The Maclaren wins because it doesn't have to contend with detuned LM1's, just a Zonda, GT, or another BMac, but winning is no problem as I am using the Seasonal Level 3 B-Spec 650pp as an ATM for 1mill+ per race to keep topped off for the OCD/UCD revolving market. To keep interested, I am watching how certain tunings (LM1's in particular) react. significant detunings w/turbos, less detuning w/o turbos. I have noticed a great deal about some of the LM1's such as enabling High turbo actually decreasing the PP vs. the Mid Turbo or even no turbo at all. Can't remember exactly, but the 908 Diesels seemed to display this phenomenom.
Haven't tested it on the track yet, but a General detuned R8 650pp prediiction? No turbo at 504HP or so vs. a turboed 500HP on the same Audi R8 . . . which just passed the Maclaren towards the end of lap 4 like it was standing still (turboed at 500HP/650pp).