I just can't stand this overly aggressive driving style everyone seems to have

  • Thread starter Tekku
I think I'm just gonna stop trying. Had back to back races with crazy dirty drivers. Everyone is now willing to just play dirty and quickly re-up their SR just for a win. Sport mode is straight trash now :lol: Its sad, really.


This is what I predicted a while back, that the folks that are exploiting the penalty system will rise to the top rather than what was being offered by some - that the penalty system would allow the honest racers to prosper.
He was recovering after the corner though (the video was cut when he was just 0.046sec "behind") due to having a better exist speed. Did you manage to keep the position after the following section, especially the 3 next right handers? He was just beside you, on your right.

I think he was caught as the corner was a bit slow. But still a great reaction to avoid the collision
Hopefully PD is still gathering data and maybe even following traffic on these forums and will still make a few tweaks as we progress.

I think that turning on high damage and eliminating the scrubbing off of penalty time within the race and all penalties are assessed to the final race standings then hopefully some of the advantages gained by those trying to exploit the system will be eliminated.

Also hopefully PD will also adjust the coding to make reaching the higher SR rankings more difficult and "racing incidents" and contact with other cars within the higher ranks will carry more weight and to high of a number of incidents per clean sectors driven will result in a fairly quick demotion to a lower SR class.

The game has still been out for less than a month and we are dealing with tens of thousands of new players so it may take a little time and a few tweaks to get the perfect balance.

I can say I have had a lot of races where I was in mid pack that the racing was clean in packs of 5 to 7 cars. The system is not yet perfect but is showing promise and the potential to be one of the best systems employed for on line console racing available to the masses.
Hopefully PD is still gathering data and maybe even following traffic on these forums and will still make a few tweaks as we progress.

I think that turning on high damage and eliminating the scrubbing off of penalty time within the race and all penalties are assessed to the final race standings then hopefully some of the advantages gained by those trying to exploit the system will be eliminated.

Also hopefully PD will also adjust the coding to make reaching the higher SR rankings more difficult and "racing incidents" and contact with other cars within the higher ranks will carry more weight and to high of a number of incidents per clean sectors driven will result in a fairly quick demotion to a lower SR class.

The game has still been out for less than a month and we are dealing with tens of thousands of new players so it may take a little time and a few tweaks to get the perfect balance.

I can say I have had a lot of races where I was in mid pack that the racing was clean in packs of 5 to 7 cars. The system is not yet perfect but is showing promise and the potential to be one of the best systems employed for on line console racing available to the masses.
I feel the same exact way. Sure some lobbies are littered with asses that game the system. I feel like is almost better to get your DR up and enjoy those races. Not only are they super fast and competitive but for the most part it’s a competent race also. Still have a few bad seeds in all races it seems like, just like all good things in life you will still have some looking to ruin it for their own personal gain. After saying all that though I still keep a list of ****** racers I keep getting paired with and know to watch their bad tactics. That and every and any Brazilian I see I keep a keen eye on. That may sound terrible but out of experience, every single one of them will take you out just to win or move up a position.
Here are the 2 kinds of situations i have meet on sport mode those last weeks. Most of the time people knowing they will not stop with their own brakes are coming to lean on your side and overtake .
Others are very agressive but fair and this give wonderfull GT moments, this happen almost 30% of the time for me and this make me forget all the bad moments i have spent in other races. It is enough to make me happy for the rest of the day.:)
Here are the 2 kinds of situations i have meet on sport mode those last weeks. Most of the time people knowing they will not stop with their own brakes are coming to lean on your side and overtake .
Others are very agressive but fair and this give wonderfull GT moments, this happen almost 30% of the time for me and this make me forget all the bad moments i have spent in other races. It is enough to make me happy for the rest of the day.:)

Lmao! That’s me man!!! I was in the wrx lol. It was a pleasure racing with you man!!!

