Beginner altezza cup

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And then here's what i like to use for the Amateurs. Close racing guaranteed so i'd qualify if i were you.

Deep Forest: @285 hp
SS Rte 11: @306 hp
Grand Valley: @285 hp
Route 246: @323 hp
Cøte d'Azur: @286 hp

These are good. Oh yeah. Here are some tight races, some of you may as well turn in your dual-shock controllers now. Even if you lead, a missed braking point or clipped wall will put you back in the action in no time. The sim Altezzas drive hard and will not let up, but as usual they make little mistakes here and there in the corners such as too much throttle too early at Route 11 and Cøte. Their lack of front camber means they'll lose late corner grip and tend to understeer. Keep your cool in those corners and you'll smoke them like cheddar.

**For these 4 to 7 lap races you will need semi-racing suspension, full brake upgrades (sport brake package and controller), sports exhaust, racing exhaust, computer, Stage 1 and Stage 2 turbos, twin clutch with a sports or semi-racing flywheel (depends on how well you qualify), close gears, full limited-slip, medium tires, and Stage 1 weight reduction. In a Lexus IS200, you should substitute...(TBA)
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I haven't tried racing a Lexus IS yet, obviously.
Parnelli Bone
Here is what i typically really don't need full-custom parts in the Beginner's at all
You're probably right about not needing the full custom suspension, but in GT3, I liked to tinker suspension settings a lot. There was just no point in wasting the money on the much less adjustable suspension packages and the non-adjustable transmissions. I tended to always go for the full-race versions of those two items, simply for the range of adjustment they offered.
You're probably right about not needing the full custom suspension, but in GT3, I liked to tinker suspension settings a lot. There was just no point in wasting the money on the much less adjustable suspension packages and the non-adjustable transmissions. I tended to always go for the full-race versions of those two items, simply for the range of adjustment they offered.

To each their own :) I'm lazy..and so if that means i can spend less time tuning..that's what i do. It's not wrong to buy full-custom parts for these's just not necessary. I'm convinced none of the AI cars in the Altezza races are on FC i'm just trying to mirror what i imagine they're using to get a close race.