Big Movies that everyone Loves, but you can't stand...

  • Thread starter Tom M
Oh and by the way, I didn't really like the three films, though I liked Pearl Harbour more than the rest of them, followed by Independence Day...
Originally posted by M5Power
I can understand why "Go USA" films aren't well-received in the rest of the world (I was born in and lived in Guam until I turned 17, which is a part of the USA but not a big part :D) but why do you watch them, then? What do you expect from such movies as Armageddon and Pearl Harbour?

It's a valid point. If you have a look back at what I said, I think I've narrowed it down to a single producer - Jerry Bruckheimer - which makes it a cinch to avoid this kind of movie (which I regard as drivel) in the future. :)
There might ;) be someone that disagrees with me here, but I really hate these:

The Matrix (Not very groundbreaking, if you ask me.)
Blade Runner (Zzzzz)
Men In Black
Scary Movie 1 & 2
American Pie
Jurrasic Park 1 & 2 (Haven't seen the third.)
Independence Day

I haven't seen Titanic or Pearl Harbor. And I don't plan to see them.
They seem like girly movies.

Go on, Matrix lovers - hate me :P I don't care.
Originally posted by CloneHead
There might ;) be someone that disagrees with me here, but I really hate these:

The Matrix (Not very groundbreaking, if you ask me.)
Blade Runner (Zzzzz)
Men In Black
Scary Movie 1 & 2
American Pie
Jurrasic Park 1 & 2 (Haven't seen the third.)
Independence Day

I haven't seen Titanic or Pearl Harbor. And I don't plan to see them.
They seem like girly movies.

Go on, Matrix lovers - hate me :P I don't care.

I'm a Matrix-lover, but I'm not going to hate you for not liking the movie. Nor am I going to hate you for not liking Bladerunner, or Men In Black. The fact that I loved all three of these movies just makes me different.

The Matrix brilliantly combined some new effects, with a new style of direction, into a blockbuster that was actually entertaining to watch on numerous occasions. The plot is admittedly holey, and some of the incidental characters could have acted a little better, but I liked Reeves in it, and thought that Laurence Fishburne was fantastic.

Bladerunner is one of those movies that is excellent in most regards yet isn't that enjoyable to watch. Still the direction, and the creation of utter loneliness in a clamouring world are first rate. I think the Director's Cut was perhaps a little overplayed however.

Men in Black was a simplistic romp, and would have been nothing without the chemistry between Smith & Jones. That said, it is the opposite of Bladerunner (i.e. not very good but really enjoyable to watch). It also converted brilliantly to DVD.

You posted your opinion, I mine, and that's what this place is about!

I actually liked know that there was a titanic made in '96 with different people? I watch that version and it totally sucked, they tilted the cameras instead of the stage, so people were waltzing in at angles and not having to hold onto stuff. The '97 version was great. Only reason I can't stand it is cause it's really long, and emotional....

F&F sucked

Zoolander was horificly bad

Big Trouble was ok but pretty stupid

that's about it....
Originally posted by jag_man_v12
what a long a boring movie full of crap and the ending left you with what the....

read the book, use you imagination, get a life....

sorry, I don't mean to be rude (okay, so I do), but would you please try to break the streotype of the 5 second attention span generation and imagine a film which doesn't have to end with the hero killing the bad guy and walking off with the foxy chick.

the ending is different because there are more movies to come.

Be patient young paduan learner.......
Originally posted by CloneHead
There might ;) be someone that disagrees with me here, but I really hate these:

The Matrix (Not very groundbreaking, if you ask me.)
Blade Runner (Zzzzz)
Men In Black
Scary Movie 1 & 2
American Pie
Jurrasic Park 1 & 2 (Haven't seen the third.)
Independence Day

I haven't seen Titanic or Pearl Harbor. And I don't plan to see them.
They seem like girly movies.

Go on, Matrix lovers - hate me :P I don't care.

agree with a bunch of this - Blade runner left me feeling very disappointed and independance day was a big "America Saves the world again" movie which puyt me to sleep.

But the Matrix? The Matrix? Come on dude - this is one of the finest Kung Fu movies of our time. Its also got some awesome special effects and a few great perfomances by Laurence and Co. Granted the plot is pretty dodgy, but I was too busy enjoying the crane-style Shaolin boxing to complain.

And Pie? You don't like Pie. That was such a funny film with so many one liners that I can't repeat cos they're too rude.

But I guess we're all just throwing in our opinions, so hate em if you want....
okay, its not exactly controversial hating Phantom Menace, mostly cos of Jar Jar, but is anyone else really excited about number 2?

I'm afriad that there will be a bunch of love rubbish with Anakin and Portman, but there looks like some sweet Jedi action and plenty of war. I just hope Binks gets his stupid CG head cut off in a horrific lightsabre accident during the opening credits.
yeh, i am so looking forward to this also, if the review from that bloke are anything to go by it looks amazing!!!!!!!!
Must confess I am also - I have a bit of a feeling this is going to be the 'Empire Stikes Back' of the 3 prequels.
Originally posted by vat_man
Originally posted by polyphony 001
I just hope Binks gets his stupid CG head cut off in a horrific lightsabre accident during the opening credits.

Wouldn't that be a shame (chortle)?

i have read that he dosen't make into much of the film thank god!!WHEW......... :)
Originally posted by vat_man
Must confess I am also - I have a bit of a feeling this is going to be the 'Empire Stikes Back' of the 3 prequels.

do you mean it will be the darkest one (as Empire was) or are you one of the "Empire was the best one" club.

I think that 3 will be the darkest by some way, and although 2 will have a shot at being the best, I reckon 3 will be the daddy of this lot.

