Beccosinho's Autoart Gallery : Randoms

  • Thread starter Beccosinho
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It's been a little while since I've been in here, and wow :drool: seems like I've missed a bit! Keep those quality pictures coming:tup:
@NTX: Thanks:tup:
@BkS: Cheers, love bokeh, love the MP4:D
@Soloracer3: Thanks mate:)
@Nato_777: Cheers Nato:tup:
@MP4Four: Yes the MP4 is! Thanks:)
@20832: Cheers dude:tup:
@babyhoneybee: Thank you, I try to go fot the realistic look:)
@Grand Prix: Cheers, Does look a little like Darth Vader:D
@Sharpnsnazzy: Thanks mate, I'll try!
I just can't stop taking pictures of this car; Enjoy!

- M P 4 - 1 2 C | Volcano Oranje -

.click for large image.
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The colouring on the last two shots are fantastic, I really like the way the shadows blur over the body of the car 👍 Great shooting!
Beautiful shots! The car was made for that colour (or vice versa). :)
20832: Thanks for the Favs:)
SMfan: Cheers mate:tup:
Skython: The look I was going for, glad you can feel it! Cheers
MP4Four: Thank you Mr McLaren
Nasadus: Cheers:tup:
arsenal1992: Thanks mate, I do like the crisp feel with newer cars!
Soloracer3: Cheers!
Nato_777: I know what you mean, it does look that way!:D
Boabdulrahman: Thanks, it's nice to have fan's:)👍
Nato_777: Thanks for the the big 👍
Skython11: Cheers:tup:
- 2.0 Advance Entry Week 50 -

- F e r r a r i | 5 1 2 B B -

.click for large image.

(It failed to make the poll, but I still love it)
Loving the orange MP4 and Lambo set:tup:

Can't see why your 512BB didn't make the poll, It's an awesome shot! Almost looks real. Better luck next time:)
Love the cleanliness in the Super Veloce set. The same deal with the Mclaren bunch on the last place. Those are very realistic.
Why have I missed your gallery ,some Brilliant shots Here love the latest Updates (Color Tones :eek: ).Brilliant Stuff.
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