Best Computer?

  • Thread starter Blazing20
Well, I don't know anything about Linux (I do know that Mac OS X is based on Unix, but, uh, that's about it), so, um... ;)
Originally posted by youth_cycler
Ooh, sorry about that. ;) We don't get too many ladies around GTP (other than you now, the only others I know are lotus350 and TATINEE).

That's okay youth_cycler ;) lol. Sometimes I think people get confused because I don't type like this: ~*~hEy EvErYoNe! HoT 16/f SeArChInG 4 hOt gUyZ! i HaVe A bOdY bUiLt LiKe A mUsTaNg'S!! sEnD mE a Pm!~*~

LOL...sorry, I couldn't resist. Just kidding, just kidding.

Anyhoo...I think I'll stick with a Dell. Turns out my stepdad wants to get the new computer/laptop, and he'll give me the custom one we have arleady. Which is alright with me because I like that computer as it is. We're considering a Dell now.