Best detuned 650pp for SEBSLvl3 Suzuki Track?

United States
Bristol, VA
I've been experimenting with detuned LM1 Class cars. So far, I have been able to break the 2min barrier with the Bentley Speed 8 and Pesky Courage C60 w/coaching.
But most LM1 cars will reel in the BMac by lap 5 or 6 w/o coaching and make an inside pass in the 90c curve or the long straight with help, especially the Pesky or BS8. The Mac gets momentary separation out of corners but the LM1's really close the gap on the Mac and especially the Zonda in the uphill sweepers after turn 1 and more than make up for the lack of exit accelleration. The BMac does hold of LM's pass attempts in the sweepers where the rest of the field succumbs, because it's power/corning allow it to take LM level lines.
Try the 2J then if you want something faster. I use the Mclaren and it almost always wins. I start the race and go do something else and whenever I come back its usually a win. No coaching needed really.
The Maclaren wins because it doesn't have to contend with detuned LM1's, just a Zonda, GT, or another BMac, but winning is no problem as I am using the Seasonal Level 3 B-Spec 650pp as an ATM for 1mill+ per race to keep topped off for the OCD/UCD revolving market. To keep interested, I am watching how certain tunings (LM1's in particular) react. significant detunings w/turbos, less detuning w/o turbos. I have noticed a great deal about some of the LM1's such as enabling High turbo actually decreasing the PP vs. the Mid Turbo or even no turbo at all. Can't remember exactly, but the 908 Diesels seemed to display this phenomenom.

Haven't tested it on the track yet, but a General detuned R8 650pp prediiction? No turbo at 504HP or so vs. a turboed 500HP on the same Audi R8 . . . which just passed the Maclaren towards the end of lap 4 like it was standing still (turboed at 500HP/650pp).
I must recant. I have heard the rumors but didn't own one to test it out. I can safely say, The 2J if the baddest beast on the GT5 road! Polyphony underated its pp. It takes a slight tune down to 650pp but still retains all of it's powers, less a little HP. Brakes late LM style into the corners, and out-accels everything out of the corners (including the BMWMacGT. That suction-cornering allows for passes in areas of the course that the rest of the field ccan only dream of. The 2J is my new Alpha-Dog of the 650pp Special Events!