Edit: Sorry about that little rub on my pass man. I try to be super clean all the time. Also if you are trying to say I wasn’t being clean then I beg to differ... I had a clean pass for that corner which you decided to slow down for which you didn’t need to slow for. You proceeded to block me out when I was well beside you. Sorry again for the minor bump which neither of us got a penalty for. I did see it coming and slowed down for it. If I was a dirty driver you would have went way off track and I wouldn’t have slowed the way I did.
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Lmao! That’s me man!!! I was in the wrx lol. It was a pleasure racing with you man!!!

Edit: Sorry about that little rub on my pass man. I try to be super clean all the time.
You re right, no problems, it is so much rewarding to race fair and hard.... sometimes like i have said, **** hapens when you race so close , but it is the price to pay for the fun it give.
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Oh yes, people want the prestige that comes with it. I just want to see if I can get it, haha.

I don’t get the trophies either. Think about it, we all play ONLINE, because the world no longer interacts with “friends”, so what’s the point of a “trophy” on your PS4, when no “friends” can even see it? And even they can see it online, nobody G.A.F.
To quote Family guy “this is the kind of mind numbing schlock that’s turning our society into a cultural wasteland!”
I don’t get the trophies either. Think about it, we all play ONLINE, because the world no longer interacts with “friends”, so what’s the point of a “trophy” on your PS4, when no “friends” can even see it? And even they can see it online, nobody G.A.F.
To quote Family guy “this is the kind of mind numbing schlock that’s turning our society into a cultural wasteland!”
Yeah well now Sony is doing a rewards program where you can trade trophies for games so it’s gonna get even worse. Worst idea ever if you ask me. Trophies are stupid lol.
obviously to get the kids totally addicted as if it were necessary! **** I enjoy this but upon hearing this, were I to produce an heir to my lands I'd be doing anything possible to steer them along another path regarding that inevitable Christmas request.... How about you can have any ****ing mountain bike you want.
Like everything is going now, if you dabble in the popular it's just pure greed
Me neither. But then again I dont waste my time on figuring out how to cheat the system. Good point, Johnny
Every on-line title ever made with an esport element should have taught PD and Sony this.

If a player in a competitive eSport can exploit a system to 'game' it they will.

The penalty system simply isn't robust enough, and its too easy to 'game' itself. Combine that with a ranking system that is far too easy to progress up and it no surprise that people will use that to gain an advantage.

You can use events leading up to build up a high SR rating and then destroy it in teh events to win and then quickly build it up again before the next one. Combine that with the ability to 'pit' others at a low contact speed without getting a penalty at all and you have a system that is rife for abuse.

The penalties need to be more wide ranging, they need to enforce slow down (as other racing titles with similar systems do) with Drive-Through's if you don't slow down quickly enough (and don't tell people how long they have to slow down for - they game that as well) and then a DQ if they don't take that before the last lap. GTS needs the ultimate sanction if it wants a penalty system to work as it needs to.

SR also need to be harder to gain and easier to lose.

The other title that run systems along these lines still are not perfect, but in league events they are one hell of a lot less of a mess than GTS currently is.
Every on-line title ever made with an esport element should have taught PD and Sony this.

If a player in a competitive eSport can exploit a system to 'game' it they will.

The penalty system simply isn't robust enough, and its too easy to 'game' itself. Combine that with a ranking system that is far too easy to progress up and it no surprise that people will use that to gain an advantage.

You can use events leading up to build up a high SR rating and then destroy it in teh events to win and then quickly build it up again before the next one. Combine that with the ability to 'pit' others at a low contact speed without getting a penalty at all and you have a system that is rife for abuse.

The penalties need to be more wide ranging, they need to enforce slow down (as other racing titles with similar systems do) with Drive-Through's if you don't slow down quickly enough (and don't tell people how long they have to slow down for - they game that as well) and then a DQ if they don't take that before the last lap. GTS needs the ultimate sanction if it wants a penalty system to work as it needs to.

