Big Movies that everyone Loves, but you can't stand...

  • Thread starter Tom M
Hey, I'm stealing vat_man's idea (sort of) and starting a thread about big name movies that everyone in the world loved, but you couldn't stand for one reason or another. (And I'd like to hear the reasons ;))

I'll ante up Titanic. It was just a terrible movie IMO, and I wish for that 3 hours of my life back every time I think about it.
I'll also add Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan. Two totally "Spielbergized" movies. Except for very breif portions that were exceptional (Beach landing for example) these were two films that rode on Speilbergs reputation more than their own merits. I think that many critics were just too afraid to say anything bad about these movies for fear of the backlash.
But then... that's just IMO.

(Oh... and Star Wars Ep1 stank too :P)
Oh man did Phantom Menace suck - although I did buy the DVD (great fight sequences with Darth Maul - why did he die and Jar Jar live?)

Titanic was a shocker - just schmalty rubbish.

Mmmm - Batman & Robin - my personal worst film of all time - but everyone hates that one...

Gone with the Wind - what is the big deal with that. Boring. Overblown.

Moulin Rouge - I know I'm Australian, but I just don't get this film. It's flashy and attractive, and that's about it. And can we hold a scene for more than 20 seconds!?! If I wanted channel surfing I'd sit at home and watch my partner flick through the cable channels.

Face Off - I personally just found this film ugly and violent. The main plot theme (changing identities) was so obvious as to be insulting

ET - god I hate that film. Patronise me some more why don't you?

Dancing with Wolves - very boring
Here are my two...

Independence Day: boring moralistic tale about how Americans are superior to everyone. Not nearly enough special effects given the almost entirely CG trailer.

Armageddon: Too long, too predictable, too politically-correct, too schmaltzy, poorly shot, inaccurate, too formulaic, and with very weak characters.

I have fairly stong opinions about movies, so I'll probably come up with some more, but here's my kickoff anyway! :)
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
Here are my two...

Independence Day: boring moralistic tale about how Americans are superior to everyone. Not nearly enough special effects given the almost entirely CG trailer.

Armageddon: Too long, too predictable, too politically-correct, too schmaltzy, poorly shot, inaccurate, too formulaic, and with very weak characters.

I have fairly stong opinions about movies, so I'll probably come up with some more, but here's my kickoff anyway! :)

I totally agree with Giles here :P they were rubbish :(
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
I have fairly stong opinions about movies, so I'll probably come up with some more, but here's my kickoff anyway! :)

Can't believe I forgot this one...

Pearl Harbor: which managed to combine all the worst aspects of both Independence Day and Armageddon. I mean, did anybody really believe that Ben Affleck's character wold have died so early on? That made the whole rest of the film garbage for me. (not that it wasn't garbage before). The CG was good, but the aerial scenes weren't terribly realistic - several times the planes flew through their own bomb blasts, and there's no way they would have been that low.

And it just went on, for so long, it felt like I'd been in the cinema for days.

God, that was a poor film. I have resolved never to go and see another Jerry Bruckheimer production of my own free will again. (Both of my other nominations are Bruckheimer's as well.)
I just couldn't be bothered watching Pearl Harbor at all i knew it would be another boring waste of time .
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie

Can't believe I forgot this one...

Pearl Harbor: which managed to combine all the worst aspects of both Independence Day and Armageddon. I mean, did anybody really believe that Ben Affleck's character wold have died so early on? That made the whole rest of the film garbage for me. (not that it wasn't garbage before). The CG was good, but the aerial scenes weren't terribly realistic - several times the planes flew through their own bomb blasts, and there's no way they would have been that low.

And it just went on, for so long, it felt like I'd been in the cinema for days.

God, that was a poor film. I have resolved never to go and see another Jerry Bruckheimer production of my own free will again. (Both of my other nominations are Bruckheimer's as well.)

i hated this movie more than anyone else in the entire world!!
Originally posted by LoudMusic
You are all going to hate me.

The Fast And The Furious

What a load of crap!


How could i forget that one ?.. oh yeah! it's very forgettable :lol:
I agree with Loudmusic it's total utter crap ! :D
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
Here are my two...

Independence Day: boring moralistic tale about how Americans are superior to everyone. Not nearly enough special effects given the almost entirely CG trailer.

that movie sucked , i only liked one part, when Will Smith takes that aline down then he goes up to him, punches him in the face and says "welcome to earth" i like that part i dunno why
Originally posted by vat_man
Oh man did Phantom Menace suck - although I did buy the DVD (great fight sequences with Darth Maul - why did he die and Jar Jar live?)

Yup, Episode 1 sucked it. I remember when Matrix came out...a coworker of mine said he thought it would be the best flick of the summer, surpassing even Ep. 1. I was doubtful at the time (even though I loved Matrix). When Ep. 1 came out, it removed all doubt. It wasn't even competition for The Matrix.

Every time i consider buying the Ep. 1 DVD, I remember just how much I hated the movie. :yuck:

Titanic was a shocker - just schmalty rubbish.

Well, yes, but I saw it on a HUGE screen, so that made it a little entertaining...I only wish I'd seen Matrix on that screen...

Mmmm - Batman & Robin - my personal worst film of all time - but everyone hates that one...

:fdevil: heeeheheheeheee... [sharpens claws] Can't agree with you enough. I could feel my brains turning into liquid Jell-O watching it. The dialogue, the acting...putrid. Worse than any B-movie I've seen. It's the only movie I've considered walking out of...and I never walk out of a movie. The only person I know who liked it was some scary redneck dude who didn't seem like he had the mental capacity to open a pickle jar.
what a long a boring movie full of crap and the ending left you with what the....
to much computer geneated total un realistic like the sceans with all the traffic in the sky traveling in lines ... and the robot army totaly stupid
no story the the cars were crap what wanger drives around with lights under them they sound like bees buzzing around .. and look closly at the speeds these cars are doing over the 1/4 these cars are using all the gears in the 1/4
need i say any thing gave up watching it
I, too, hated Titanic. I was just wanted them to stop whining about everything and die already. I thought it was that bad. In fact, the only good parts were nearly shot-for-shot remakes of A Night to Remember.

I loathed Fast and the Furious. Inane plot, cheesy characters, and all. I cringe at all of its mentions, especially now that so many babble on about "NOS." Talk about product placement; the whole movie was an overly-long info-mercial for the stuff.

And, while I'm babbling on about it, what was with the owner of the performance shop telling the main character he shouldn't use NOS because he has "a heavy foot?" Is the stuff actually supposed to be used by people who drive slowly, then? So it's a responsible company? Are those folks who risk falling below the minimum speed limit--but drive in the passing lanes--the ones who should have nitrous in their cars? So they keep out of everyone's way? I could go on, but I doubt anyone is still reading.

I can't say I cared much for Star Wars 1, either.
Jurassic Park (1, 2, never saw 3 for good reason...2 was awful)
I saw it in the theater, and wasn't impressed seeing it later.

Placated to every trashy, half-assed American ideal. I actually left halfway through (a friend rented it) to complete a homework assignment.

I rented this when my fiancee and I were first going out (about 3 months). We both turned it off about half-way through. We couldn't get into it.

Any batman movie after the second one
Yea, no actor's happy until everyone's been Batman once in their career. (WTF...let the idea die already, the cartoon kicks its butt.)

Scary movie 2
Why are so many people telling me to see it? It was perhaps the worst movie I have seen in many a year. The first was sort of funny, so I gambled that the next one would be a little funny. No, it was made for 3-year-olds, I'm sure...the humor was shit jokes and nothing else.
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell

I'll also add Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan. Two totally "Spielbergized" movies. Except for very breif portions that were exceptional (Beach landing for example) these were two films that rode on Speilbergs reputation more than their own merits. I think that many critics were just too afraid to say anything bad about these movies for fear of the backlash.
But then... that's just IMO.

I disagree! Both excellent films that promoted a lot of awareness for their respective topics. Especially Schindler's List. There are still people in the world that deny the Holocaust ever happened. This movie does serve a purpose, and does it well. I'm not a big Spielberg fan myself, but these 2 films were very powerful for me.

Just my opinion :cool:
Originally posted by Macka

I disagree! Both excellent films that promoted a lot of awareness for their respective topics. Especially Schindler's List. There are still people in the world that deny the Holocaust ever happened. This movie does serve a purpose, and does it well. I'm not a big Spielberg fan myself, but these 2 films were very powerful for me.

Just my opinion :cool:

i totaly agree macka!!
Giles: I usually love reading your posts (lol, i dunno) but you took three American movies, which all had the same hero plot (and I think some of the same actors, Affleck for one) and found your way to bash them all. I generally agree with your complaints, but come ON! These are NOT the worst movies of all time! How about "The Saint" or, if you're looking for big movies, "The Blair Witch Project" or especially "The Matrix."
Originally posted by M5Power
Giles: I usually love reading your posts (lol, i dunno) but you took three American movies, which all had the same hero plot (and I think some of the same actors, Affleck for one) and found your way to bash them all. I generally agree with your complaints, but come ON! These are NOT the worst movies of all time! How about "The Saint" or, if you're looking for big movies, "The Blair Witch Project" or especially "The Matrix."

Well it is my opinion. I fully agree with you that they're not necessarily the worst movies of all time, just because I hated them. I think I've narrowed it down to the style of the production, rather than the actors. Also, I think I speak for a lot of non-Americans when I say that outside of the US, such "Go USA" films aren't terribly well received. I haven't seen The Saint for no readily apparent reason. Blair Witch I saw the trailer for (and I don't really like that genre of movie anyway), and I think The Matrix is excellent - certainly in terms of design and production.

I nominated Armageddon, Independence Day and Pearl Harbor because of the thread's title. I'm one of the few people I know who hated all three of these films.

Hope I continue to amuse you though, I'm sticking around here for a while! :)
I can understand why "Go USA" films aren't well-received in the rest of the world (I was born in and lived in Guam until I turned 17, which is a part of the USA but not a big part :D) but why do you watch them, then? What do you expect from such movies as Armageddon and Pearl Harbour?

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