Blackhawk Down

  • Thread starter Magic069
Anyone else excited about this movie. It looks pretty good! Any details that you may have about it share them... and if you have seen it in some weird way... tell us how it was!!!
Ooh dear. A Jerry "Armageddon, Independence Day, Pearl Harbor" Bruckheimer production.

One to miss I fear.
i think it looks promising's a movie that would appeal to me so i'll probably go see it or just wait for it to come on DVD
I like the whole Alamo type US war movies. Maybe I have that kick @$$ American attitude, where I like to see 100 American men win againist 5000. ;)
Originally posted by Magic069
I like the whole Alamo type US war movies. Maybe I have that kick @$$ American attitude, where I like to see 100 American men win againist 5000. ;)

Well, no offence, but it's kinda frustrating to go and see a movie and have it rammed down your throat that the US is fantastic, and all other nations are playing with sticks and rocks...
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie

Well, no offence, but it's kinda frustrating to go and see a movie and have it rammed down your throat that the US is fantastic, and all other nations are playing with sticks and rocks...

No offence, so please don't take it that way, but I've seen this comment a couple of other times and I was just wondering....

Enlighten us.... Does it really look that bad? But we are, are we not, the largest military force in the world?
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie

Well, no offence, but it's kinda frustrating to go and see a movie and have it rammed down your throat that the US is fantastic, and all other nations are playing with sticks and rocks...

yeah this would kinda suck if you were proud of your nation too.
Originally posted by Pako

No offence, so please don't take it that way, but I've seen this comment a couple of other times and I was just wondering....

Enlighten us.... Does it really look that bad? But we are, are we not, the largest military force in the world?

None taken, and you guys do have a big army, but bear this in mind (and hopefully no offence to you either):

In the gulf war we had more soldiers killed by the Americans than by the Iraqis.

Food for thought?
Originally posted by polyphony 001

None taken, and you guys do have a big army, but bear this in mind (and hopefully no offence to you either):

In the gulf war we had more soldiers killed by the Americans than by the Iraqis.

Food for thought?

:( Ok, that bumbs me out! On my way to the pub now. :(
Originally posted by Pako

No offence, so please don't take it that way, but I've seen this comment a couple of other times and I was just wondering....

Enlighten us.... Does it really look that bad? But we are, are we not, the largest military force in the world?

None taken.

Definitely the US has the largest military force in the Western World. But that isn't the issue. It's just that movies such as the ones being discussed glorify the US forces, and make the other nations look like chumps who tend just to hope the problem will go away, as opposed to the US who are keen to jump in and use military force to solve any problems. This is really extreme in Independence Day - I suggest you watch it, trying to not be American.

It doesn't help that, being honest, we Brits feel that we may not have the biggest army, but that it's the best trained, and so there is a big impulse from the British military that reinforces a perception of "Dumb G.I.s".

Whether that's true or not, I don't know, and it's probably not possible to find out, so there's not much scope for informed debate about it. The former paragaph in my post is the more salient here.
it is to my understanding that Europeans aren't too fond of the Americans ......apparently when Americans visit Europe they sew Canadian flags on their bags to pretend they are Canadian and not get the $hit kicked out of them ..... when Europeans discover that you are Canadian, you feel really welcomed and often they will even provide you with a place to stay if you need it ......your hospitality is very comforting and greatly appreciated :)

just my $0.52
Originally posted by Schumy
it is to my understanding that Europeans aren't too fond of the Americans ......apparently when Americans visit Europe they sew Canadian flags on their bags to pretend they are Canadian and not get the $hit kicked out of them ..... when Europeans discover that you are Canadian, you feel really welcomed and often they will even provide you with a place to stay if you need it ......your hospitality is very comforting and greatly appreciated :)

just my $0.52

In Britain certainly, and possibly the whole of Europe, Americans have reputation for flag-waving jingoism, that does not go down too well. This is especially prevalent in places where tourists concentrate.
Originally posted by Schumy
it is to my understanding that Europeans aren't too fond of the Americans ......apparently when Americans visit Europe they sew Canadian flags on their bags to pretend they are Canadian and not get the $hit kicked out of them ..... when Europeans discover that you are Canadian, you feel really welcomed and often they will even provide you with a place to stay if you need it ......your hospitality is very comforting and greatly appreciated :)

just my $0.52

Its not that we don't like Americans per se. Its just like Giles says - that tendancy towards flag waving jingoism, which is sometimes a little insensitive. This can be annoying.

Its like the whole "We won World War 2" coming from Americans. Very difficult to swallow, given even a basic knowledge of the facts, and really rather annoying.

Is it me, or has this turned into more than just a film thread? Pretty interesting I think and I hope no one is getting offended here.
Originally posted by polyphony 001

Its not that we don't like Americans per se. Its just like Giles says - that tendancy towards flag waving jingoism, which is sometimes a little insensitive. This can be annoying.

Its like the whole "We won World War 2" coming from Americans. Very difficult to swallow, given even a basic knowledge of the facts, and really rather annoying.

Is it me, or has this turned into more than just a film thread? Pretty interesting I think and I hope no one is getting offended here.

We, as Americans definitely uderstand what you guys are saying. I definitely don't think that we single handedly won World War 2, it just that it's pretty much a given that you would have a Fuhrer, and not a Royal family if it weren't for a timely entry into the fray. :P
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell

We, as Americans definitely uderstand what you guys are saying. I definitely don't think that we single handedly won World War 2, it just that it's pretty much a given that you would have a Fuhrer, and not a Royal family if it weren't for a timely entry into the fray. :P

Battle of Britain won in 1940, America joins the war 1941. Not quite so much of a given, but we do appreciate your help.
Originally posted by Pako
Enlighten us.... Does it really look that bad? But we are, are we not, the largest military force in the world?

