Best Browser

  • Thread starter Shannon

Browser Debate

  • Internet Explorer

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Netscape

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Opera

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Mozilla

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Safari

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Other (please state)

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Viper_Maniac
So basically those browsers are the same as IE?
Basically, yes. Only, these modified versions usually have tabbed browsing and other extras like popup blockers.
Originally posted by Viper_Maniac
Is it cuz thats what you're use to and dont want to use something else or is it cuz its the one that performs best?
Well, I'm used to Internet Explorer 6 and I couldn't be bothered installing anoter browser just for tabbed browsing and such.
Originally posted by Viper_Maniac
Is it cuz thats what you're use to and dont want to use something else or is it cuz its the one that performs best?

In my case, both. I only use other browsers for cross-platform checking of my own site.
What is bad about IE? Aside from disliking Microsoft as a matter of principle, it's the best one I've used. I've used Netscape and it's slow. I've used Mozilla and it was slower. But I haven't tried the others.
Originally posted by milefile
What is bad about IE? Aside from disliking Microsoft as a matter of principle, it's the best one I've used. I've used Netscape and it's slow. I've used Mozilla and it was slower. But I haven't tried the others.
I can't speak for the Windows side of things, but on the Macintosh side...

IE for Mac is slow... I dunno if it's slower than Netscape, but jeezes, it's slow. Apple has stats comparing Safari to Camino and IE, showing the Safari is way way faster than IE, and personally, I actually think Apple's data is a bit conservative...

Everything in Safari is pretty much instantaneous, even though I'm on dialup. With IE, I wait, and wait, and wait...

Also, Safari has tabbed browsing, which to me is one of the greatest things ever invented (though it was Mozilla that first used it)... If you've never used tabbed browsing, you have to give it a whirl. Works great. :)

Also, Safari is much more stable than IE... IE would crash on me about once every other day, while on the other hand, Safari has crashed twice in the 4 months or so that I've had it.

Safari also has a lot of neat features, like snapback, a built-in search bar, the ability to open an entire folder of bookmarks in tabs...

I think you get my drift. ;)

[edit]: Oh, and, Safari has a built-in spell checker... helpful on forums like these.

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