boiltheocean: Britcar

Wow your panning is beyond incredible, it really shows especially in the shot of the R8 LMS.
Mac K
Wow your panning is beyond incredible, it really shows especially in the shot of the R8 LMS.

Thanks, panning is something I've had an on/off experience with. If you go back to 2009 and my first race with a DSLR I got a fair amount of sharp shots yet as you may notice in my images from the Donington Historic festival earlier this year I haven't included a single pan because I didn't take any sharp enough. It's a technique I wanted to work on when I attended the British GT round and I'm pleased with the amount of pans I came away with, it certainly gives me more confidence going into next season, possibly working on film.

Awesome work. 👍

Shutter priority with manual focus or if the lens and body are powerful enough I'll use continuous AF. Full manual is far too much hassle for any motorsports shooting IMO. In my experience you can cover every situation with shutter, aperture and exposure compensation.

Adam does some pretty damn good pans so it might be worth asking him nicely for tips.
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Oh, I was just curious; I myself use shutter priority and AI Servo for the AF. More or less have the same thoughts on shooting manual for events. I still find myself really manual for late night landscape shots.

Also, I'm actually unaware of who Adam is at the moment...
Adam is Speedster502. 👍

Tom: Have you got anything from your EOS5 (?) + 17-40L yet? I'm quite interested in the results.
Adam is Speedster502. 👍

Tom: Have you got anything from your EOS5 (?) + 17-40L yet? I'm quite interested in the results.

Thanks on the Adam bit.

I don't think he has the 5D yet. If you are curious about the 5D with the 17-40mm, I have some shots over on my flickr with that setup. It is magic for landscapes and tight spaces.
Adam does some pretty damn good pans so it might be worth asking him nicely for tips.

Haha, just seen this. Thanks! Although your panning is pretty damn good if I'm honest - I've seen media photographers that do a lot worse than what you do with your limited equipment and limited access.

In regards to panning itself, I personally shoot shutter priority then exposure compensation depending on the conditions. I also use AI Servo. That's about it really, then just making sure the pan is smooth and consistant. For head on's etc I'll use aperture priority. I don't think I've ever ventured into full manual for motorsport events, when the pressure is on to get particular shots it's not worth the hassle.

Some really nice work here, I really think you did well at British GT considering the frankly awful conditions that you (and I) had on the Sunday. But that GT-R shot is still one of my favourites I've seen from the entire event. The BMX race shots are also really good, full of action and I'm loving the PP on them. Really top work. 👍

It'd be good to meet up sometime next year if your about - I know I said about it before BGT but things didn't go entirely to plan, I should be at Donington a couple of times in 2012, so I'll have to let you know.
Tom: Have you got anything from your EOS5 (?) + 17-40L yet? I'm quite interested in the results.

Sadly not yet, I shot a roll of black and white but I've not yet had the chance to get it developed. It's a very nice camera body to use though considering it's age, I'd highly recommend picking one up to live alongside a digital counterpart.

It'd be good to meet up sometime next year if your about - I know I said about it before BGT but things didn't go entirely to plan, I should be at Donington a couple of times in 2012, so I'll have to let you know.

Oh Yes! I think the first event I'll be attending is the Donington Historic Festival in May, Group C should be featuring again and I hope to go both days this year. If you've yet to see a Group C race I would urge you to attend, the noise and speed are on another planet compared to GT cars. Seeing a Mercedes Benz C11 effortlessly sweep down the Craner Curves at 180mph is one of my favourite ever sights at Donington, to put in a lap of 59 seconds on the national circuit is mind-blowing.
I just realized you guys were talking about an EOS5, not a 5D.

Oh boy, the things that sleep deprivation result in.
Finally finished off my first roll of film in the 5, most of the shots were underexposed due to my noobishness/forced habit with the a200. I was only really looking forward to 1 or 2 shots anyway and I'm happy with the result. The 17-40 F/4L is unbelievably sharp with wonderful contrast.

Not sure if I prefer black and white or colour so I uploaded one of both, I kinda like the insane vignette on the black and white, to me it seems so much more dramatic and fitting with the weather of the day. However the colour shows off the brilliant light I had to work with better in my opinion.
Definitely prefer the colour version more, although I suspect that B/W would look amazing if you used something like Pan F and devved it in Rodinal. Stick some Portra or Ektar in that sucker, then you'll see how amazing your lens really is.
Yeah I'd love to try some more professional film and develop it myself. Need to do some research into chemicals, tanks and prices.
Some of you guys must think I live at Donington Park by now, to be honest I wouldn't mind it :lol: These were from the museum as it was raining outside and I wanted something to test the 5D2 on.

Thanks 👍

Spent the day exploring Cannock Chase with my dad, ended up finding loads of untapped trails. Anyway, I was kinda pleased with how these came out.



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First two are great but I find have a bit too much detail in the surroundings which detract from your dad but that last one is fantastic. 👍

Uber jelly about your new toy, too.... :)
Thanks man, the surrounding detail being a bit overpowering is the general consensus from everywhere I've posted them. There is a DH race at Cannock Chase this Sunday so I think I'll work my way out there and try convert crit into results.
So I went to that DH race and I spent the day feeling a little under-equipped compared to the others around me with long tele's and flashguns. It was fun anyway. I'll be going to more races once I get a 70-200 as it would really help in getting closer to the corners without certain marshalls having a fit. :lol:

Oh wow. It's been a while since I stepped foot in here. Great shots Tom. I'm digging the wide angle shots of the corner, although I wish that fat marshal would have kept out of your shots! He's not so intrusive on the b&w ones but he really stands out on the colour ones with that safety vest. The Donington Park museum shots are pretty awesome too! 👍
Those are some amazing cars and shots. I especially like the BW Merc shots and the last one. I wish they had events of this scale here in Holland, but they don't as far as I know. I'd have to go to the UK to see cars like this. Great work though! 👍
Thanks Aussies! :P:tup:

Just a little touched you still remember where I live after all this time :P.

Last two sets are strong. Best stuff is the off-track stuff but it always will be as you have infinate ways to take a shot. As I am sure you know, there are only so many ways you can take shot of a car going past. Your on track stuff is really cool too - fav would have to be the Sauber. 👍
I'm trying to keep the ball rolling so I spent Saturday at the Blancpain Endurance Series at Silverstone, it started pretty damp and cold but towards midday things started to look up. This is my first visit to Silverstone in 2 years and the first I've really tried any on-track work so forgive me if some of these angles have been done to death.

I really warmed to Silverstone, the track is very photographer friendly with plenty of chances to get high and low around most of it. That is of course dependant on the grandstands being open, something that was rather hit and miss on the Saturday.













Thanks for looking, C+C always welcome. Next stop is Rockingham for British GT in just under a week.
Number 2 all the way for me! :drool: WoW! Really like the shots and the angles are nice imo as well. Both Speedster and you produced some great shots at that event. Kudos!

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