My aim now is to not sound snobby,
Whilst the driver rating are progressional I’ve never concerned myself with them, I enter a race with the aim of getting from the start to finish as quickly as possible. Ive been an SR S since after the first week and its not dropped since.
DR will look after itself if you are always racing, if your looking after SR when racing your DR will not potentially be representative.
So why dont I look after SR? Because I want my DR to be representative but also because having good racecraft will avoid the majority of racing incidents and also have the side affect of looking after your SR.
How is this of benefit?
Its a case of racing mentality, making good judgments of when and where to do things. That is more important than driving around with an imaginary shield around your car.
My video below shows what good racecraft can achieve but racing worrying about SR is a waste of brain computing power.
I think through my league racing, I've proven to myself and others that I'm more than capable of driving fast and clean/safe, the problem comes with others. The OP's video being a good example. I don't think you have to use much brain power if you come across someone jumping all over the track, at the back of the field, on the last lap, to think... probably not worth the almost certain incident trying to pass this bloke...
If you have an SR of S, chances are you don't have to deal with a lot of the nonsense that plagues the lower SR rankings.
I've been dive bombed into from well beyond the visibility of mirrors and radar and had my SR drop. I've had drivers pull along side and swerve into me, dropping my SR... maybe the new SR calculations have improved this, not sure I've not had the time to play since the patch due to work.
All I personally want out of Sport mode, is good aggressive, clean racing. Something that I've found to be largely impossible in the lower SR's, this has been especially true since the Manufacturer race tanked my SR.