Best value wheel for gts?

  • Thread starter leexr2i
When I was looking I got put off the T150 for reliability reasons. I honestly don't think the G29 is that noisy and I was able to get it for less than the T150 + pedal upgrade.

Interesting rui10 thinks the brake is too hard, I've been considering getting one of the aftermarket springs because I find in GTS I get better braking if I use less brake, I tend to whack the pedal a bit too much, my thinking is if I make it harder it will suit me better.

I think the T150 looks a bit cheap in all honesty, not that it matters a great deal.
U can but its £90, can put that towards a decent wheel that will work perfectly.

Just offering an option. For me - I am likely going to get one eventually so that I can use my setup on my Xbox One S as well. Also, if you have both consoles, not having to switch the base off your rig/stand/desk is a nice feature.