Bet if we all stopped playing GT 7 they would hurry and fix it

Well I hope there's something PD can do about it, the game forces you onto the same save file. It's entirely tied to your account. You can't start a new one on the same account, ever. The least they can do, if they refuse to fix the save file, is offer a refund. They aren't doing that either.

Everyone who has talked about their experience here has shown that support has refused to help. There has not been a single person who has said they've been helped.

Okay, but people literally can't play the game; they've been locked out because their save is corrupted and they can't even start a new file to get around it. Congratulations for not running into a severe game-breaking bug, but maybe don't cry that people are bitching about the game when they do.
My goodness, you have an exorbitantly high need for recognition, to be honest, you are welcome to mark all my other messages as **** and try to question any statements I have made or anything like that.. just keep whining as much as you want. I just find it pathetic and, on top of that, a complete waste of time for me to read just one more long message from you.

My goodness, you have an exorbitantly high need for recognition, to be honest, you are welcome to mark all my other messages as **** and try to question any statements I have made or anything like that.. just keep whining as much as you want. I just find it pathetic and, on top of that, a complete waste of time for me to read just one more long message from you.

Dont read em.
My goodness, you have an exorbitantly high need for recognition, to be honest, you are welcome to mark all my other messages as **** and try to question any statements I have made or anything like that.. just keep whining as much as you want. I just find it pathetic and, on top of that, a complete waste of time for me to read just one more long message from you.

You literally use "stop whining and enjoy the game" on people who have unrecoverable corrupted save files. Your defending of this game is incredible.

Stop whining that people want a functioning ****ing game.
[...] whoever says that he has really done EVERYTHING after 2-3-4 days is lying in my eyes and people like that disgust me!
You accuse me of lying then, what in turn disgusts me. Why do you think it's impossible to do everything (Gold in license tests, missions, music rallies & circuit experiences, finished menu books, first place in all world circuit events) in "2-3-4 days"?

Maybe you add having all cars + all their tuning parts to the word "everything"? That's not what I meant, though it's possible due to MTs by the way. So even if you include that, there might be people out there who did it. So tell me: Is there something I missed? (Apart from PS4/5 trophies, which I don't count towards ingame content.)
Literally just look at the recent posts in this thread.
Countless people reporting that their game crashed, and now they can't play.

But no, it's a flawless game, and anyone who has a broken save file is bitching for no reason. Sure.
Youll stop playing once ur messes up too
I did have problems with save last week, I do have problem with liveries not showing up, I can't golden my licenses nor missions right now, but I can still enjoy the game in many other ways.

To come here and share a bug/s with comunity looking for solution is one thing, but constant critisizam from the usual members is so much boring, even more than "Dirt Hell" - Fishermans' Ranch :D
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You accuse me of lying then, what in turn disgusts me. Why do you think it's impossible to do everything (Gold in license tests, missions, music rallies & circuit experiences, finished menu books, first place in all world circuit events) in "2-3-4 days"?

Maybe you add having all cars + all their tuning parts to the word "everything"? That's not what I meant, though it's possible due to MTs by the way. So even if you include that, there might be people out there who did it. So tell me: Is there something I missed? (Apart from PS4/5 trophies, which I don't count towards ingame content.)
I played the game since the 5th Completed everything almost but some missions. If i cant get paid im not doing anymore. For u to call all of us liars is plain petty on your behalf. Read everyone comments. Were all having issues. Guess we all did it to ourselves huh. Go back to mommy and leave us alone
I did have problems with save last week, I do have problem with liveries not showing up, I can't golden my licenses nor missions right now, but I can still enjoy the game in many other ways.

To come here and share a bug/s with comunity looking for solution is one thing, but constant critisizam from same members is so much boring.
The constant denial of any criticism from the same members is boring too.
I did have problems with save last week, I do have problem with liveries not showing up, I can't golden my licenses nor missions right now, but I can still enjoy the game in many other ways.

To come here and share a bug/s with comunity looking for solution is one thing, but constant critisizam from same members is so much boring, even more than "Dirt Hell" - Fishermans' Ranch :D
And yet here u are complaining as well. Get off my ...... Play ur game while u still can.
I've already installed it and gone back to GT Sport as the single player options are much more expansive.