Uh - yeah, it really does look that bad.

It's a bit galling to hear your leaders (and I fully understand it's not the general populace, this isn't meant personally) talking of peace, considering the track record of getting involved in conflicts over the last 50 years or so.

It's even more galling when we go along with them like the lapdogs we are... :rolleyes:

But, apart from an apparent need to take over the world financially and culturally, you guys are okay ;)
Anyhoo (deep breath), after a bit of cultural assassination, I'd be interested to hear how Eric Bana goes in this film.

Why, do you ask?

Well (ironically, given the tone of the thread), he's Australian.

He was a comedian for many years, and then changed to serious dramatic acting a couple of years ago when he played a famous criminal in an Australian film named 'Chopper'.

He's also starring in the film version of 'The Incredible Hulk'.
There are a few things I will say on this.

1. While arrogance is annoying, I would think that the international community would not concern itself with some examples. Remember, "America is the best," has never been directly proven as the direct cause of some country's destitution. I don't believe it has.

2. I am against isolation, but wish those that spout off about how bad it is would put greater effort into warning about the complexities to come.

3. We do have our own interests and economic needs, if you expect more from us, I ask that it be reasonable and respectful, not driven by emotion only.

4. While I cannot argue about the facts, I can say that there are some that protest some of the major claims about the environment. That 20 countries say what is right, does not make it right. Is Europe, Asia, etc., wrong? I have no idea. But while nothing may have been shown to conclusively disprove global warming, et al, a majority opinion is not an absolute discreditor of the idea that the phenomena may not exist as has been claimed.

5. Supposing that environmental claims are true, global warming, over population, bio-food being bad, it is likely that we and others would have to do our best to alter our lifestyles, but when that includes a dramatic change that can severely, and perhaps adversely, effect our economy, I hope that it is not the rest of this world's intention to step up whatever expectations they have on us for assistance, military or aid (financial and food programs).
Look, I think the main issues are cultural.

US films dominate our cinema, US shows dominate our TV, and when I walk around I see people wearing shirts with US flags and 'University of Michigan' on them (a personal favourite).

I go to the food court near where I work and I see McDonalds, Gloria Jeans and Baristas (owned by Pizza Hut).

And this is all in Sydney!!

It just ticks me, is all. It's no vendetta or anything (I have quite a few American friends), I certainly don't hate the US or anything like that, it's just when it's in your face all the time...
I understand. I have the international channel and they have one show on, hey hey hey music champ (japan), and every few episodes there is some band on where members are wearing US flag outfits or college shirts. the group Max had an entire ensemble of it. it's kind of creepy.
Originally posted by Talentless
I understand. I have the international channel and they have one show on, hey hey hey music champ (japan), and every few episodes there is some band on where members are wearing US flag outfits or college shirts. the group Max had an entire ensemble of it. it's kind of creepy.

Man - they do some weird sutff in Japan. Just need to look at the Neon Genesis series - darkly disturbing stuff...
Ah, Anime. My bros try to get dvds of that stuff. getter robo. i like loddoss war myself. kenshin, too.
Originally posted by vat_man

Man - they do some weird sutff in Japan. Just need to look at the Neon Genesis series - darkly disturbing stuff...

The creator of Evangelion had a nervous breakdown several years ago. This series is meant to serve as his progression from madness to sanity. With himself as the protagonist, he reevaluates his self worth, thus finding that he is worth something. (Probably what his therapist said ;))
There was such a negative backlash against the anticlimactic way it ended (after being pretty amazing all along) and he took it as a personal insult. He created the "End of Evangelion" movies to punish all the fans that criticized his life's work. In the EoE, he basically killed everyone, and went about destroying anyone else that was left. Fans loved it. He saw the profits and said.... ahhhhh.... screw it. ;)

Me....? I'm a Robotech fan. ;)
Isn't Robotech a compilation of different Macross seasons? Well, I saw little of it; might have been good.
Originally posted by Talentless
Isn't Robotech a compilation of different Macross seasons? Well, I saw little of it; might have been good.

Robotech that we saw is actually 3 completely unrelated Japanese series combined into one. Macross, Sothern Cross, and Mospeda (sp?)

They just did some creative editing to make them blend a little. :) They way I see it.... ah, I just like to be entertained. ;)
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
Ooh dear. A Jerry "Armageddon, Independence Day, Pearl Harbor" Bruckheimer production.

One to miss I fear.

I've seen Armageddon and Independance Day, but I haven't seen Pearl Harbor. Armageddon seemed overly dramic and "mushy", almost a chick flick with some action. Independance Day was fun and funny. I'd give them each 3 out of 5 stars - basically 'renter' status. And seeing as how I have access to four "home theators" (including my own) that give me a better viewing quality ... renting is the way I usually go anyway. Unless of course I want that HUMONGUS screen, and theator release date.

So that said, I think I'll be waiting for Blackhawk Down to come out on DVD ... unless a group of friends invite me to see it at the theator with them.

When I get my thoughts straitened out about the other topic that this thread has brought up, I'll post again (:

US films dominate our cinema, US shows dominate our TV, and when I walk around I see people wearing shirts with US flags and 'University of Michigan' on them (a personal favourite).
Maybe they're tourists (especially being Sydney and all)? I'm actually kind of suprised about this, I always figured it was the same way elsewhere, only with a different flag. :)
Originally posted by Jordan
Maybe they're tourists (especially being Sydney and all)? I'm actually kind of suprised about this, I always figured it was the same way elsewhere, only with a different flag. :)

Alas, no. I work with a number of these people (it's casual here).

It's the same phenomenon that gave rise to the Manchester United shirt being seen on the back of a young man in riots in Ethiopa a couple of years ago (bright red - bit hard to miss).