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- Everywhere
Ok, I've begun my responce to the cultural differences between USA citezens and the various other countries of the world. Because I am unsure of the tone and/or voice, I am going to assume that comments made previous to mine in this thread were with the mindset that you are displeased with the United States of America (government, millitary, and citizens), and not your own peoples. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that statement ...
Now then:
"Back in the day" ... the leaders of the original colonies were strong willed individuals. They were sick of the British government telling them what to think, what to believe, and how to live their lives. A while into it they realized they were getting the same treatment here that they had been receiving back at the mother land. Enter: The Revolution, preceded by The Declaration of Independance.
(for good humor, visit: JibJab's 'Mutha-fo-Fathers' and click on a founding father.)
Now, when we (our Government ...) look around our little world and see the same, or similar, things happening to other civilians in their own nations, we like to offer help according to our own set of ideals. Sometimes the military gets a bit over zealous... but as a whole, it is accepted that we're doing the best that anyone could hopefully do. Having the knowledge that people are not being given certain freedoms, like religious believes ... and not acting on that knowledge, we'd get ridiculed even more severely than we are now. Could you imagine what would have happened if the United States didn't step in during Hitlar's raid of Europe? Everyone would have called us cowardly, unethical, backstabbing, pigs! The aftermath of such a decision is pretty much unpredictable. Imediatly after the war I'm sure the general feelings were, "Heck yeah! We kicked the crap out of that bastard!" But after a few years, they might have started to question their actions, and not long after that they realized that they didn't have to do anything at all, and not 'waste' so many American lives in the process. That generates a larger need for a global 'pat on the back'. This is even more evident with the Veitnam War... but that has a background all of its own. When the victims of war start complaining about their husbands, sons, and grandsons dieing in a 'needless cause', the goverment starts looking for support for future endevors, and that comes from building up our society to believe and trust in our military. "We are the super force! WOOOOHOOOO!" So we help, because that's what we're supposed to do, but then we act like children and shove it in everyone's face. I think the pride factor is relatively high in our situation. But we've only been a country for just over 225 years. I'd say being able to lend any aid in any situation is impressive at that young age, let alone to be what the entire world referse to as "The Super Power".
I laughed for a breif second while watching the news the other night. The first US Troop died to enemy fire that night. They had to point out "... to enemy fire" because we keep killing our own troops with tactical errors. It's really sad that they're sending our youth off to do adults' work. And spend unGodly amounts of money in the process. Yeeaaahhh - we're a super power alright ...
And - don't be mad at the United States when your country men go around wearing our flag, or our designer jeans. Maybe they just need something of their own to be proud of. I know that's true for us. Up until September 11th, I could count on one hand the number of American flags I saw in a day ... and that included a 45 minute drive down the highway through four cities! Americans began to take their freedom for granted. Then "crash boom bang" freedom came tumbling down, and now you can't open your eyes without seeing flags. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it is a bit overwhelming even it its own country. And maybe your fellow country-men need something of their own to be proud of. I took a look around the other day ... everything I own, except for the computers, came from somewhere in Asia. And most of the computer parts come from Asia as well. If we made anything (besides war ...) that was worth a damn, I'd buy it up! We're not the ones that think this is such a great country. Maybe your locals need to put a little more into their own economy. I know our's was dieing at a rapid rate until recent events. Your politicians need to envoke a stronger pride in your own nation ... without pissing everyone off (: It's rather difficult to do, and was unsuccessfully attempted here on several occations. A good "kick the crap out of the bad guys!" always seems to get things rolling ...
I'm not wishing national tragedy on everyone, just that the best of times come from the worst of times. You can't appreciate the good, without the bad.
Wow ... boy am I ever off-topic. I think I'll stop now before I irritate too many more members.
Now then:
"Back in the day" ... the leaders of the original colonies were strong willed individuals. They were sick of the British government telling them what to think, what to believe, and how to live their lives. A while into it they realized they were getting the same treatment here that they had been receiving back at the mother land. Enter: The Revolution, preceded by The Declaration of Independance.
(for good humor, visit: JibJab's 'Mutha-fo-Fathers' and click on a founding father.)
Now, when we (our Government ...) look around our little world and see the same, or similar, things happening to other civilians in their own nations, we like to offer help according to our own set of ideals. Sometimes the military gets a bit over zealous... but as a whole, it is accepted that we're doing the best that anyone could hopefully do. Having the knowledge that people are not being given certain freedoms, like religious believes ... and not acting on that knowledge, we'd get ridiculed even more severely than we are now. Could you imagine what would have happened if the United States didn't step in during Hitlar's raid of Europe? Everyone would have called us cowardly, unethical, backstabbing, pigs! The aftermath of such a decision is pretty much unpredictable. Imediatly after the war I'm sure the general feelings were, "Heck yeah! We kicked the crap out of that bastard!" But after a few years, they might have started to question their actions, and not long after that they realized that they didn't have to do anything at all, and not 'waste' so many American lives in the process. That generates a larger need for a global 'pat on the back'. This is even more evident with the Veitnam War... but that has a background all of its own. When the victims of war start complaining about their husbands, sons, and grandsons dieing in a 'needless cause', the goverment starts looking for support for future endevors, and that comes from building up our society to believe and trust in our military. "We are the super force! WOOOOHOOOO!" So we help, because that's what we're supposed to do, but then we act like children and shove it in everyone's face. I think the pride factor is relatively high in our situation. But we've only been a country for just over 225 years. I'd say being able to lend any aid in any situation is impressive at that young age, let alone to be what the entire world referse to as "The Super Power".
I laughed for a breif second while watching the news the other night. The first US Troop died to enemy fire that night. They had to point out "... to enemy fire" because we keep killing our own troops with tactical errors. It's really sad that they're sending our youth off to do adults' work. And spend unGodly amounts of money in the process. Yeeaaahhh - we're a super power alright ...
And - don't be mad at the United States when your country men go around wearing our flag, or our designer jeans. Maybe they just need something of their own to be proud of. I know that's true for us. Up until September 11th, I could count on one hand the number of American flags I saw in a day ... and that included a 45 minute drive down the highway through four cities! Americans began to take their freedom for granted. Then "crash boom bang" freedom came tumbling down, and now you can't open your eyes without seeing flags. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it is a bit overwhelming even it its own country. And maybe your fellow country-men need something of their own to be proud of. I took a look around the other day ... everything I own, except for the computers, came from somewhere in Asia. And most of the computer parts come from Asia as well. If we made anything (besides war ...) that was worth a damn, I'd buy it up! We're not the ones that think this is such a great country. Maybe your locals need to put a little more into their own economy. I know our's was dieing at a rapid rate until recent events. Your politicians need to envoke a stronger pride in your own nation ... without pissing everyone off (: It's rather difficult to do, and was unsuccessfully attempted here on several occations. A good "kick the crap out of the bad guys!" always seems to get things rolling ...
I'm not wishing national tragedy on everyone, just that the best of times come from the worst of times. You can't appreciate the good, without the bad.
Wow ... boy am I ever off-topic. I think I'll stop now before I irritate too many more members.