Being one of those much demonised casual GT players (even though most of us played it to death when younger then found gaming time hard to come by in adult life), this is not a game aimed at a casual player. The repetitive races where you start from the back and only have 2 laps to overtake 100 cars is format that gets dull very quickly. So I'm not sure why people are suggesting this game is aimed at casuals?
I'm just curious as to how many hours a day these 'completitionists' play the game that they have completed everything there is to complete? 😂
Do they eat or sleep??
The game's nearly 2 weeks old now, it's really not hard if you play a few hours per day. Some long weekend play sessions and after work playing will get you there easily.
I'm just curious as to how many hours a day these 'completitionists' play the game that they have completed everything there is to complete? 😂
Do they eat or sleep??
That's exactly the point, if someone says he's been playing for 2 days and has done everything, he must have played through almost the entire 48 hours, because 2 days are 48 hours. In my opinion, more than 48 hours are necessary to have all tests, all races, etc. on gold, especially since there will very likely be no one who can be so concentrated for 48 hours at a time that he can really bring all this content to gold. And as I said, everything includes everything for me!
I'm just curious as to how many hours a day these 'completitionists' play the game that they have completed everything there is to complete? 😂
Do they eat or sleep??
Eat, sleep? Occasionally. ;)

To answer the question: About 10 hours a day. Do it for a weekend and your done. If you're on PS4 you have to add loading times of course lol.
You b
It really does make me laugh how some people's expectations have become so high. PD was never going to satisfy everyone. If they had added endurance races, people would have said they're too long. If they didn't add endurance races, why no endurance races??? That's why you can create your own custom races. I love it personally.
Then people complain about grinding and moaning about the fact that not all cars are obtainable within 10 days of the game being released. It's then a case of "Sorry bruh, this is totally effed up, I'm a gonna return my PS5" 😂

I think it's great that you unlock cars and tracks as you progress rather than having millions of credits and cars thrown at you from day one. You appreciate the content more, at least, that's what I find. I have been playing the game for a few hours and haven't encountered any bugs so far.
Every game has bugs of some description which get patched in due cours

I dunno if anyone even looks at the playercounts. I'm sure Sony only cares about sales figures, so instead we should all return our copies? LOL
Agreed. But mines digital. Ive uninstalled and cant get a refund. Im just out of the money. Cutting my loss.
The thing is the game can be played, just unfortunately a bug which is more likely an issue that never appeared In testing (it happens a lot).

Thank your lucky stars bugs can be fixed now, I had the GT2 completion bug where you could never attain a full 100% which irked me for years.

Give poly time, as I'll say bugs need to be found, a solution worked out, make sure said solution won't break anything else, then be QA'd by Sony then an update scheduled

This issue like the tyres in dirt tests and a couple others will more than likely be patched next patch as its not in their intrest or even efficient to patch 1 bug at a time.
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Cause were pro racers. And know how to play
That's exactly the point, if someone says he's been playing for 2 days and has done everything, he must have played through almost the entire 48 hours, because 2 days are 48 hours. In my opinion, more than 48 hours are necessary to have all tests, all races, etc. on gold, especially since there will very likely be no one who can be so concentrated for 48 hours at a time that he can really bring all this content to gold. And as I said, everything includes everything for me!

The thing is the game can be played, just unfortunately a bug which is more likely an issue that never appeared In testing (it happens a lot).

Thank your lucky stars bugs can be fixed now, I had the GT2 completion bug where you could never attain a full 100% which irked me for years.

Give poly time, as I'll say bugs need to be found, a solution worked out, make sure said solution won't break anything else, then be QA'd by Sony then an update scheduled

This issue like the tyres in dirt tests and a couple others will more than likely be patched next patch as its not in their intrest or even efficient to patch 1 bug at a time.
Cant be played Credits locked at 0
Took me 4 days to complete. Im disabled so time on my hands. As i cant work. So i play
I forced to Stop playing because I can't earn any Credits thanks to a Bug in the Audi drag Mission. Started a Game in my second Account and recognize that is Impossible to get gold License because of the wrong tyres in the dirt section
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Yeah I already stopped. After two days I had everything done. Don't know what to do. Online lobbies are trash, because hosts leaving the game. Sport mode is unbearable when you've done the same race 10 times. Credit grinding is unbearable with these payouts. Racing and drifting against AI for fun isn't that funny anymore with all the smoke and dirt effects patched out.