SR also need to be harder to gain and easier to lose.

The other title that run systems along these lines still are not perfect, but in league events they are one hell of a lot less of a mess than GTS currently is.

Completely agree my man!
Here are the 2 kinds of situations i have meet on sport mode those last weeks. Most of the time people knowing they will not stop with their own brakes are coming to lean on your side and overtake .
Others are very agressive but fair and this give wonderfull GT moments, this happen almost 30% of the time for me and this make me forget all the bad moments i have spent in other races. It is enough to make me happy for the rest of the day.:)

I presume the first part of that video is what you’re complaining about - in both of those first incidents the car passing you had established themselves in the pass - I’d say both of those contacts were your fault for driving into them.

If you don’t want someone to pass you on the inside, please defend that line. If you don’t defend, the faster car is entitled to use any clear part of the track to make a pass and they are entitled to room for that purpose.
Every on-line title ever made with an esport element should have taught PD and Sony this.

If a player in a competitive eSport can exploit a system to 'game' it they will.

The penalty system simply isn't robust enough, and its too easy to 'game' itself. Combine that with a ranking system that is far too easy to progress up and it no surprise that people will use that to gain an advantage.

You can use events leading up to build up a high SR rating and then destroy it in teh events to win and then quickly build it up again before the next one. Combine that with the ability to 'pit' others at a low contact speed without getting a penalty at all and you have a system that is rife for abuse.

The penalties need to be more wide ranging, they need to enforce slow down (as other racing titles with similar systems do) with Drive-Through's if you don't slow down quickly enough (and don't tell people how long they have to slow down for - they game that as well) and then a DQ if they don't take that before the last lap. GTS needs the ultimate sanction if it wants a penalty system to work as it needs to.

SR also need to be harder to gain and easier to lose.

The other title that run systems along these lines still are not perfect, but in league events they are one hell of a lot less of a mess than GTS currently is.
Has anyone tried using the report system in GT yet? I only ask because I am sort of competitive in Rocket League and that is huge with esports. I know they have a banning system in place and they do use it often. Either cheating or other things such as grief or unsportsmanship like conduct.
Looking at the video earlier on this page, the first incident is genuinely one of the best passes I've seen on that corner - it's a difficult place to pass cleanly because the full throttle corner before it leaves everyone on the same wide line into the braking zone so it's difficult to get up the inside without it turning into a desperate dive that has very little chance of succeeding. But credit to the attacker there, the chance was there and he executed it perfectly, the defender should've left space which is why the crash occurred - the contact occurs at the attacking cars rear wheel arch.

The second one isn't quite so clear cut as the Viper is coming from behind another car so difficult to ascertain the need to leave space there, that said it does get just far enough up the inside to have the expectation of racing room too. So I'd say it's probably on the defender but I don't blame him for it because attempting to pass 2 cars into one corner is a high risk move and sometimes when you take risks you get punished - class it as a racing incident.
I presume the first part of that video is what you’re complaining about - in both of those first incidents the car passing you had established themselves in the pass - I’d say both of those contacts were your fault for driving into them.

If you don’t want someone to pass you on the inside, please defend that line. If you don’t defend, the faster car is entitled to use any clear part of the track to make a pass and they are entitled to room for that purpose.
Of course i m not going to complain about the second part. I m just a pizzaiolo, i don t know any racing rules , but i have my idea about how to drive racing with friends in GT without prejudicing anybody having a fun racing moment, at least i try my best.
The first pass is correct, even if it is very agressive, but the contact didn t take me out of the track, no consequences , so it s ok.
The second case as you can see in this other clip, he brake too late due to the exces of speed due to previous streaming and he would never make the turn even with a space inside to do this. It happen, he is a fair fast experienced racer.

In this one, second right turn , you can see i am inside in a good position but i brake to let a space for him, if not he would be rammed out by my car.

There , he do the same with me, i give space to him but he control his speed to let my way free too.

