Currently you are my favourite GT6 photographer.
I've been busy last months and rarely had a time to visit photomode forums, and I wonder how many of your and everybody elses works have I missed...to many to count.
Looking forward to seeing your latest works. I have a flickr account, you? Here's a link to my incomplete flickr library https://www.flickr.com/gp/dogzy/S8w0XZ
You have some awesome pics on that flickr account of yours 👍
I hear you on missing pics, at times I'll be gone for a week or so in the field and when I get back into civilization I've missed a competition or two and massive posts from all the top notch photographers on this forum. of which there are sooo many!!!
Thank you so much for compliments! To your dismay, you won't be seeing my new content anytime soon, if ever. I was active until early days of GT6, then university hit me. Hard!
However, I will be revealing my photos here on forums and might enter some competiton. Until then, I will take coffee, sit down and relax watching yours and everybody elses stuff here.
P.S. you liked a screenshot I uploaded today of Real Racing 3 mobile game; reason for uploading is I had some issues with the game and wanted to file a ticket to gamemakers. Otherwise, I would never upload that kind of stuff.