Blur Effekt and Speedfeeling

  • Thread starter DonZonda
xXGalm OneXx
hey GTP community ,

1st sorry for my english its my 2nd spoken language its not the best so forgive me if i make mistakes .

so i wanna know what you think about a blur effect while the gameplay in GT5, i dont talk about a unrealistic blur effekt like in midnight club or need for speed.
I am talking about a real one which makes the game faster and look more real. well its good that GT runs with 60 frames per second but that is too clear , it dont looks real when i am in the cockpit and looking to the left and right or on the grass and street and all other things are too clear u can see every detail of the things that around the car. when u look in the reality things are bluring because of the speed. in the replay mode GT5P is bluring on the special roof cam and in the normal replay mode. so why PD dont put such effekt in the gameplay it would look way more faster and more real. in the GT5P trailer videos its bluring while gameplay here a video to show it , you can see in the cockpit view that the fences and grass are bluring.
without this effect for me the game looks too slow and takes alot of driving fun and i think GT5 looks slower than the reality at all, so whats your opinion about that?

and please forgive my bad english =)
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I hate the artificial blur effect in games, it just annoys my eyes. Please don't put it in my favourite racing game. I have plenty enough feeling of speed just by the movement of the car against the track and other cars.
Whats the point in making the graphics so pretty if you're just going to blur them all? I'd still like to see the Alpine view when driving Eiger, regardless of whether its "realistic" or not.
I wouldn't mind having an option with a light blur. See, video games are portrayed on a 2D surface, so you can't get the same feeling as if you were actually driving without having a set in blur option. The blur in the replay roof cam is too heavy for me, though, but it does look great when watching drifting replays and the like.
I hate the artificial blur effect in games, it just annoys my eyes. Please don't put it in my favourite racing game. I have plenty enough feeling of speed just by the movement of the car against the track and other cars.
Whats the point in making the graphics so pretty if you're just going to blur them all? I'd still like to see the Alpine view when driving Eiger, regardless of whether its "realistic" or not.

Why can't everyone just agree that GT5P's graphics are perfect as they are (except for the smoke, dust, dirt and lack of skidmarks). Add 400 cars, 50 tracks, damage, better online mode and we have a perfect racing game.
Whenever I hear blur, I think of Need For Speed. ;) But I wouldn't mind if it's in there and it can be turned off. :)
Real life has BLUR?


Far as I know, going down the Highway at 60-70 mph its soo slow with no blur at all, even when looking at side windows..

So blur in sim racers is last thing I would like to see.

Even in PC sim racing games that are even better then GT5P have no blur.

Please Keep it away.
I think that parameters like blur, eye position, field of view and even hud have to be FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE with profiles. Everyone can have the game after his taste then and there will be no discussions or complaints.
If you're looking out the front windshield, as you do in GT5P, there is no blur effect, in real life...

Maybe if GT5 includes a wide-angle cockpit view (for 1080p players), you can have a slight speed-blurring effect at the side windows... but right now, it's just right.


I saw the title of this thread and thought it was about a rock CD... "Speedfeeling", the new album by Blur Effekt. :lol:
Also bear in mind perspective. If you're rushing past a close object, for example a wall at Daytona, then your brain can't process every detail of the wall as you're going past, so it appears blurred. When an object is further away, for example the Ferris wheel at Suzuka, it doesn't appear blurred because your perspective is wider so you see it for longer.

As far as I can tell, GT5P has this worked out just fine. Look to the side as you're flying past the spectators at Eiger and I doubt you'll be able to make them out too clearly (close perspective) but the mountains will be as clear as you'd see them in real life (wide perspective).

So no, I wouldn't like any extra blur.
i dont mean that things like the moutains on eiger or the wheel in suzuka. this things need to be clear would be unrealistic if they blur , but things that near the car like the fences or the beam barrier or the grass such things needing a speedblur not heavy like in arcade racers just a light realistic one. like in this video the things near the car bluring a bit in the cockpit view look for example at the fences. and that looks for me just more realistic. but well everyone got another opinion i just wanted to know that you think about that :) i would love to have such effect.
I think it's fine the way it is. I don't mind them using blur effects for the replays, though. Makes everything look a little "prettier" in a 3rd person perspective. Does anyone else feel like the replays are a little boring? I think they need to do more sweeping and closer shots like in the trailers so it'll be more dramatic. They have too many wide angle and far away shots that it just feels very bland when the cars are going by. I don't know what it is but it just feels like something is missing.
First: No motionblur! The sense of speed in GT5P is great, especially compared to other sims. "Flying" over the Nordschleife or Le Mans in GT4 was also awesome.
I dont know why people still say GT is lame in its speedfeeling, i think it simulates a realistic field of view perfectly.

Second: No stupid up-close shots in replays, there are already enough.
I wish they would make more TV like cameras so you can follow the RACE in the replays better. GT is not a game to look "kewl" or dramatic..
Who was arguing with you? I stated my opinion like others were and you came in here with something stuck up your ass and spazzed like a douche. Good going, chief!

The blurred roof cam in replay view look's like Project gotham racing 3-4 gameplay cam, spread out, makes the track look longer then it really is
No blur in real-life. Blur is a trick to make the game appear to be running faster, or to mask a lack of deatil. GT5: P gives a great impression of speed, and has a lot of detail. An option of light speed blur would be fine by me but I doubt I'd use it.
First: No motionblur! The sense of speed in GT5P is great, especially compared to other sims. "Flying" over the Nordschleife or Le Mans in GT4 was also awesome.
I dont know why people still say GT is lame in its speedfeeling, i think it simulates a realistic field of view perfectly.

Second: No stupid up-close shots in replays, there are already enough.
I wish they would make more TV like cameras so you can follow the RACE in the replays better. GT is not a game to look "kewl" or dramatic..
Totally agree... The sense of speed is spot on.

I also want the replays to be more TV like.
Did somebody piss in your Wheaties this morning? Lighten up!

Argument fail?


@ Quiet_Storm: You posted your opinion. G.T.Ace posted his opinion. Just because his opinion doesn't match yours, does not give you the right to be abusive.

This is a large forum.
Not everyone agrees with everyone else on everything.
A civil and well constucted argument is fine here.
Abuse is not an acceptable way out and may result action being taken by the :gtplanet: staff.
Totally agree... The sense of speed is spot on.

I also want the replays to be more TV like.

Agreed 👍 I remember the replays in GT1 (revolutionary at the time compared to other games' replays) were very good, and then GT2 spoiled it slightly by offering some odd camera angles that you wouldn't realistically get, which has continued with subsequent GT games.

@ Quiet_Storm: You posted your opinion. G.T.Ace posted his opinion. Just because his opinion doesn't match yours, does not give you the right to be abusive.

This is a large forum.
Not everyone agrees with everyone else on everything.
A civil and well constucted argument is fine here.
Abuse is not an acceptable way out and may result action being taken by the :gtplanet: staff.

How was that abusive? He came in here all high and mighty putting down everyone else's opinion and I simply asked if anybody pissed in his wheaties because he seems to be in a bad mood from his post. Then I told him to lighten up, you consider that abusive? Sensitive much? Go ahead and throw the Ban hammer if you want. I really couldn't care less. The internet is serious business, right?:lol:
G.T.Ace's post that you responded to - as bluntly as you did - wasn't in the slightest bit confrontational - he was simply stating his opinion that motion blur was unnecessary and that he didn't want any crazy camera angles. You then appeared to interpret that as if he was going off into a mad rage about it. He wasn't, not even slightly.

You've then managed to be quite confrontational in every post since then. Perhaps it's you that should try lightening up a little?

Oh, and inviting mods to ban you. Really intelligent.
Wait, so that was a dumb move on my part inviting them to ban me? Oh no...what have I done!!! Is it too late to take it back? I don't think I can survive and live my life to the fullest without GTP.:(
Do I really have to spell this out for you Quiet_Storm?

Your response to his opinion, whilst not abusive, was unnecessarily obscene.
I don't see any evidence of his post being "high & mighty", nor directed at anyone in particular. He posted his opinions in the same way as you did.

However, when you respond with something like this:

...and you came in here with something stuck up your ass and spazzed like a douche...

there's absolutely no doubt about that being abuse directed at someone, in this case G.T.Ace.
As I've explained to you in the PM you've recently received, this is in violation of our AUP. It's written there clearly for everyone to see.
Don't care to follow the rules? Don't bother posting here. Simple as.
I'm slow in the head so thanks for spelling it out. It really helped clear everything up and really show how intelligent you guys really are. Teach me!

First: No motionblur! The sense of speed in GT5P is great, especially compared to other sims. "Flying" over the Nordschleife or Le Mans in GT4 was also awesome.
I dont know why people still say GT is lame in its speedfeeling, i think it simulates a realistic field of view perfectly.

Second: No stupid up-close shots in replays, there are already enough.
I wish they would make more TV like cameras so you can follow the RACE in the replays better. GT is not a game to look "kewl" or dramatic..

I never knew my idea of a better and more dramatic replay system was stupid.:lol:

Edit: Thanks for using the underscore when you typed out my name. I really appreciate it. I get irritated when people just type out Quiet Storm. It's not Quiet Storm, it's Quiet_Storm.:)
Wow, you're really not getting this are you?

In your opinion the replays need more close ups.

In his opinion the replay close ups* are stupid and he doesn't want more.

* Highlighted for clarity

Which you've translated as "He thinks I'm stupid" and have hence gone into an abusive and confrontational pickle.

He's never mentioned you, or your opinion in his post, just that he thinks the replay close ups are stupid.
Just because this comes in a post that happens to be directly after yours does not necessarily mean it's directed at you or your personal opinion.

As I've said before there are differences of opinion about many things on :gtplanet:, however, you need to learn to deal with these differences objectively without reacting abusively like an immature child. It is you that have been oversensitive in determining that someone else's use of the word "stupid" is somehow directed at you.

Now, shall we draw a line under this?
Or would you like your shovel back so you can carry on digging? ;)
Can you run that by me one more time? I got a little confused with all the underlining and bold words. I'm also not sure about this but I think you called me an immature child in your post? You're being abusive man!:lol: Also, how am I supposed to keep digging when you gave me back a broken shovel? Got another one? Should we take this to PM because the original topic is over here and this thread went way over ----------------------------------------------------------------------------->here. Needs to be turned back around.