Best all around car.

ya know just thinking about hp my escudo has 119,000+hp and can go 3,347.6 mph but test course is the only place i can drive it at almost because it has to much wheel spin :cool:
common admit it it has to be the speedster for its class of cars... at 300 hp it can kill 500-800 hp monsters driven by prof drivers... i mean i can keep up with the zonda adn gt40... although i cannot quite pass the gt40... if he didnt pit...
the toyota GT1 road car is good to and u can evn race it in race that you have to have a stock no racing car in
GT1's are my faverit car on the game but i want to know more about the diablo ive herd uyou can get on the game:)
well crap thats a big butmunch
hey dude would you happen to know how i could get a PAL version and whats the differince with it and the US version:confused: man Lambo's are my faverit car and id love it if i could drive one on GT3:D
RUF RGT all the way baby!!... i can drift, speed, and control that monsters hp.. i also think its the only RR car in the game

was wondering though.. my horsepower is dying slowly and the milege is getting at 780.00 something...think i should sell it and replace it with another one? well too late i already did...was it a bad idea?
The F686/M is really the best car.... if u thought that the F090/S is the best f1 car... well u prob only got that f1 car to think its the best... the F686/M is one of the best in accelerating and prob the best in steering
The Escudo is the fastest car with the right settings.... i've gone up to 1500mph with it. But it obviously has the worst steering a expensive car can have.
The Best all around car for F1 is F686/M and non F1 is Mazda 787B with some setting changes... in my opinion it has a wonderful handel with a nice speed and acceleration
o forgot... that didnt include the hp boost fun lil thing we all do:) but like normal tuning and setting changing... i've had a car wit like 200,000 hp :D and can go up to 4000 mph...but it always hangs up the game... lol
hey can some one please tell me how i can get thouse hybrid cars like the diablo because they sound so cool but i just dont know how to get them:banghead: o and i think all the cars in the game are good its all in how good ya drive and tune them:)
if you've won it, maybe you haven't tried it?? The Nissan R390 GT1 road car, try it and compare!! 👍 none other even comes close!! :sly:
Well in PAL I guess the all-round fastest is the Polyphony001. Fastest in a straight line is the Escudo, fastest around corners out of the non-F1 cars would be either the GT-ONE or R390. I would say the best handling and best overall to drive would be the 787B, though.
No. They are not "Indy's". Bad.

For me, I can think of a couple all-round good cars. The 3400S is an excellent non-racing car, and keeps it's balance even when max-tuned. The S2000 LM and the ZZII come to mind when you step up the competition. Lastly, while it can't match them on max power, the 787B is a more balanced and controlled ride than the GT-One or R390. Besides, 1350hp is just absurd.
I think the R390 and 787B are harder to master than the GT-ONE, but once you do, I believe the R390 is quicker than the other two on most circuits when fully maxed out, and once mastered the 787B is the easiest to drive IMO. I think the 787B is the fastest car in it's initial spec, but doesn't get the outrageous turbo upgrades the other two Le Mans cars get (after all, the 787B isn't a Turbo car!).

So, speed with initial spec: 787B > GT-ONE > R390

Tuned to the max: R390 > GT-ONE > 787B

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