I am not complaining in a bad way, i am not angry or upset , it happen, i do some bad move too sometime. My objective with this is to incentivise a fair way of racing keeping the fights on track as clean as possible because in my opinion , here stay the best part of this game. Not in the victory by any means.
People seem to be exploiting the SR system by now. As its useless anyways (most of the time) people just ram you from all angles and drive away without any real consequences.
And then, theres the ones who don't know the track, breakpoints and ways on how to overtake without contact. Which is totally fine, because this isn't "real" racing. Its still a game!

Btw, I had pretty much the same maneuver you had 2 days ago. :D
Most people would've just crashed in the back, which happens too many times...
The second case as you can see in this other clip, he brake too late due to the exces of speed due to previous streaming and he would never make the turn even with a space inside to do this. It happen, he is a fair fast experienced racer.

Idk I think the other guy brakes fine (if you watch the pylon assists) and would of made the turn. Your entry was a bit aggressive but you were the faster car so had the right of way. I don’t think he expected you there though so he ended up knocking you

Edit: mixed cars up. Dude on the inside overtook improperly.
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Idk I think the other guy brakes fine (if you watch the pylon assists) and would of made the turn. Your entry was a bit aggressive but you were the faster car so had the right of way. I don’t think he expected you there though so he ended up knocking you
Braking mark with all the GR4 cars is almost the same and very narrow . In my opinion he just loose this mark due to an under evaluation of his speed due to previous draft. Like somebody say, you don t pass 2 cars easy like this. He would never make this turn without crossing all the track from one side to the other or even landing in the sand.
I am not going to bother to race online, I had a feeling it would resort to a "game the game" scenario :) I would love to play with my friends but they are all PC users and I am the only one with a PS as well. Like the game very much though, I hope there is more content on the way.
Idk I think the other guy brakes fine (if you watch the pylon assists) and would of made the turn. Your entry was a bit aggressive but you were the faster car so had the right of way. I don’t think he expected you there though so he ended up knocking you

Edit: mixed cars up. Dude on the inside overtook improperly.
"Faster car" has nothing to do with determining who has the right of way. That is determinded by track position.
Braking mark with all the GR4 cars is almost the same and very narrow . In my opinion he just loose this mark due to an under evaluation of his speed due to previous draft. Like somebody say, you don t pass 2 cars easy like this. He would never make this turn without crossing all the track from one side to the other or even landing in the sand.

His braking was fine for the first lap where the entry speed is a bit slower, he looks to me like he would've made the corner as his entry speed wasn't excessive and you can brake where the outside kerbstones begin on first lap (assuming there's space in front of you). If take a wide line into that corner on the first lap you have to be prepared to leave space to cars that take the inside line, you didn't do that at all. The fact he was two cars back makes it harder to predict undoubtedly which is why I think the Viper has to take some blame but that doesn't absolve you either, you were even more culpable for the incident because you didn't leave any space.

Both incidents you've complained about suggest you need to be more aware of other cars instead of just assuming it's not your fault.
His braking was fine for the first lap where the entry speed is a bit slower, he looks to me like he would've made the corner as his entry speed wasn't excessive and you can brake where the outside kerbstones begin on first lap (assuming there's space in front of you). If take a wide line into that corner on the first lap you have to be prepared to leave space to cars that take the inside line, you didn't do that at all. The fact he was two cars back makes it harder to predict undoubtedly which is why I think the Viper has to take some blame but that doesn't absolve you either, you were even more culpable for the incident because you didn't leave any space.

Both incidents you've complained about suggest you need to be more aware of other cars instead of just assuming it's not your fault.
I've been having these same issues and try my best to just roll with whatever happens. Even if I get crashed into the back half of the pack I just drive clean and aim for a blue SR at the end of the race. The most frustrating thing to me is losing a clean race bonus because someone dove me in a corner.