Of the origional 3, Star Wars will always be my favourite cos its the first one and it has no Gungans / Ewoks or any of that ****.

George has his work cut out for him to remedy the catastrophe that was The Phantom Rubbish.
Originally posted by polyphony 001

read the book, use you imagination, get a life....

sorry, I don't mean to be rude (okay, so I do), but would you please try to break the streotype of the 5 second attention span generation and imagine a film which doesn't have to end with the hero killing the bad guy and walking off with the foxy chick.

the ending is different because there are more movies to come.

Be patient young paduan learner.......

right on! i thought it was an excellent film and certainly better than some of the Best picture nominations, exception of Training Day , but including a Beautiful Mind (i just hope Russel Crowe doesn't beat me up :D ).

anyhoo, Independence Day was pretty bad unless you were 12yrs old.

by the way, saw Spider-man last night, much much better than i thought it would be. i honestly didn't think I wasted my 7.50 to see this movie. it stayed true to comic as best as a hollywood blockbuster could.

Also saw the trailer for the Incredible Hulk , it looks like it'll be awesome, its been directed by Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ), i have high expectations for this one.
I'd like to prematurely add the live action Scooby-Doo movie to the list, if nothing for the fact that CGI Scooby looks almost as bad as Jar Jar. And besides, it'll probably end the same way that every single Scooby-Doo cartoon ever made ended (the old man from the run down carnival/castle/harbor wants to scare everyone away so he can keep the gold/oil/jewels on the property, and he would've gotten away with it if not for you NOSY KIDS!!!)
I hated Titanic. I was into boats and stuff when I was little and had high hopes. They sank with the boat. I thought Pearl Harbor looked GREAT from the trailers, but it majorly sucked behind thanks to the superboring chick-flick story and that faggish Hartnett guy's ugly mug in every scene. The height of the film was when he died with 1/2 of the others... Hehe. Never seen The Matrix, and thought Men in Black was waaaaaay worse than Independence Day. Tommy Lee Jones should be shot for sinking that low. The worst movie every, though, was that Beloved one with Oprah. I was yawning in the first couple of seconds thinking it was going to be a chick-flick. Then it got slightly exciting when she thought about butchering the kids and heard evil voices, then she peed in a hole in the ground while standing up (Oprah!) and it was time for me to visit the bathroom for a throw-up session. NEVER SEE THAT MOVIE! I liked Gosford Park, though... Funny...
Here's my list:

15 minutes / starring Robert DeNero. DeNero one of my favorite actors, but his charicter gets killed in the first 15 min. of this movie. Unfortunatly no one else in the movie can act worth ****.

Jerry McGuire / The only thing worse than watching this stupid a$$ flick were all the "show me the money" quotes you here.

Close Encounters of the third kind/ BORRING

Blair Witch/ Shot by an epileptic with a handy wait thats an insult to anyone with epilepsy.

Zoolander/ stupid in a very unfunny way.

The Scorpion King/ Roc go back to your day job PLEASE.

The perfect storm/ some dam fisherman got caught in bad weather. Who gives a ****.

Mission Impossible 2/ Even the special effects could'nt save this completly predictable wake me when it's over "action" flick

that's all for now, but there's more to come.
Originally posted by MBowen574
:bigeye: The worst movie every, though, was that Beloved one with Oprah. I was yawning in the first couple of seconds thinking it was going to be a chick-flick. Then it got slightly exciting when she thought about butchering the kids and heard evil voices, then she peed in a hole in the ground while standing up (Oprah!) and it was time for me to visit the bathroom for a throw-up session. NEVER SEE THAT MOVIE!

I think Exit to Eden was worse. Much, much worse. Unless you think seeing Rosie O'Donnell dressed as a dominatrix is a good thing, and I sure as hell don't! :bigeye: :crazy: :yuk: a suck of a movie
the fast and the furious...ja rule is a great actor and those are realistic as hell

2 worst movies in history.
Originally posted by polyphony 001

do you mean it will be the darkest one (as Empire was) or are you one of the "Empire was the best one" club.

I think that 3 will be the darkest by some way, and although 2 will have a shot at being the best, I reckon 3 will be the daddy of this lot.

Bit of both, really, although Empire had some excruitiating scenes between Leia and Solo. The series did turn very serious with this one, and that battle scene at the start on Hoth was fantastic in the cinema.

I liked Star Wars though - it did have a kind of light-hearted good guy/bad guy action flick feel to it, and was good fun.

ROJ - disaster...
Originally posted by vat_man

and that battle scene at the start on Hoth was fantastic in the cinema.

damn straight it was sweet in cinema and when i got it out on video i kept rewinding it and watching it again.
Nearly everything that gets hyped. The same goes for music. If they play it on a commercial radio station, or if it's on more than one screen at the theatre, odds are I don't want anything to do with it.
Originally posted by polyphony 001

But the Matrix? The Matrix? Come on dude - this is one of the finest Kung Fu movies of our time. Its also got some awesome special effects and a few great perfomances by Laurence and Co. Granted the plot is pretty dodgy, but I was too busy enjoying the crane-style Shaolin boxing to complain.

Hey man, I seriously think you should check out some eastern movies, because I would never rate the matrix a kung fu movie.

And for the special effects: - Bullet time is nice, but when you have seen it twice it gets really boring. :sleep:

And don't get me wrong here. I saw the movie at the cinema, and didn't really like it, but everybody was SO exited about it.
So when it was released on DVD I saw it again, to give it a chance - but I really don't see what all the fuss is about.
Originally posted by Afrodeeziac

Blair Witch/ Shot by an epileptic with a handy wait thats an insult to anyone with epilepsy.

HOLY ****! i am laughing so hard my balls are sore. thats great, an absolute cracker. vat_man, he has learnt from you :lol: