Too aggressive?

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Offtrack ? he rides the curb hard, too hard probably loosing some speed, but there maybe 0.1 sec where he has not 1 wheel on the tarmac but even then he is still on the curb and still in front when he re enters. He went off track and re entered safely in the space of maybe 0.3 sec if u really want to consider it a offtrack. The offtrack and contact weren't even in the same corner. If he had a real off track he should have moved over but i wouldn't consider riding the curb a tad to hard a real offtrack. The Ferrari could have given more room after he made a small mistake but even if he did with the speed and angle the Hyundai was coming in there would have probably still been contact as there is just no room for 2 cars to carry speed trough those S corners.

Yes the Ferrari went off track and turned into OP.That is what happend.That is a dirty move that the Ferrari did.OP did not do anything "wrong".Did not dive,did not change his line,did not try to hit the Ferrari.
You may not consider riding the curb as "off track" but 4 wheels outside the white line (there is a reason for white lines in tracks) is track.
You are right.The was no room for two cars there:the Ferrari must take care and not go there.
And since you cannot see that the Ferrari is turning straight into OP on purpose then I have nothing to add.
It seems to me that what I written here and in other posts is correct:
Many people have the mentality "The guy in front is always right,the attacker is always wrong".
Yes the Ferrari went off track and turned into OP.That is what happend.That is a dirty move that the Ferrari did.OP did not do anything "wrong".Did not dive,did not change his line,did not try to hit the Ferrari.
You may not consider riding the curb as "off track" but 4 wheels outside the white line (there is a reason for white lines in tracks) is track.
You are right.The was no room for two cars there:the Ferrari must take care and not go there.
And since you cannot see that the Ferrari is turning straight into OP on purpose then I have nothing to add.
It seems to me that what I written here and in other posts is correct:
Many people have the mentality "The guy in front is always right,the attacker is always wrong".
Well if you are just going to assume the Ferrari drove in to OP on purpose and think he should have moved over completely after going off track for 0.1 sec and reentering safe without contact 0.1 sec later i have nothing to add either.

You really think it was ok for OP to expect the Ferrari to slow down and move out of his way after that 'off track' to let OP trough ? On the last lap ? even though he could have still made the next corner easily and was still in front? No it was not ok for OP to expect such things as that obviously was never going to happen.
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Yes the Ferrari went off track and turned into OP.That is what happend.That is a dirty move that the Ferrari did.OP did not do anything "wrong".Did not dive,did not change his line,did not try to hit the Ferrari.
You may not consider riding the curb as "off track" but 4 wheels outside the white line (there is a reason for white lines in tracks) is track.
You are right.The was no room for two cars there:the Ferrari must take care and not go there.
And since you cannot see that the Ferrari is turning straight into OP on purpose then I have nothing to add.
It seems to me that what I written here and in other posts is correct:
Many people have the mentality "The guy in front is always right,the attacker is always wrong".

You do not "know" the Ferrari did anything on purpose. Judging by how the Ferrari was driving, I would not have made that move, period, regardless of how deliberate anything was. In fact, the Hyundai's swipe after initial contact "looks" more deliberate that what you are claiming the Ferrari did.

I can tell you this. I know who I would like to race in this thread, and who I wouldn't. Hopefully your idea of racing keeps you out of SR:S, or my lobbies at least.

I'm out. Argue amongst yourselves. I bow to your racing knowledge.
You really think it was ok for OP to expect the Ferrari to slow down and move out of his way after that 'off track' to let OP trough ? On the last lap ? even though he could have still made the next corner easily and was still in front? No it was not ok for OP to expect such things as that obviously was never going to happen.
What you are really asking is should the Ferrari follow general racing etiquette on the last lap? The answer is an unequivocal yes. The rules don't change depending on the lap or your track position. When a car gets alongside without forcing you out of position, every race series in the world, real and virtual, would compel you to make room and adjust your speed to ensure you continue to leave room for the driver alongside.
What you are really asking is should the Ferrari follow general racing etiquette on the last lap? The answer is an unequivocal yes. The rules don't change depending on the lap or your track position. When a car gets alongside without forcing you out of position, every race series in the world, real and virtual, would compel you to make room and adjust your speed to ensure you continue to leave room for the driver alongside.

Racing series where the drivers know each other and are professional? Yes I agree. Not a public lobby on a computer game with strangers. Believe me, I race differently with fast friends in private lobbies. We know everybody is quick, conscientious and has race craft. In pubs like this? Air on the side of caution and not as many incidents occur. That video being a prime example of Hyundai being naive and maybe not as good as he thinks. "Gap whoopie, oh he didn't see me". The fact he used "too aggressive" in the title, says he knows himself he made an error.
My 2 cents, I would have lifted at this point if I was in the Hyundai.

The result is due to the Ferrari's move and not OP's move.
So your point is kinda invalid since OP did not do anything wrong.

Of course it's valid it was the exact question asked by OP and the title of the thread, his aggression resulted in a situation where a crash was always going to be a likely outcome because there are parts of every race track where it's just not safe to pass regardless of how open the door is. Being in the right after the incident occurs won't give him back all the positions he lost, whereas if he'd been more patient and less aggressive he would've passed the Ferrari after the Esses and finished much higher.
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