be offended and I believe you shouldn't post things which might offend, then again people do get offened rather easily these days and you can't ban every word which might offend. Regarding the double post, again I understand why you did it and I don't see the big deal in double-posting ( as long as it is sensible and a different point ) but the rules are the rules and we should try to follow them.
Good idea. Maybe it would give a use to the car wash. I never understood what was the purpose of it to be honest...:lol:
Instead of just having simply oil change and car wash in the "Tune up" section, general car maintenance options (oil change, tune up, body work, painting & detailing) should be lumped together into one "Maintenance" section.
Well I meant just in case they decided to include damage modeling, you can fix your car there. If you want to change the color of your car (or add decals/livery) it's all in one place, etc, etc.