Gran Turismo 7 Wins "Best Sports / Racing Game" at The Game Awards

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For people saying that GT7 didn't deserve this award, why? It's literally the most well-rounded racing to have released this year.

Of all the nominees, they were the most deserving. It's a fair win. It was a quiet year for racing/sports games, but that happens sometimes.

It would be more interesting to see a year where there was a new Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport, Horizon, Need for Speed, Mario Kart and maybe some interesting lesser known titles, but that's unlikely to happen. Horizon 5 won last year to similarly mediocre competition. The category is so anemic that if there's a big title release, it wins hands down. And when there's not you get stuff like the Crash Team Racing remaster winning in 2019.

It's sort of a shame that as a genre we're now so niche that we're lucky if we get one big release a year.
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I need no prediction, to say next year award will win the next Forza Motorsport. So easy.
2024 surely Horizon 6 if it will launch in that year.
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I’m pretty disappointed in GT7, but the racing/sports genre is pretty dead these days. GT7 releasing this year is probably all it really took to win the category over stuff like Madden or whatever.
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How was GTS at its release state in 2017 robbed? It was incredibly barebones at that point.
Because it was still the best sports game that year by far. Also not sure how it was barebones at all. Why? Because it didnt have 400 cars? Id hardly consider having 200 cars barebones. Peoples expectations are insane if they think racing games should have 400 plus to be considered complete. Especially when almost every game with that many, the quality suffers badly as a result. When was gt mode added? I thought it was before the game awards, but frankly no campaign mode in a gt game makes it worthy of GOTY. Especially not when they had the online racing mode almost nailed off the bat. Single player racing is boring.
GT7 should not have won, it was broken from the start and ther are still alot of thing it still needs. Kinda ****ed up that it won don't you think?
Which of the other nominees should've won then?

It's such an empty category that Crash Team Racing and NBA 2K can compete with each other.

Out of what was there... yeah, I'd pick GT7. But it's like picking which cheap fast food you want. None are particularly great, but you'd still pick one over another.
Because it was still the best sports game that year by far. Also not sure how it was barebones at all. Why? Because it didnt have 400 cars? Id hardly consider having 200 cars barebones. Peoples expectations are insane if they think racing games should have 400 plus to be considered complete. Especially when almost every game with that many, the quality suffers badly as a result. When was gt mode added? I thought it was before the game awards, but frankly no campaign mode in a gt game makes it worthy of GOTY. Especially not when they had the online racing mode almost nailed off the bat. Single player racing is boring.
Lol. I just looked up what won that year assuming that something random like FIFA won. Yeah, nah, there were two racing games better than GTS that came out in 2017.

I'd say that GTS should have released in 2016 if they wanted to win, but they wouldn't have beaten FH3 either.
Good boy! You can stop commenting on GT7 now.
I stopped commenting on it months ago, if you haven't noticed, about the same time I stopped playing it.
finally! guy had the worst takes
exactly. There are those who criticize and that's it and those who play and have fun.
You can't take someone criticizing a game you like? That's a you problem. Even the best games I like the most have problems worth criticizing in them. So yeah, as far as worst takes go getting butthurt over criticism is up there.

All the criticism is aimed at making the game better. And since polyphony didn't even implement what they promised I saw no reason to wait around any longer for the game to actually become more fun.
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I need no prediction, to say next year award will win the next Forza Motorsport. So easy.
2024 surely Horizon 6 if it will launch in that year.
GTR Revival is coming in 2024 - the greatest, most hardcore, most immersive sim ever (Ian said so). A sure winner.