As high as my hype was on release day as high is my disappointment now as well. Can't help it.
Lobby and daily races are the same of GT sport, I don't see big difference. I think PD would have needed more time for GT7, but Sony said no. I am waiting the next updates.
Based on how much the UCD and Legend lots have had the cycling of cars slow down over the last few days I think that's already started to happen. (That is assuming cars actually cycle out based on the number of people that have purchased them; not sure if anyone knows exactly how that works)

I know I've only driven maybe 80 miles in the last 4 days compared to 400+ on day 1, lol. Don't have anything to do that is engaging enough to keep me from playing Elden Ring.
Not how it works lol. But sure, let's go ahead and start calling this a dead game already.

To be fair I do think the game could have done with more single player content and that credits should be given out more generously. I've mostly been experimenting with different cars trying to get different setups ready for new daily race restrictions, trying to work out what upgrades work on what type of cars so you get the best performance per bhp (because 295bhp on a GTR is not the same as 295bhp on an S2000 for example). I haven't had to do much grinding yet but I am having to be very selective with what I spend my credits on. In a way, that's good because it makes me spend more time with each car, but that's a very generous way of describing it I think.
Cause were pro racers. And know how to play

Cant be played Credits locked at 0
Took me 4 days to complete. Im disabled so time on my hands. As i cant work. So i play
Sorry to hear dude, this is a bummer.

Sony support might be able to help? It's a route worth taking they have always been brand new with me when I had issues in GTA online migration way back!

Worth a shot man, do hope it gets fixed its just sometimes a Ballache the turn around on patching isn't as quick as we like.
Now there are apparently glitches in Sport Mode, mostly what I was planning on playing today. So I guess I'm not playing altogether at least until after the maintenance period.
How bout we all stop playing GT7 and see how long it takes for them to fix this freaking game. Im uninstalling it now. Im done with this game. Going back to GT sport. Hince it works just fine
I completed the game after a few days of casual play. Uninstalled and went back to GT Sport and quickly realised just how bad GT7 really is.

I’m sure I’ll reinstall it a year from now and laugh about the dark days when it was first released.
To the clueless people posting here, there are tons of people that can't play the game right now. I'm a gamer since the spectrum days, i'm 38 years old, been gaming my entire life, and i have played my share of messed up rushed games.... Really can't remember one that prevented me from progressing the game for so long. Pre ordered the 25 year edition, played for like 4 days since release until my game started crashing when buying and being awarded cars.... can't play anything that awards me a car, championships, licenses etc...crash....

And it's not a problem with my PS5, because fortunately i have 2 PS5, and i tried on the second one, same thing, PS5 or PS4 version of the game. And i can't even solve the issue for myself since the save is on their side.

I'm not even going to start talking about the number of bugs, errors and bad decisions the devs put into this game... My problem is game breaking.... I paid 85 euros to play the waiting game....until the guys that took years to release this, fix the problem, I'm not optimistic about the people i'm talking about.

sorry for any bad english, not my native language.
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I completed the game after a few days of casual play.
lmao would love to hear your definition of casual. You've got gold on every race, license, mission, driving experience? Got the platinum trophy? In what, let's be generous and say 10 hours (a few days of 3-4 hours play time is probably beyond casual already but whatever).
The game's nearly 2 weeks old now, it's really not hard if you play a few hours per day. Some long weekend play sessions and after work playing will get you there easily.
Well you are better at the game than I am. I have completed the menus and most licence tests gold. At three-quarters of the missions. Very little done for the circuit experience. And I have played quite a bit. Not done with the game by a long way yet.
Once the save corruption and tire bugs are fixed, I'll probably go back and finish a few things, drive a few cheap cars, but there's just not enough to keep me coming back beyond that. So again, I will soon stop playing. I'll have completely finished the current game, and be waiting for PD to make a game I can't finish so quickly.
Unfinished traits in a game are obvious flaw in developer's work but why anyone treats as if the game is complete fixed final product like in older PS1/PS2 era before? And ignoring what actual tech actually are?

Kinda being blind in both nostalgic or only looking at developers that exploited DLC to have them pay. But DLC actually means they can actually intervene easier (rather than releasing a new copy or such) if there's something faulty in the game, and as good a game are there can be always more content to add. No need for making a new game or such but can give updates here (though obviously any developers should actually release quite finished game).

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