Bi-weekly Photo Comp Week #5

  • Thread starter TB

A wild Pikachu appeared!
Panasonic DMC-G2​

(just realised this is a double post :nervous: Far enough apart though?)
^:drool: All in favour of Boffin having his own competition so we all have a chance say 'aye'. Yet another amazing shot! Taking my camera out tonight to have a play in the dark :)

Thanks but I am not so sure I have much chance this week.

A wild Pikachu appeared!
Panasonic DMC-G2​

(just realised this is a double post :nervous: Far enough apart though?)

Pretty cool, good stuff! 👍 Reminds me of my current facebook cover photo:



(taken straight from fb so the quality is not that great) :P
I haven't had nearly enough time to devote to getting the next comp up and running so I'm just going to let this one keep going until I'm back from vacation.

Consider this bonus time to get more shots in, guys. :D
Any chance I can submit a bit late? Like a day or two? Spending some time extra up at a cabin. Have the shot on my camera, just not access to my computer.
In case you missed the post above yours (guessing you are posting from a phone), the comp IS open a week longer than usual. 👍
Or are you talking about a week after that?
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arg! i cant do this one.. cause i dont haz a camera that can do that :(
(still stuck on the cell-phone cause of broken dSLR).. i have old photos, but.. yeah. <_<
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^ That is an awesome shot. Competition is extra tough this time... Great shots all around.
Very tough indeed, people. I haven't had any time to even look for a thing to photograph nor go trough my archive. I'll do it tomorrow.
^Yeah me neither, I have one as backup if I won't get the time to shoot something, it's crappy though
TB has been on holiday this week so he opened this comp for an extra week. New polls and Week #6 on Sunday night 👍
^ Me, too. How long do you need, photonrider? I'm about ready to wrap this "bi-week" up. :)
Give me 10 mins, I just post one to get the poll number up ;) Hadn't had a chance to get something nice done,....


Trierer Dom (D)

Ok done
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Final Entry

Dinosaur Park, Rapid City, SD
July 9, 2012
Canon T1i​

I know it's not dark dark so if anyone has any objection to it, speak up and I'll completely understand.

I had such high hopes that being out in the middle of nowhere I'd be able to get some decent long exposure shots on our trip but when the time came I was just too tired to attempt anything. :indiff:
No objections, I think we shouldn't be too tight with the rules to not scare people off.
I leave the final verdict to Boffin though as it is his theme
^ Me, too. How long do you need, photonrider? I'm about ready to wrap this "bi-week" up. :)

Ta for waiting, TB! :) 👍

This is the best I could do; but I'm not going to be left out. Great views in here though, and I guess that is part of the fun - checking out what everybody else did. ;)



Fireworks Duel.​

Camera Make: Apple
Camera Model: iPhone 3GS
Date/Time: 2012:07:01 22:00:36
Resolution: 480 x 640
Flash Used: No
Focal Length: 3.9mm
Exposure Time: 0.100 s (1/10)
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO Equiv.: 1016

Final Entry

Dinosaur Park, Rapid City, SD
July 9, 2012
Canon T1i​

I know it's not dark dark so if anyone has any objection to it, speak up and I'll completely understand.

I had such high hopes that being out in the middle of nowhere I'd be able to get some decent long exposure shots on our trip but when the time came I was just too tired to attempt anything. :indiff:

This is great! :dopey: 👍



South Beach Dawn


Nikon D200 | Sigma 50mm f/1.4

This is just for the sake of participating. Just got back from my honeymoon trip.

Anyway, I think this theme has gathered the best shots so far. Well done, guys. 👍

EDIT: Hum... Am I even still on time for this? :ill:
EDIT: Hum... Am I even still on time for this? :ill:
Due to my epic, post vacation laziness, you're in. :P

I'll get the poll and the next theme sorted after I take care of a load of clothes. If anyone else is going to post a shot, you have until then to do so. :lol:
I was waiting for a smart ass comment. :lol:

I ended up taking a shower and got roped into shopping and now my wife is on the laptop. I'll get there. It might not be until she's in bed but I'll get there. :lol: