"Beyond The Apex" - official GT6 app for iOS (book available in PDF)

  • Thread starter Dionisiy
You can see the files into the app changing the IPA extension to zip, and unrar.
ApexUS 1.0.1\Payload\ApexUS.app\book and converter it to PDF before.
This guy is AWESOME. 👍


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^I'm from Australia and I can open it no problem.

Kudos to PD for remembering about this app 👍 I bought the Anniversary edition and just about given up hope of ever getting the book, so it's a nice surprise. Bummer for those on Android, but give it a few months and someone will probably rip it in PDF format or similar.

The contents itself are pretty similar to the BA book included with GT5's Collector/Signature Edition. There are more pages on car mechanics, but the section on tuning is exactly the same. The track database only includes new tracks that were not in GT5, but is more detailed with pictures and different colours for track configurations (it's nice to see how the different Matterhorn configurations look together :D). The car database is useful, but I was hoping they'd stop with the -- values crap. The pentagon performance map makes it pretty cool to compare cars - just see the difference between Veyron and Citroen 2CV :lol:

It would seem my IPads OS was not up to date.......... :dunce:

Got it now, & all I can say is WOW! I am very interested in the technical side of things, so thankyou, Thankyou, THANKYOU to PD for putting this out, it's just terrific. I'm going to be reading and re-reading it for months! :)

The cynic within me can't help but feel that it's designed to try and sell the realism of the game to people, when half of the physics elements that are described are not modeled correctly in game, or otherwise the top speeds of cars and other elements would be more realistic. Whatever, we can only hope these things and sounds, etc will be improved upon in the future, in the meantime this is awesome. Thanks again Kaz & PD, I'm very happy to have this on the IPad. 👍
Yes, great description about driving realism, engine works, etc, happy with this book, love read it, i have alot hope about GT7. thx Kaz
This has made my day. Thanks so much for sharing.:cheers:

A quick flick through and I have to say this is a really, really good read... which begs the question... could PD not just put this on their website in pdf form?!? If it's free then there's no advantage to them in making phone apps, other than an app might feel "slicker" to use.
I have opened it since with Google Play Books (an older version where you can upload .pdf's) and Aldiko book reader and shows up fine, not in smurf mode :(
Well, for another, better tip (IMO) you should stop using a tablet (I hate 'em) and view it in a proper PC :P
Well, for another, better tip (IMO) you should stop using a tablet (I hate 'em) and view it in a proper PC :P
No need to hate on tablet users. Plus why would I want to read a ebook on a PC(A PC is very heavy to carry around vs a phone or tablet)?? I read ebooks or on a phone, tablet or very rarely a e-reader.
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No need to hate on tablet users. Plus why would I want to read a ebook on a PC?? I read ebooks or on a phone, tablet or very rarely a e-reader.
Wtf? I dont hate on tablet users, I just dislike tablets, but thats just my personal opinion.
Why would you read an ebook on a PC? Because the usual thing is to have a big 1080p (or close) screen, therefore is good to read things.
Wtf? I dont hate on tablet users, I just dislike tablets, but thats just my personal opinion.
Why would you read an ebook on a PC? Because the usual thing is to have a big 1080p (or close) screen, therefore is good to read things.
Why would you need to read a ebook in 1080P? A normall screen is good enough for reading text and looking at a few photos.
Now, my guess is the blue line graph on the course reference is the elevation change? Anyone else have a clue on this?