I isaac05 10 Jul 25, 2005 #1 Post what you think the best car in teh game is i think its the Formula Gran Turismo
D DuckRacer Premium 10,164 Jul 25, 2005 #2 I think that this type of thread has been made a million times, and been locked a million times. And everyone's going to say F1 car, Minolta, or Motor Carriage ( ). And this is in the wrong forum. It says "GT4 Car Tuning & Settings". And this isn't about tuning or settings.
I think that this type of thread has been made a million times, and been locked a million times. And everyone's going to say F1 car, Minolta, or Motor Carriage ( ). And this is in the wrong forum. It says "GT4 Car Tuning & Settings". And this isn't about tuning or settings.
Swift GT Sport is looking good... Staff Emeritus 10,116 Maryland, USA swift-bass Jul 25, 2005 #5 Duck7892 I think that this type of thread has been made a million times, and been locked a million times. Click to expand... Well, this will be a million and one! On a side note, there's a thread on this exact subject on the front page. Come on! open your eyes!
Duck7892 I think that this type of thread has been made a million times, and been locked a million times. Click to expand... Well, this will be a million and one! On a side note, there's a thread on this exact subject on the front page. Come on! open your eyes!