Best game soundtrack

  • Thread starter TypeRDC5
United Kingdom
Wondering what games you think have the best soundtrack?

Now this is more aimed at soundtracks composed from scratched for a game rather than say licensed music like Tony hawk or GT games.

In some games the soundtrack is a game changer and can really add to the atmosphere and overall enjoyment of the game.

I will start off by posting my absolute favourite soundtrack which is Metal gear solid 2! Just the track on the original trailer got me hyped more than the gameplay trailer itself!

Also a very very close second the ambient tracks for all the 3 original resident games on the playstation still havent been topped for the horror genre.
Special mention the save room in RE3, the first floor theme for RE1 and the police station hall theme on RE2.
Has to be street fighter 2. Man some of those tunes are just so catchy and iconic.

Mk1 is a close second on the mega drive.

Oh and doom 2 Man that menu music is awesome
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Also a very very close second the ambient tracks for all the 3 original resident games on the playstation still havent been topped for the horror genre.
Special mention the save room in RE3, the first floor theme for RE1 and the police station hall theme on RE2.
The music in the original REs are near perfect for the games. I love the police station in RE2 espcially, or the save room from 3.

The games that come to mind to me with the best music are Metroid Prime 1 and 2, all Uncharted games and The Last of Us (part 1). There are so many more epic sound tracks but these examples are top for me because they add so much to the game's atmosphere and feeling.

Honorable mention to the original three Spyro and Crash games.
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Final Fantasy series. 6, 7, 8, 10 all have very cool songs.

my personal fav :

Lots are composed by Nobuo Uematsu.
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My personal favorites are Max Payne 3 (Health are one of my favorite bands), Skyrim, Mass Effect & Marc Ecko‘s Getting Up. The Tony Hawk games also have always had great soundtracks.

Honorable mention to GT Sport‘s Ambient focused music in the menues, I loved the aesthetic of that game!