Best Car for the Money.

Buy something that you know that you can easily handle to make sure you can buy it race it if you dont like it just load your game from where you were and try another car hope this helps!
Slight change in plans LOL...

Ok you now have about 550,000 in the bank and a Gillet Vertigo you won from the European Championship LOL...

I won that in my Spoon S2000 Race car I won from the Stars & Stripes race I won with a Ford Mustang SVT Cobra...

So I've been winning races left right and centre with the Gillet ... Just finished the German Touring Car Challenge and got a nice Opel Astra Touring Car...
I think you've already figured out what to do with the cash. Nothing. At a point in the game, you have more cash than you really need.

As you win more cars, you open up more races to do. You're starting to win cars that you likely will never drive. I'd pick out a car that you really like and buy that one or earn cash towards it.

If it's one you have to win, plan a route to it. By that I mean, I can win this car from this race, to race in that other race that I can win another car that I can race in yonder race to win the XJ220 Race car....

2 cents

Originally posted by SCOTTtheBOMB
What do  you think is the best car for under 100,000?
You can build a heck of a good car for 100 G's. The Lancer EVO 7 is 25,180 leaving 74,000 for mods.
Mustang SVT Cobra with about 65 G's for mods. You can win the American championship cup (in Amateur: first or second race series) with it, and hopefully win the Camaro LM racer, which you can sell for 250 G's. or drop about 30 G's into it and have a nearly 1000 hp racer on your hands. Or win at the Euro championship cup. Hopefully the Gilett Vertigo will be your prize. It is awsome fully modded.
For more info see the thread 50.000 for car and 50,000 for mods; who's fastest.
okay, so if you get the supra rz and max it, you will not be able to get the traction if you screw up the thing so if you get it dont mess with it
the mitsu 3000gt is great but there are many faster cars than it
the viper is my fave car, but it gets uncontrollable when maxed
the ruf rgt is good
i love the motorsport elise
so its really up to you lot

i have over 5mill comeing up to 6, what do i buy (other than escudo) and i dont care for cars you can win, only dealership cars.
One of the Best cars in the game, & my favorite..... The Tommy Kaira ZZII That thing is quick, & handles like a cat. #1 car so far in my book & im 95% done.
i have cr 140,000 in the bank, just wondering on any cars i should get and tune?

currently i have a
skyline gtr vspec2 - 1005bhp
dodge viper gts-900bhp
nsx type r-600bhp
evo 7-550bhp
tvr tuscan speed 6-600bhp
the rx-7, the most expensive one (43,000) then buy everything...or atleast everything u can buy. First the musts are: full spring set, brakes, full hp, clutch, and tranny

if u got more get the limited slip, brake balance, and light weigh sets
If you look at the threads re: GT3 100k club, and 50k for car 100k for mods you will find some good info
Get an escudo or a dodge viper GTS or TVR speed 6 and another good quality car is the RUF RGT which is better than the CTR2 Coz it has 4 turbos not just 3, also the RGT is a cheaper car 2 buy.
Originally posted by 1mic
im looking at something cheap like maybe a suzuki alto works...
:lol: You could buy, like, all of them!

I've got a similar problem - having gotten all of the bonus items in GT Concept, I unlocked the feature which gives you 10 million credits. Which is great, except I'm at 100%, and have about four or five bonus cars to clean up to get all of them. Oh well.

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