I definitely make my share of egregious moves though, I've made some bumps I felt really bad about by misjudging braking in slipstreams or missing a braking point by being too focused on positioning around he cars ahead of me, I knocked someone off the second corner of brands hatch last night and felt like an ass. On the other side of that, I accidentally pushed someone wide in the spoon corner on suzuka. I dove off the racing line and yielded to give them their position back, only to be steamrolled at full speed by two other cars.

I do my best to back off in iffy situations though, the biggest issue for me has been figuring out how to make clean passes on inexperienced drivers. If someone is running my line at my pace it's obvious where mistakes occur and openings present themselves, but I've often found myself stuck behind a much slower driver and have been unable to carry enough speed safely to find a passing line. I suppose that will come with experience.
I do my best to back off in iffy situations though, the biggest issue for me has been figuring out how to make clean passes on inexperienced drivers. If someone is running my line at my pace it's obvious where mistakes occur and openings present themselves, but I've often found myself stuck behind a much slower driver and have been unable to carry enough speed safely to find a passing line. I suppose that will come with experience.

The problem with inexperienced drivers and for sure one that is trying to drive over their head to keep up is there is no way to know what they are going to do or which way they be be going next, heck they probably have no clue themselves! lol!

Actually this is where the DR and SR ratings should come into play as you move up higher in the levels and you will see fewer inexperienced guys on the track, does not mean you still will not occasionally get behind drivers that seem to always barely be in control and on the verge of crashing through every corner.
I've been holding back from saying anything hoping that it will improve, but I've come to the realise that because the driving standards are so low, we'd probably be better off finding a clean race on Gran Turismo 5 mainly because the servers are shut down!

It's impossible to raise your safety rating past C thanks to the rampant cheating and ramming, there's absolutely no point in overtaking anyone because they'll just missile their are into your rear like they're imitating suppository medicine at the following corner, and that's providing they aren't weaving side to side and pushing you off the grass while you're passing them in the first place. Thanks to this, Sport Mode is completely and utterly pointless, the real life racing drivers that I know who are playing this game only bother with private lobbies because they've tried and tried and tried with Sport Mode and found it nothing short of a complete vacuum of racing etiquette.

I hope the FIA stocks up on strong alcohol, because boy are they going to need it when the official championship comes.
I've been holding back from saying anything hoping that it will improve, but I've come to the realise that because the driving standards are so low, we'd probably be better off finding a clean race on Gran Turismo 5 mainly because the servers are shut down!

It's impossible to raise your safety rating past C thanks to the rampant cheating and ramming, there's absolutely no point in overtaking anyone because they'll just missile their are into your rear like they're imitating suppository medicine at the following corner, and that's providing they aren't weaving side to side and pushing you off the grass while you're passing them in the first place. Thanks to this, Sport Mode is completely and utterly pointless, the real life racing drivers that I know who are playing this game only bother with private lobbies because they've tried and tried and tried with Sport Mode and found it nothing short of a complete vacuum of racing etiquette.

I hope the FIA stocks up on strong alcohol, because boy are they going to need it when the official championship comes.
Idk...I don’t find it to be nearly as bad as you are saying. I definitely don’t get pushed around just because. Most of the time anyway lol. Sometimes accidents happen and you will still get the rammers but I don’t find it to be nearly as bad as you are describing. It took me no time to get to an S in sportsmanship and I didn’t game the system, I just raced clean. I find driver rating harder to raise but I feel it’s because it finds your place amongst the crown pretty quickly. Like it averages out and plateaus with your driving skill. If you get to a C and aren’t wining races, setting poles and fastest laps or are constantly losing position the your DR will not go up. Mine climbed steadily until I got to A where it is not leveling out. Just don’t do the races you know are gonna be a **** show! Also I get grouped with a lot of the same guys, many are from here in fact and I have had nothing short of a blast most nights trying to keep up with some of the aliens out there... connorwolf, sileighty, Setted, and qwbufp are some great and talented dudes and give me hope for what sport mode can be!